
These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

author:Extraordinary wind chime iHk65

It is often said that "the general's exploits forged the era of peace, but it was difficult for him to witness the results with his own eyes." This sentence is intended to express that although the generals worked hard to lay the foundation for the peace of the country, they may not have the opportunity to enjoy this time of stability and peace. Such a concept expresses a deep understanding and praise for the dedication of the soldiers. In the hearts of the people, the heroic struggle of the soldiers ensured the stability of society. Sadly, however, they are often not able to take their place in this moment of peace. This statement not only reflects the respect for the generals, but also makes people feel sorry for their efforts. In short, this phrase conveys the contradiction between the generals' contribution to the stability of the country and their personal inability to enjoy this peace, and reflects the deep respect for the selfless dedication of the soldiers.

There are many virtuous and famous generals in history who have been wrongfully executed because of this sentence, and many people deeply feel that they died too unjustly. The spread of this sentence made their fate full of regrets. Such historical events are not uncommon, and people feel regret and grievances about them. They lost their lives because of a single word, which made many people feel unjust. As a result, the cause of their death is often mentioned and deeply wronged. In short, the cruelty of history has caused many innocent people to lose their lives, and we should learn from this and cherish everyone's life.

Although five of the famous players seem to have suffered unfair treatment, the causes of their deaths are not too tragic.

So, what exactly did they do that seemed right on the surface and made us all misunderstand?

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

[The controversial Yuan Chonghuan]

The first to appear was Yuan Chonghuan, a general in the last years of the Ming Dynasty. Everyone must be familiar with this general, and many people think that he suffered an unjustified injustice and was unjustly killed.

It is believed that Yuan Chonghuan was wronged, mainly because he was finally sentenced to death despite his loyalty to the Ming Dynasty. Such a result makes people feel deeply unjust.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

After Yuan Chonghuan took office, his military performance was indeed commendable. Without his leadership and efforts, the Ming army might not have been able to temporarily recapture the lost territory in Liaodong. His contribution cannot be overlooked.

Mr. Yuan was very honest and frugal in his life, and he never embezzled any silver taels. Moreover, since he joined the ranks of the Jin army, he was ready to die at any time. This spirit is truly admirable.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

In the last years of the Ming Dynasty, as the war situation gradually deteriorated, many generals surrendered to Houjin. However, Yuan Chonghuan still maintained his faith and loyalty, and never succumbed to Houjin. This is very commendable and shows his valuable qualities of being able to stick to his original intention in the face of severe circumstances.

Although this minister had great merit and noble conduct, it was indeed regrettable that he was unfortunately killed in the end. If we were in the position of Emperor Chongzhen, we might have made the same decision. Although this decision is painful, we still have to look at it rationally. After all, there are many factors that an emperor needs to consider when dealing with government affairs, and we cannot fully understand the situation at that time. So, while we feel sorry, we can't ignore the complexity of history just because of personal feelings. If you put yourself in your shoes, you may be able to better understand the decision at that time.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

Without the emperor's approval, Yuan Chonghuan executed Mao Wenlong's general soldiers. Yuan Chonghuan decided the fate of Mao Wenlong's general army on his own, without reporting to the emperor and applying for permission. This action was carried out without the permission of the emperor, and Mao Wenlong was killed without authorization.

Although Yuan Chonghuan has merits, his power has not yet reached the level where he can directly cut the first and then play.

Regardless of Mao Wenlong's performance, it is not Yuan Chonghuan who will decide his fate. Even if it is to be dealt with, it should be reported to the emperor first. In any case, decisions cannot be made privately. After all, you need to act carefully and reasonably. Yuan Chonghuan must not be arbitrary. Before making any decisions, you should communicate with your superiors and ask for advice.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

In addition to these, when selecting talent in turbulent times, the focus is more on talent than morality. In any case, Mao Wenlong's efforts against the Houjin during that period were indeed excellent, and he also successfully captured important enemy generals. Such feats cannot be overlooked.

Therefore, Mao Wenlong and Yuan Chonghuan both have remarkable achievements in defending the country against foreign enemies, which cannot be ignored. Killing such a meritorious person is somewhat regrettable and excessive. In short, both are heroes, and it is not fair to deal with them in this way.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

During Yuan Chonghuan's stay in Liaodong, there were frequent correspondence with Huang Taiji.

Although the content of the conversation between the two officials did not seem problematic, it also caused Emperor Chongzhen to become worried, and he speculated that Yuan Chonghuan might have intentions to cooperate with external enemies.

