
Who is Sun Wukong's biological mother? Sun Wukong saw the answer in the book of life and death, not Nuwa

author:Read the classics deeply

"Journey to the West" was born hundreds of years ago, but in today's fast-growing Internet era, "Journey to the West" is still popular. Why does "Journey to the West" endure? In addition to the ups and downs of the plot of the whole book, and the flesh and blood of the characters in the book, this novel of gods and demons seems to be easy to understand, but it is actually broad and profound, even if the whole book ends at the end of the play, there are still many unsolved mysteries.

Who is Sun Wukong's biological mother? Sun Wukong saw the answer in the book of life and death, not Nuwa

is like Monkey King's enlightenment teacher, Bodhi Patriarch, who is his real body? According to their own judgment, readers conclude that the Bodhi Patriarch may be Taishang Laojun, or the Buddha, and some mythology lovers believe that the Bodhi Patriarch is very likely to be the Tongtian Sect Master in "The Romance of the Gods".

In addition, Sun Wukong's life experience is also full of mysteries, who is his biological mother?

1. The mystery of Sun Wukong's biological mother

In the first chapter of "Journey to the West", it is written in the book that there is a country overseas, called Proud Country. The country is close to the sea, and there is a mountain in the sea, which is called Huaguo Mountain. This mountain is the ancestral vein of the ten continents, the dragon of the three islands, since the opening of the turbidity and standing, Hongmeng after the judgment. What a mountain! On that mountain, right on the top, there is a fairy stone. Its stone is three feet six feet five inches high, and has two feet and four feet around the circle. 3 zhang 6 feet 5 inches high, 365 degrees per week; Two feet and four feet around the circle, according to the political calendar twenty-four gas. There are nine holes and eight holes, according to the nine palace gossip. There are no trees on all sides to shade it, and there are Zhilan on the left and right. Since the opening of the cover, every innocent show, the day and the moon, feel for a long time, then have the meaning of well-informed.

It is written very clearly here that Huaguo Mountain, the birthplace of Sun Wukong, was formed when Hongmeng first opened, and as for the fairy stone that gave birth to Sun Wukong, it was "since the beginning of the world" and stood on the top of Huaguo Mountain to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon.

Seeing this, many readers must think that Sun Wukong's biological mother is Nuwa Niangniang. It's just because Nuwa has the feat of making up for the sky with spirit stones. When Nuwa was mending the sky, she accidentally dropped a spirit stone, and this spirit stone fell to the top of Huaguo Mountain, which was the fairy stone that gave birth to Sun Wukong.

Who is Sun Wukong's biological mother? Sun Wukong saw the answer in the book of life and death, not Nuwa

Will Sun Wukong's biological mother be Nuwa?

Second, is it Nuwa?

We know that Nuwa also has the legend of kneading the soil to create people, and Nuwa's spirit stone to make up for the sky was after kneading the soil to make people, when Nuwa saw that there was a big hole in the sky and didn't want human beings to suffer a catastrophe, so there was a follow-up move to make up for the sky.

But the author mentioned earlier that the immortal stone that gave birth to Sun Wukong is "covered since it was opened", which is equivalent to saying that the heaven and earth have just separated, and the immortal stone has already stood on the top of Huaguo Mountain, which is obviously many years earlier than Nuwa mending the sky.

It is worth mentioning that under the setting of the author Wu Chengen, Nuwa is not someone else, but an incarnation of Taishang Laojun. In the 35th chapter of "Journey to the West", it is written that there is a Taishang Ancestor who dissolves the name of Nuwa, refines stones to make up for the sky, and saves the Yanfu world.

In addition, when Sun Wukong escaped from the gossip furnace, Taishang Laojun came to stop him, but he was pushed by Sun Wukong, causing Taishang Laojun to fall to the ground. If Taishang Laojun is really the "creator" of Sun Wukong, then Sun Monkey's move to overthrow Taishang Laojun will not become a great rebellion? This is obviously not in line with the setting that Wu Chengen left in the original book.

