
The 3 women in "The Story of Rose" reflect 3 age groups, Su Su is 30 years old, and Bai Xiaohe is 40 years old


Text: Dead leaf butterfly

The 3 women in "The Story of Rose" reflect 3 age groups, Su Su is 30 years old, and Bai Xiaohe is 40 years old
The 3 women in "The Story of Rose" reflect 3 age groups, Su Su is 30 years old, and Bai Xiaohe is 40 years old

Every woman in "The Story of Roses" has a special sense of story, and the ending is all good.

Guan Zhizhi counterattacked and became a strong woman in the workplace with the support of a big man, and Tina was in love with her little boyfriend in her 40s.

Guan Zhizhi's life is too lucky, ordinary people are out of reach, I am not optimistic about Tina's ending, and now she is chic and old.

The three female characters in the play are the most representative, Huang Yimei, Su Su and Bai Xiaohe, and the states and mentalities represented by these three people reflect women of three ages.

Huang Yimei, who pursues love and excitement, is like a little girl in her 20s.

Susu, who is happy in marriage, is the ideal of a 30-year-old woman.

As long as her son doesn't want a man, Bai Xiaohe is like a 40-year-old woman who has experienced the bitterness of marriage.

The 3 women in "The Story of Rose" reflect 3 age groups, Su Su is 30 years old, and Bai Xiaohe is 40 years old


20-year-old girl pursues the thrill of love

A 20-year-old girl has a lot of capital to pursue love, at this age, she is young, beautiful, enthusiastic, and has the capital to start all over again.

Love is the main theme of this age, and it doesn't consider weighing the pros and cons, doesn't care about material and family, and only cares about love and non-love.

In the past few years, girls can love wantonly, play wantonly, be together if they like, and separate at any time if they don't like.

Huang Yimei is very lucky, others can live like this at the age of 20, but she has enough capital to live like this for the rest of her life.

Huang Yimei was born noble, there was never a shortage of material and spiritual, and all she had to do in this life was to be herself.

The 3 women in "The Story of Rose" reflect 3 age groups, Su Su is 30 years old, and Bai Xiaohe is 40 years old

She will not be bound by any role, she will not wash her hands and make soup because she is a mother, and she will not compromise because of marriage.

Who Huang Yimei is with is because she likes it, and when she separates from that person, it is because she no longer likes it and never mixes with other things.

Therefore, Huang Yimei can quickly let go of one person and fall in love with another person, and has not given up the so-called inappropriate person because of age, nor will she choose not to love because of birth, old age, sickness and death.

This bravery is very similar to a girl in her 20s, and the state of her life is also what many girls in their 20s want to live.

But in fact, many girls can't do it, because ordinary girls don't have the capital to be able to spend their lives wantonly, and after age benefits, they have to be defeated by reality.

Relatively speaking, Su Su is the destination pursued by most women, especially girls who are about 30 years old and ready to enter marriage, who does not aspire to have a marriage like Su Su.

The 3 women in "The Story of Rose" reflect 3 age groups, Su Su is 30 years old, and Bai Xiaohe is 40 years old

A 30-year-old woman longs for marital happiness

Anyone who has experienced it knows that when you are in your 20s, you like handsome, loved, and romantic boys.

At that age, I always felt that it was very face-saving to fall in love with good-looking boys, and my boyfriend would be very happy to be romantic, and this happiness had nothing to do with money or material.

But when you are about 30 years old, when you really want to choose a life partner, these things are not important at all, and what is more important is economic strength, original family, and character quality.

Every girl who is about to get married, the fantasy of the marriage state should be like Su Su, the in-laws are sensible about the money, the husband is considerate, and there is a lovely son.

Su Su's life can be said to have achieved a counterattack because of marriage, which completely made up for the lack of happiness in her childhood.

The 3 women in "The Story of Rose" reflect 3 age groups, Su Su is 30 years old, and Bai Xiaohe is 40 years old

The man she chooses is not the most handsome, nor the most romantic, but definitely the most cost-effective.

Good family, good quality, good education, such a man is especially suitable for being a spouse, a man from a family like Huang Zhenhua will never have a big change of face before and after marriage like Fang Xiewen.

When choosing a mate, you have to choose according to this criterion, even if you don't love it, he will respect you enough, and it is decent to separate.

The reason why Su Su's marriage is the envy of a 30-year-old woman is because there are too few such marriages in reality.

Once you enter marriage, the originally good life becomes a chicken feather, with conflicts between husband and wife, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, economic conflicts, and the relationship between husband and wife deteriorates, ...... annoying.

It is really not easy to want a happy marriage, and many women live in an unhappy marriage for various factors, and they are tasteless and unable to give up.

The 3 women in "The Story of Rose" reflect 3 age groups, Su Su is 30 years old, and Bai Xiaohe is 40 years old

A 40-year-old mature woman understands the essence of happiness

After women have experienced marital hardships, what so-called love, happiness, and romance are all unimportant.

Many women's hearts will harden, and they will no longer crave men to love them, and they will no longer be stupid enough to have a good relationship with their in-laws.

Women at this stage, especially like Bai Xiaohe in the play, in addition to themselves and their parents and children, they definitely don't want to have anything to do with superfluous people because of trouble.

is worthy of being a high-achieving female doctor, Bai Xiaohe's consciousness is only exchanged for more than ten years of suffering by many women, and people understand it from the beginning.

Bai Xiaohe was very lucky, from the beginning, he didn't think about focusing on finding a man, concentrating on his career, turning himself into a strong man, and having the ability to live a decent life in this society without relying on anyone.

The 3 women in "The Story of Rose" reflect 3 age groups, Su Su is 30 years old, and Bai Xiaohe is 40 years old

Women's explosiveness is very strong, but many people use the wrong direction from the beginning and spend their energy on their husband's family, which ultimately delays the opportunity to grow up and makes themselves ordinary.

When I suffered from marriage and really understood, I wanted to grow up, but I found that I was too old and out of touch with society, and it was difficult to turn over.

I dare to conclude that after ten years of marriage, 99% of women want to live like Bai Xiaohe.

I don't want to waste my energy and time on men who don't love me, I just want to work hard to become strong and love myself and my children.

Even if you start to realize at the age of 40, it's not too late to start from scratch, but it's difficult, and of course, if you can realize it earlier, it would be better.

The 3 women in "The Story of Rose" reflect 3 age groups, Su Su is 30 years old, and Bai Xiaohe is 40 years old


A 20-year-old girl wants love, a 30-year-old woman wants to be happy, and a 40-year-old woman loves herself, it's just a different choice at each stage.

We can't control the state of mind of each period, but we can do everything with the capital of choice.

Don't give up on growing up just because you have something at a certain time, and wait until you don't have it before you want to get back on your feet.

We should always put career and growth first, just like the women in the play, and the rest of the things are icing on the cake, with or without, it will not hurt us.

The 3 women in "The Story of Rose" reflect 3 age groups, Su Su is 30 years old, and Bai Xiaohe is 40 years old