
Do you live a long life, just look at the heart rate? Reminder: After the age of 55, it is healthier to maintain this heart rate

author:Surgeon Dr. Lee
Do you live a long life, just look at the heart rate? Reminder: After the age of 55, it is healthier to maintain this heart rate

Disclaimer: The content of the article is for reference only, the storyline is purely fictional, intended to popularize health knowledge, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline.

"Can heart rate predict our lifespan?" The issue has sparked a heated discussion online.

Some people say that as long as you maintain a certain heart rate range, you can stay away from diseases and live longer.

But others question this claim, arguing that it is an oversimplification.

Who's right, exactly? The question is puzzling and arouses intense curiosity.

Do you live a long life, just look at the heart rate? Reminder: After the age of 55, it is healthier to maintain this heart rate

Dr. Wang is poring over a patient's examination report.

The patient's name is Mr. Li, a bank clerk in his 50s, who usually has a lot of work pressure and irregular life and rest.

Some time ago, Mr. Li saw an article on the Internet, saying that as long as the heart rate after the age of 55 is maintained between 60-70 beats per minute, the life expectancy can be greatly improved.

So he began to keep an eye on his heart rate and try to adjust his daily routine to try his best to stabilize his heart rate within this range.

Do you live a long life, just look at the heart rate? Reminder: After the age of 55, it is healthier to maintain this heart rate

But recently, Mr. Li has been feeling flustered and chest tightness from time to time, and the doctor advised him to have a comprehensive check-up immediately.

After careful diagnosis, Dr. Wang found that although Mr. Lee's heart function was normal, he did have some problems that required further treatment.

"I'm curious, the Internet says that heart rate can predict lifespan, is this also a rumor?" Mr. Li asked anxiously, "I have been trying very hard to keep my heart rate within that range, but new problems have arisen. "

Do you live a long life, just look at the heart rate? Reminder: After the age of 55, it is healthier to maintain this heart rate

Dr. Wang pondered for a moment and patiently explained to Mr. Li, "Your question is indeed very reasonable.

There has been some controversy in the medical community about the relationship between heart rate and longevity.

But I can tell you that things are not exactly as simple as they say online. "

Dr. Wang then opened a medical book and began to explain the issue to Mr. Li in detail.

Do you live a long life, just look at the heart rate? Reminder: After the age of 55, it is healthier to maintain this heart rate

"First of all, let's be clear that heart rate alone is not a direct predictor of a person's lifespan."

"Heart rate is only a basic physiological indicator of the heart, and it is affected by many factors, such as age, gender, emotional state, and so on.

And what really affects lifespan is often a person's overall health. "

Do you live a long life, just look at the heart rate? Reminder: After the age of 55, it is healthier to maintain this heart rate

According to studies, the resting heart rate of middle-aged adults is typically between 60 and 100 beats per minute, which is considered the normal range [1].

However, if your heart rate is too high or too low, it may be a sign of some underlying medical condition.

For example, a persistently high heart rate may be associated with high blood pressure, heart disease, etc., while a persistently low heart rate may indicate a lack of blood supply to the heart or a neurological disorder [2].

"So, it's not about whether your heart rate falls within a certain range exactly, it's about whether it's maintained

Do you live a long life, just look at the heart rate? Reminder: After the age of 55, it is healthier to maintain this heart rate

In a reasonably steady state. "If there is a significant fluctuation in the heart rate, or if it is outside the normal range, it may mean that there is something abnormal in the body that needs to be taken seriously." "

Dr. Ong further explained that age is also an important factor in heart rate.

In general, a person's basal heart rate gradually decreases as they age. Therefore, maintaining a heart rate range of 60-70 beats per minute after the age of 55 does have some health implications for many people [3].

But it doesn't mean that this is a fixed "longevity code".

Do you live a long life, just look at the heart rate? Reminder: After the age of 55, it is healthier to maintain this heart rate

"The key is to assess your heart rate level on an individual basis."

"If you already have some heart or other chronic conditions, this range may not be right for you.

Conversely, if you're already healthy, staying within this range may not necessarily bring you additional benefits. "

Do you live a long life, just look at the heart rate? Reminder: After the age of 55, it is healthier to maintain this heart rate

After careful analysis, Dr. Wang found that Mr. Li's abnormal heart rate was mainly caused by excessive pressure at work for a long time.

In order to cope with this situation, the doctor advised Mr. Li to adjust his work and life schedule appropriately, exercise properly, and have regular heart check-ups to ensure that his heart is healthy.

In the following course of treatment, Dr. Wang has been closely monitoring the changes in Mr. Li's condition.

After a period of conditioning, Mr. Li's heart rate gradually stabilized and his physical condition improved significantly.

Do you live a long life, just look at the heart rate? Reminder: After the age of 55, it is healthier to maintain this heart rate

Through this incident, Dr. Wang realized that in the age of Internet information, people are more susceptible to simplistic and absolutist views.

For some health-related issues, we need to be rational and cautious, and not easily believe those claims that have not been scientifically verified.

Do you live a long life, just look at the heart rate? Reminder: After the age of 55, it is healthier to maintain this heart rate

"Maintaining a good heart rate level really contributes to our health and longevity.

But this is not an absolute standard, let alone a 'secret to longevity'. "

Dr. Wang concluded, "We need to work closely with doctors based on our own actual situation to truly identify and solve various potential problems in the body through comprehensive conditioning and management, and move towards a healthy and long life." "

[1] Zhao XX, et al. (2018). Chinese Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases, 46(2), 145-150.

[2] Li XX, et al. (2020). Chin J Clin Med, 38(4), 321-327.

[3] Zhang XX, et al. (2021). Chinese Journal of Geriatrics, 41(6), 612-618.

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