Who is Sun Wukong's biological mother? Sun Wukong saw the answer in the book of life and death, not Nuwa

Coincidentally, Sun Wukong embarked on the road of learning scriptures and came to the country of black chickens. In order to resurrect the drowned king of the Wuji Kingdom, Sun Wukong flew to Tushi Palace with a somersault. It is written in the book, and the walker saluted the Taishang Laojun and smiled: "Old official, you haven't taken a sa hit, what's the matter with me?" I don't do that anymore. Lao Jun said: "Your monkey, five hundred years ago, made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace, stole my elixir and ate countless pills, and the little saint Erlang captured the upper realm and sent it to my Dan furnace for forty-nine days, and I don't know how much charcoal spent." Now you are fortunate to get out, take refuge in the Buddha's fruit, Bao Tang monk to the west to learn scriptures, the former on the Pingding Mountain to subdue demons, make trouble, not with my baby, what do you do today? ”

You see, Sun Wukong calls Taishang Laojun "old official", and Taishang Laojun calls Sun Wukong "that monkey", where will the two of them be "mother-son relationship"?

In fact, the author Wu Chengen has already told the key clues from the perspective of Sun Wukong.

3. There are answers in the book of life and death

At that time, Sun Wukong learned the art of immortality, seventy-two changes and somersault clouds in Fangcun Mountain, but because he was showing off his magical powers in front of his senior brothers, he was driven out of the "Bodhi Academy" by the Bodhi Patriarch.

Sun Wukong, who went down the mountain, flew back to Huaguo Mountain with a somersault cloud, jumped off the iron plate bridge of the Water Curtain Cave at the suggestion of the old monkey, and snatched the golden hoop stick of the Dragon King of the East China Sea in the Crystal Palace.

Who is Sun Wukong's biological mother? Sun Wukong saw the answer in the book of life and death, not Nuwa

It didn't take long for Sun Wukong and the Bull Demon King and other demon kings to get drunk. In his sleep, he was seduced by two ghosts, only to see the ghost take out the soul hook rope and take away Sun Wukong's soul, Sun Wukong could only stumble and follow the ghost to the depths of the underworld.

When he walked to the gate of the Netherworld, Sun Wukong saw the three big words "Netherworld" on the plaque, and he immediately woke up. Seeing the two fierce and vicious ghosts pulling themselves into the netherworld, Sun Wukong immediately understood everything. He raised the golden hoop stick and knocked the ghost into pulp, and simply broke into the underworld, and with the golden hoop stick in his hand, he frightened the king of the ten halls of Hades.

Under the deterrence of Sun Wukong, the king of the Ten Palaces of Hades could only hold the book of birth and death for Sun Wukong to read. Sun Wukong finally discovered his name in the 1350th pick of the soul number. Sun Wukong looked at it fixedly, and saw a line of words written on it: Sun Wukong, a natural stone monkey, three hundred and forty-two years old, died well.

Who is Sun Wukong's biological mother? Sun Wukong saw the answer in the book of life and death, not Nuwa

A "natural birth" shows that Sun Wukong is really born of heaven and earth, and he has nothing to do with Nuwa or even Taishang Laojun. This can also explain that when Sun Wukong passed by Wuzhuang Temple, he obviously ate ginseng fruit and overthrew the ginseng fruit tree. But Zhen Yuanzi still became brothers with Sun Wukong afterwards.

You must know that Zhen Yuanzi became an old friend with Tang Seng's previous life, Jin Chanzi, more than 500 years ago, and now he is a brother with Tang Seng's apprentice Sun Wukong. Zhen Yuanzi's move undoubtedly lowered his status, but why did he enjoy it?

The answer is very simple, Zhen Yuanzi knows that Sun Wukong was born of heaven and earth, and Zhen Yuanzi worships heaven and earth, so he naturally wants to become brothers with Sun Wukong.