In view of this situation, everyone's doubts are inevitable. At that time, many high-ranking military officers fled, and rumors spread in the city, and Yuan Chonghuan was eventually taken to the execution ground. In such a situation, anyone can be confused and uneasy. Moreover, many generals chose to flee, and with the spread of various rumors in the city, Yuan Chonghuan's fate eventually became irreparable. Therefore, he walked to the place of execution. In this situation, there are understandable suspicions. Because the generals fled one after another, coupled with the gossip in the city, the whole situation became chaotic. In the end, Yuan Chonghuan was unfortunately sent to the execution ground.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

Doesn't the fact that a high-ranking official has too frequent dealings with hostile forces provide an opportunity for revenge on those who are hostile?

Yuan Chonghuan's political vision seems to be lacking. If he had only focused on fighting in Liaodong and not dealing with the tedious affairs of communication, he might have avoided being misunderstood and dying in vain. In short, if he sticks to his original intention and only does his own job, his fate may be different.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

[Politically imbecile white rise]

The next thing to mention is a famous general during the Warring States period - Bai Qi. Everyone should be familiar with him. He is a rare military general in the history of the mainland who has been named "God of Killing". However, the number of 400,000 soldiers mentioned in the Battle of Changping may be an estimate.

Bai Qi is somewhat similar to Yuan Chonghuan, he is very capable, but he seems to lack political insight.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

Bai Qi is really a puzzling person, it is not clear where his skills come from, he can skillfully use the art of war as soon as he appears. The most important thing is that he met an amazing help, that is, Wei Ran, the younger brother of Empress Dowager Xuan, who can be said to be his great nobleman.

After Wei Ran's strong recommendation, Bai Qi was able to put on the battlefield and gradually showed his military talent. This outstanding general helped the Great Qin Empire seize a large amount of territory.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

If we talk about combat skills, whether it was in the Qin State or the entire Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Bai Qi claimed to rank second in combat ability, and almost no one dared to claim to be the first, which shows the strength of his combat strength. Bai Qi's military ability can be called unmatched, no matter what country or era, his combat experience and strategy are admirable. Even in that era of war and change, he was one of the best military strategists. In military affairs, Bai Qi has outstanding talents and extraordinary strength. His fighting skills and strategic vision were outstanding in the Qin State and even throughout the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. He thinks he is second in combat ability, let alone the others. In short, Bai Qi's performance in the war was unmatched, and his military talent and combat strength were breathtaking.

But generally speaking, military geniuses like Bai Qi tend to be relatively weak in politics. That said, no one is perfect.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

The reason why Bai Qi was executed was because he resolutely refused the repeated requests of King Qin Zhaoxiang. No matter how the King of Qin came to his house to plead, Bai Qi did not agree in the end. As a result, he ended up with an unfortunate fate.

It's okay if you don't agree, and what Bai Qi said is really not very good. For example, he once said, "If I were to fight a battle that was destined to lose, I would rather die." Such words sound extreme and uncomfortable.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

Even if he is rejected many times and receives unpleasant words, even if Qin Shi Huang is resurrected, I am afraid that he will feel embarrassed. King Qin would probably also feel embarrassed in the face of rejection and unpleasant words. has been rejected repeatedly, and I have heard unpleasant words, I am afraid that even the ancient Qin Shi Huang will feel that he will not be able to step down. has been rejected repeatedly, and has encountered ugly words, which will be embarrassing for anyone. Even if it is replaced by Qin Shi Huang in ancient times, he will definitely find it unbearable.

In ancient times, if the royal family refused to visit the courtiers' residences in person, the news of the incident would be ridiculed. It's a very embarrassing thing to do. For the rulers of the old days, if they were denied an interview with a minister, it would be widely disseminated and aroused, and it would be seen as a very humiliating thing. When the ancient emperor personally visited the minister's house, he was refused, and this news spread, but it was quite humiliating. In ancient society, if the emperor personally visited the minister but was refused, the news would spread and the emperor would lose face. It's a great shame. In ancient times, rumors of the emperor personally visiting ministers and being denied permission would quickly spread and become a laughing stock after dinner. This is an extremely humiliating thing for the emperor.

Therefore, Bai Qi lacks talent in politics, and at the same time, he seems to find it difficult to think from the perspective of others. If it were someone else, he might have suffered a similar fate, so Bai Qi's death was not completely unjust.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

【Greedy Blue Jade】

The figure we will mention later is also from the Ming Dynasty. His name is Sapphire. In contrast to Yuan Chonghuan, he did not come from the end of the Ming Dynasty, but from the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. Although they all come from the same dynasty, they have left different traces in the long history.

