
The doctor reminded me again and again: when you are old, you would rather drink two sips of wine than touch these kinds of food!

author:Surgeon Dr. Lee
The doctor reminded me again and again: when you are old, you would rather drink two sips of wine than touch these kinds of food!

Disclaimer: The content of the article is for reference only, the storyline is purely fictional, intended to popularize health knowledge, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline.

It was a gloomy and gloomy winter day, with white clouds pressing down on the city and heavy snowfall.

The 63-year-old man Zhang sat on his small balcony, took a deep breath, and slowly looked at the sky in the distance.

Although it was bitterly cold outside, he felt as if there was a fire burning inside his body, and the whole person was a little uncomfortable.

The doctor reminded me again and again: when you are old, you would rather drink two sips of wine than touch these kinds of food!

Mr. Zhang is a retired director of a woodware factory.

He usually likes all kinds of stimulating foods, such as chili, coriander, kimchi, etc., and he has to eat enough at every meal. In addition, he is a fond of some spirits, and often has a few drinks with his old friends.

There, he would always talk about the past in the factory at the wine table.

The doctor reminded me again and again: when you are old, you would rather drink two sips of wine than touch these kinds of food!

Just a few days ago, Mr. Zhang accidentally stumbled and fell into the living room at home.

The children rushed him to the hospital, and after examination, the doctor judged that he may have some uncomfortable symptoms due to long-term drinking and improper eating habits, which led to impaired liver and kidney function.

At this time, Mr. Zhang's son Zhang Qiang and daughter Xiaohong were waiting outside the ward for the doctor's diagnosis.

They were very worried about their father's condition, after all, his father had always been an iron man and had never been seriously ill.

The doctor reminded me again and again: when you are old, you would rather drink two sips of wine than touch these kinds of food!

Just then, the doctor pushed the door open and walked in front of them.

"Hello, I am Mr. Zhang's attending doctor.

After some examination, we found that Mr. Zhang's current liver and kidney function indicators are abnormal to a certain extent, mainly due to long-term drinking and improper diet. "

As he spoke, the doctor took out a medical monograph from his bosom and began to flip through it.

The doctor reminded me again and again: when you are old, you would rather drink two sips of wine than touch these kinds of food!

"You see, there's a lot of research here on the impact of dietary structure and lifestyle habits on the health of older people."

The doctor pointed to the contents of the book and explained seriously, "With age, the metabolic functions of the human body will gradually decline, and some improper lifestyles, such as excessive drinking and picky eating, will cause certain damage to important organs such as the liver and kidneys. "

Hearing the doctor's words, Zhang Qiang and Xiaohong looked at each other, and they realized that their father might really have something wrong recently.

"Doctor, can you tell us specifically what kind of diet and lifestyle habits our father usually had that might have adversely affected his body?" Xiaohong asked eagerly.

The doctor reminded me again and again: when you are old, you would rather drink two sips of wine than touch these kinds of food!

"Okay, I'll summarize it for you." The doctor nodded, "First of all, long-term heavy alcohol consumption can overburden the liver and lead to liver damage.

Secondly, some spicy and irritating foods, such as chili peppers and hot sauces, may also irritate the stomach and intestines and cause digestive tract diseases.

In addition, if you consume too much high-fat and high-protein meat foods, such as beef, mutton, barbecue, etc., the burden on the kidneys will also increase.

In conclusion, the elderly should try to avoid these eating habits that are not conducive to physical health. "

The doctor reminded me again and again: when you are old, you would rather drink two sips of wine than touch these kinds of food!

After listening to the doctor's analysis, Zhang Qiang and Xiaohong immediately understood, "I see, it seems that our father's diet and lifestyle have indeed caused a lot of damage to his body.

Do you have any suggestions on how we can help him improve?"

The doctor reminded me again and again: when you are old, you would rather drink two sips of wine than touch these kinds of food!

"This is a very important issue." The doctor said solemnly, "I suggest that you can make some healthy diet and life plans for your father, for example, you can appropriately reduce the intake of spicy and irritating foods, and eat more light and balanced diets, such as vegetables, fruits, soy products, etc."

Also, control your alcohol intake and try not to drink too often.

In addition, ensuring adequate sleep and doing some light exercises, such as walking, tai chi, etc., are also conducive to enhancing physical fitness. As long as you can keep doing this, I am sure that your father's physical condition will improve. "

The doctor reminded me again and again: when you are old, you would rather drink two sips of wine than touch these kinds of food!

Zhang Qiang and Xiaohong carefully wrote down the doctor's advice and felt very useful.

They are grateful that the doctor was so attentive to his father's advice and decided to help him develop a good lifestyle as soon as possible.

The doctor reminded me again and again: when you are old, you would rather drink two sips of wine than touch these kinds of food!

At this moment, there was movement in the ward, and I saw Old Man Zhang slowly open his eyes, and when he saw his children beside him, he couldn't help but be a little puzzled, "Why are you all here?" Is something wrong?"

Zhang Qiang hurriedly held his father's hand, "Dad, you accidentally fell just now, we will send you to the hospital quickly."

After the doctor's examination, he said that there are some problems with your liver and kidney function, which may be caused by long-term alcohol consumption and improper diet. "

The doctor reminded me again and again: when you are old, you would rather drink two sips of wine than touch these kinds of food!

When Old Man Zhang heard this, his face suddenly sank, "What? Could it be that something is wrong with my lifestyle over the years? But I've always felt healthy!"

Zhang Qiang and Xiaohong were also a little uneasy when they saw their father react like this.

Seeing this, the doctor hurriedly comforted: "Mr. Zhang, don't worry, as long as you can cooperate with our advice and adjust your diet and lifestyle, I believe you will definitely be able to recover your health."

After all, as we age, all functions of the human body will gradually decline, and we must pay special attention to maintenance in order to delay aging. "

The doctor reminded me again and again: when you are old, you would rather drink two sips of wine than touch these kinds of food!

Old Man Zhang was silent for a moment, and finally sighed, "It seems that I am really a little old, and I can no longer be as presumptuous as before."

You're right, in the future, I must take good care of my body, eat less chili peppers, drink less alcohol, exercise more, and strive to spend my old age in good health. "

The doctor reminded me again and again: when you are old, you would rather drink two sips of wine than touch these kinds of food!

Hearing their father's promise, Zhang Qiang and Xiaohong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

They believe that as long as my father can follow the doctor's advice and improve his living habits, he will recover soon.

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