
Some people ask: Why is it that the United States has no history but has been able to design an advanced state system?

author:Brush strokes floating dust

The United States is a young country, with a history of more than 240 years from independence to the present, and it can indeed be said that there is no history compared to the history of human civilization. However, at the beginning of the founding of the country, the United States designed the most advanced state system at that time - the separation of powers.

The wisdom contained in this is admired by the rest of the world. Why does the United States lack historical accumulation, but it can design an advanced state system?

Some people ask: Why is it that the United States has no history but has been able to design an advanced state system?

The United States is designing the state system on a blank sheet of paper. Since the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus, the door has been opened to European colonization of the Americas. European immigrants who came to this new continent were free to build a new life on this virgin land. They were not shackled by the feudal forces of the old continent and had the opportunity to break the old framework and establish a new order.

With the signing of the Mayflower Convention of 1620, further preparations were made for the colonists to establish self-government. So fundamentally, the American continent is a blank slate politically, providing a good opportunity for institutional innovation to create advanced institutions.

Some people ask: Why is it that the United States has no history but has been able to design an advanced state system?

The history of the United Kingdom provides important lessons for the founders of the United States. The Glorious Revolution of 1688, which established a constitutional monarchy, was an important inspiration for the founding fathers of the United States. But the Americans, too, saw the drawbacks of a constitutional monarchy and were determined to find a better path on the American continent. The lessons of Britain made the Americans determined to establish a system of government that could truly check and balance power.

Some people ask: Why is it that the United States has no history but has been able to design an advanced state system?

The ideas of the European Enlightenment had a profound influence on the founders of the United States. Locke's idea of natural human rights and Rousseau's theory of the social contract both provided a theoretical basis for the independence of the United States and the establishment of a new government. Jefferson absorbed the essence of these ideas when he drafted the Declaration of Independence, which laid the foundation for the founding of the United States.

The advantage of virginity, the lessons of Britain, and the inspiration of European thought contributed to the United States designing the most advanced political system at that time on a blank sheet of paper. The idea of separation of powers and checks and balances gave the United States a strong ability to resist tyranny at the beginning of its founding, and also made the United States a banner of world democratic politics at that time.

Some people ask: Why is it that the United States has no history but has been able to design an advanced state system?

However, the separation of powers in the United States has also exposed many problems in the practice of more than two centuries. The executive, legislative, and judicial branches are excessively divided, and there is a lack of effective coordination among the three, resulting in inefficient decision-making. This is in sharp contrast to the original intention of preventing excessive concentration of power at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The massive involvement of capital has distorted the original meaning of the separation of powers. Under the influence of money politics, the US government has become a voice for capital and interest groups, rather than a servant of the people as a whole.

The vicious fighting between the two parties has made it difficult for the government to function. The life-and-death rivalry between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party has made policy decisions often a tool for the game between the two parties, and the vital interests of the people have been put aside.

Some people ask: Why is it that the United States has no history but has been able to design an advanced state system?

In addition to these, the U.S. judiciary faces a number of challenges. The tenure system of Supreme Court justices often makes them far removed from public opinion and lacks proper judgment on major social issues. The system of electing ordinary judges is also susceptible to manipulation by capital, and cannot guarantee judicial impartiality.

The boundaries between the judiciary and the executive branch are not clear, and the two sometimes collide excessively. It is also difficult for ordinary people to have a fair opportunity to litigate. These issues also threaten the very nature of constitutional democracy in the United States.

Some people ask: Why is it that the United States has no history but has been able to design an advanced state system?

The separation of powers in the United States shows many drawbacks today. It must be refined and reformed to suit today's situation. It is necessary to strengthen the coordination and cooperation between the three powers to improve the efficiency of decision-making; stricter laws to limit the undue influence of capital on politics; reforming the electoral system to weaken the bipartisan monopoly; increasing channels for direct citizen participation, and so on.

If these problems are not fundamentally addressed, the democratic system in the United States will gradually become hollow and rigid.

Some people ask: Why is it that the United States has no history but has been able to design an advanced state system?

In the future, the United States must maintain an open and inclusive mindset, absorb the essence of political civilization from all countries in the world, reform and improve its own system, and keep it in step with the times. China's reform and opening up over the past 40 years has given us many inspirations. If a political system is to continue to progress, it must face up to problems, actively carry out reforms, and adapt to the expectations of the people and the demands of the times.

Some people ask: Why is it that the United States has no history but has been able to design an advanced state system?

From a larger perspective, the political system needs to be continuously improved in order to make a country stable for a long time. Many dynasties in history have accumulated too many defects in the process of prosperity and decline and finally collapsed. To maintain the vitality of a political system, it is necessary to maintain an open and inclusive mindset, self-innovation, and keep pace with the times.

The ancients said that the people's will is the biggest politics. In its Declaration of Independence, the United States put forward the concept of "the nature of the people", and this concept should be better reflected in the American political system. The political system should serve the full development of the human being, not make people fall victim to it.

Some people ask: Why is it that the United States has no history but has been able to design an advanced state system?

Mankind is now in an era full of changes, and the United States should absorb the essence of the world's political civilization with an open mind and make its own democratic system glow with new vitality. #头条创作挑战赛#

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