Lan Yu is a person, and many people feel that it is a pity that he was finally killed because of his many military exploits.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

In fact, not only Lan Yu, but also those heroes who were executed later by Zhu Yuanzhang were mostly treated unfairly. Why? They are all wronged.

After Zhu Biao's death, in order to ensure that his grandson could inherit the throne smoothly and stabilize the throne, Zhu Yuanzhang took measures to eliminate those who might pose a threat to the founding heroes. He dealt with the ministers who were at risk almost as well, and basically the problematic ones were buried. Sapphire is one of those unfortunate examples. Because of some problems, he couldn't escape the fate of being dealt with in the end.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

With so many people killed, why do you feel that Lan Yu is the most wronged? In fact, the reason behind this is very simple, just like Bai Qi, although Lan Yu is a military genius, he is relatively lacking in politics. This may be the reason for his ill-fated fate.

Although Lan Yu's status in the army is not as prominent as Xu Da and others, it is also an indispensable and important pillar in the army.

Due to Lan Yu's many military exploits, he became more and more arrogant.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

After Lan Yu became financially prosperous, he began to seek cronies, and gradually recruited a group of capable assistants and disciples. Among them were many of his adopted godsons and domestic slaves hired by the family.

The people he cultivated were all loyal to Lan Yu and were not dominated by others. When Zhu Yuanzhang gave them the order, they didn't seem to hear it and directly ignored his order. To put it simply, they are only loyal to Sapphire and are unmoved by other people's orders.

Failure to obey the emperor's orders often does not lead to good results. Most of these people end up not having a good home. The fate of such people is basically tragic.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

In addition, Lan Yu was very greedy, not only accepted the position of the crown prince and prince given by Zhu Yuanzhang, but also wanted a higher position and wanted to be a prince.

If he is described as being too greedy, this is acceptable. However, what made Zhu Yuanzhang even more annoying was that Lan Yu was too troublesome and made trouble everywhere every day.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

For example, Lan Yu once occupied the people's land, causing dissatisfaction among the local residents. So, an overseer went to investigate and try to solve the problem. Unfortunately, they clashed with Lanyu, who used force to drive them away. This incident had a very bad effect, making the people even more angry at Lan Yu's evil deeds.

Once Lan Yu led the army back to the imperial court, but there was a conflict because the officials at Xifengkou failed to open the city gate in time. The general directly took action to dismantle the gate, causing Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang to be very angry when he learned about it. This incident made Zhu Yuanzhang feel very angry, and he was deeply dissatisfied with Lan Yu's behavior.

There is a very greedy official, which is not reassuring. He was justified in being severely punished, and there was nothing to complain about.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

【Shang Yang of Raising Private Troops】

The rest of the story goes to talk about a great man from the Qin State, whose name was Shang Ying. He appeared before the white rising.

If you talk about the most grateful person in the entire Great Qin era, it must be Shang Ying. His contribution made the Qin state truly prosperous. In short, Shang Ying was the key figure in Qin's journey to prosperity and strength.

Without the reforms of the Shang Dynasty, the Warring States period may have lasted much longer, making it difficult to achieve unification.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

Many people think that Shang Ying's death is a pity because he made great contributions, which makes people feel sorry and unwilling. The changes that Shang Yang brought to history cannot be ignored, and although the final result is not perfect, this does not erase his value and influence. Therefore, some people will feel that Shang Ying's death is very unjust.

We cannot deny the quality of the content of the Shang Martingale Reform, which has indeed proven to be positive. Although Shang was killed, the Qin state continued to use the reform policy he proposed during his lifetime, which is said to have played a role in the fall of the Qin dynasty. Simplified version: We have to say that Shang Ying's change measures are really good. Although he was later killed, Great Qin still used the same policy he had engaged in before, and even passed it on to the end of the Qin Dynasty. This is a testament to its value and influence.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

Shang Ying implemented two changes, each time more stringent than the last. In particular, in the second change, even the heir to the throne was found to have broken the law, which seems to be too harsh.

Shang Ying faced a thorny problem, that is, the prince broke the law. Although the prince was at fault, Shang Ying felt that it was inappropriate to punish the prince directly. Thinking of other ways, he decided to punish the two teachers of the crown prince. As a result, Shang Ying had a conflict with the prince's faction. To put it simply, it was the prince who violated the law, and Shang Ying used his teacher as a scapegoat, and finally formed a grudge with the people on the prince's side.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

Shang Yang later became the decision-making center of the Qin state, because his position became more and more stable after the decline of the Qin king's health. Because of his deep trust, Shang Ying quickly grasped the military and political power of the Qin State. He became the nominal leader of the Qin state, and he dominated almost all the affairs of the DPRK and China.

After Shang Ying gained sudden power, he seemed to be a little overconfident, and even began to form his own private armed forces.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

At the moment when King Qin took over, when Shang Ying was asked to hand it over, he actually showed his private armed forces.

He originally felt a little aggrieved, but if you use private armed forces to attack the Qin State, then your death will be unjust. Since you have a private army, no matter who you are, you can't escape the punishment of the law, because this is the bottom line that every emperor cannot tolerate. The law will not spare you for the use of private arms to violate national security. You can't escape this fate, so you have to take responsibility for what you do.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

[Han Shin who wants to seek power and usurp the throne]

The last friend we want to mention, everyone's old acquaintance, is none other than Han Xin from the Han Dynasty. When it comes to military skills, his ability is comparable to Bai Qi, who is known as the "God of Killing"; When it comes to politics, they are evenly matched, and each has its own merits.

Han Shin's legend is amazing, his talent is immeasurable, and no one knows exactly how he learned these skills. Whenever he participates in the battlefield, he can show amazing military intelligence.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

However, Han Xin did not meet Bole immediately after changing jobs, but only met after changing to a new workplace.

However, Han Xin suffered misfortune, and his friend Xiao He can be said to be an important person in his life. He both helped Han Shin and indirectly led to his defeat. Han Xin gained power because of Xiao He's help, but in the end, he also suffered misfortune because of some of Xiao He's actions.

If it weren't for Xiao He's constant persuasion, Han Xin would not have become a general at first. The meaning of this sentence expresses the importance of Xiao He to Han Xin's promotion.

If Lu Pheasant hadn't been lured by Xiao He, Han Xin might not have died. In other words, if it weren't for Xiao He's instigation, Lu Pheasant might have been able to save Han Xin. The entanglement between Lu Pheasant and Xiao He did not end unhappily for Han Xin. So, everyone can understand, right? Lu Pheasant was not tempted by Xiao He, and things would have taken a turn for the better.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

Speaking of Han Xin, his military achievements made him a little carried away, which is a bit similar to the blue jade of the Ming Dynasty.

Lan Yu was very greedy at the time, and had no other thoughts for the time being. Hanshin, however, is different. At the instigation of others, he actually began to plot to get rid of Liu Bang and plan to become emperor himself.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

If you have an innovative idea, it is necessary to try it yourself, because only then can you achieve the goal. Therefore, Han Xin tried to put his wisdom into practice by deliberately creating civil strife to induce Liu Bang to lead an army to suppress it. He hopes that this kind of hands-on trial and practical operation will help him successfully cope with the complex and changing situation. This approach is inseparable from his character of acting quickly after thinking about things. Therefore, in order to practice the new ideas, Han Xin tried to lure Liu Bang to come to fight by inciting civil strife. It's a test of oneself and a practical action to pursue success.

Han Xin had the opportunity to secretly enter the palace with the intention of assassinating the crown prince, Lu Pheasant and others, and if he succeeded, his plan could be realized. Unfortunately, however, his plans were leaked ahead of schedule.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

When Lu Pheasant heard that Han Xin was going to murder him, he was very nervous. He immediately thought of someone who could help him get out of his predicament - Xiao He, who was not only Han Xin's nobleman, but also his nemesis. So, Lu Pheasant hurriedly invited Xiao He.

Xiao He took advantage of Han Xin's trust in him and met with Han Xin in private. After that, Han Shin's whereabouts were no longer as public as before.

Naturally, those who start a rebellion and try to establish themselves as emperors will not be easily wrongfully killed. Those who want to rebel against the emperor will naturally not be wrongfully killed because of misunderstanding.

These five famous ministers and generals in history seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they did not die unjustly

In Chinese history, these five generals who were misunderstood by the public as wronged actually came to a tragic end due to their own problems. What they have in common is that neither of them is good at or ignores political foresight and judgment. This situation often leads them to make mistakes and even lead to their own unfortunate fate. These famous generals may have excellent military talents in their field, but they lack sufficient knowledge and judgment in the complexity and strategy of politics. To put it simply, they failed to properly handle politically related matters, which ultimately led to their own predicament.

If they had understood the meaning of "the king's thoughts" a little, perhaps their fate would have been different, and they would not have suffered such a tragic end. If a person is not a sage, who can do nothing, this can only be said to be a pity. Although their deaths are not unjust, they are not deserved. In short, what happened to them is truly deplorable.

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