
Li Daokui bombarded the one-size-fits-all electric bicycle: the contest between people's needs and the bottom line of safety!

author:Shin Shin talks

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In the streets and alleys of the city, electric bicycles are like flowing scenery, they shuttle through the busy traffic, bringing convenience to people's lives. But with the proliferation of numbers, these "small" also bring security risks that cannot be ignored. Professor Li Daokui's remarks were like a bombshell, which aroused widespread public attention. He bluntly criticized the current e-bikes, arguing that this "one-size-fits-all" approach not only ignores the actual needs of the people, but is more likely to threaten everyone's safety. These words undoubtedly added a bit of heat to this hot summer day.

Li Daokui bombarded the one-size-fits-all electric bicycle: the contest between people's needs and the bottom line of safety!

Professor Li Daokui's criticism is not groundless, and there is a profound social background and practical considerations behind his views. With the development of the economy and the acceleration of the pace of life, electric bicycles have quickly become the travel of urban residents because of their economic and convenient characteristics. This is followed by frequent traffic accidents and challenges to traffic safety regulations.

Li Daokui bombarded the one-size-fits-all electric bicycle: the contest between people's needs and the bottom line of safety!

In some cities, in order to reduce traffic accidents, the government has adopted strict regulations on e-bikes, including speed restrictions, mandatory helmets and other measures. These did reduce the accident rate to a certain extent, but they also caused discontent among the population. Many e-bike users believe that these measures limit their freedom of movement and even affect their work efficiency.

Li Daokui bombarded the one-size-fits-all electric bicycle: the contest between people's needs and the bottom line of safety!

In his speech, Professor Li Daokui mentioned that the formulation should be more humane and take into account the actual needs of the people. He emphasized that while a one-size-fits-all approach is simple and easy, it ignores the differentiated needs of different groups of people. For example, for office workers who need to commute quickly, limiting speed is undoubtedly a burden; For the elderly and children, safety measures are particularly important.

Li Daokui bombarded the one-size-fits-all electric bicycle: the contest between people's needs and the bottom line of safety!

Li Daokui also pointed out that the formulation should be based on sufficient investigation and scientific analysis. He suggested that the opinions of the people should be widely listened to, and more reasonable and flexible management should be formulated in light of the actual situation. He also called on all sectors of society, especially the media, experts and scholars, to actively participate in the process of policy formulation and provide intellectual support for improvement.

Li Daokui bombarded the one-size-fits-all electric bicycle: the contest between people's needs and the bottom line of safety!

In the criticism of Professor Li Daokui, we can see that the formulation and implementation of electric bicycles is not an easy task. It involves many aspects such as traffic management, urban planning, and people's needs, and requires the joint efforts of society, society, and people. How to find a balance between this, not only to ensure traffic safety, but also to meet the travel needs of the people, is a major problem in front of us.

Li Daokui bombarded the one-size-fits-all electric bicycle: the contest between people's needs and the bottom line of safety!

Professor Li's remarks sparked a big discussion about e-bikes. In this discussion, the public, the media, academics and formulators have voiced their opinions. On the one hand, some people support Li Daokui's view, arguing that it should be more flexible, not generalized, and that the actual needs of different groups of people should be taken into account. On the other hand, there are concerns that if it is too relaxed, it may lead to further deterioration of traffic safety problems.

Li Daokui bombarded the one-size-fits-all electric bicycle: the contest between people's needs and the bottom line of safety!

Against this backdrop, there is tremendous pressure and challenges on formulators. They need to find a balance between ensuring public safety and meeting people's needs. Some places have already begun to try to make adjustments, such as by setting different speed limit zones, or introducing an e-bike license system to improve the safety awareness of cyclists.

Li Daokui bombarded the one-size-fits-all electric bicycle: the contest between people's needs and the bottom line of safety!

Technological innovation is also making it possible to solve this problem. Some electric bicycle companies have begun to develop intelligent control systems to limit the speed of the vehicle through technical means while ensuring the dynamic performance of the vehicle. These innovations can not only improve the safety of electric bicycles, but also meet the travel needs of users to a certain extent.

Li Daokui bombarded the one-size-fits-all electric bicycle: the contest between people's needs and the bottom line of safety!

Whether these measures will solve the problem will need to be tested by time. Public participation and feedback are crucial in this process. Only when everyone is able to look at the problem rationally and put forward suggestions and opinions can we find a solution.

Li Daokui bombarded the one-size-fits-all electric bicycle: the contest between people's needs and the bottom line of safety!


As the discussion deepened, the future of e-bikes gradually became clear. Whether it is formulators, enterprises or ordinary people, they are all looking for a more reasonable and humane way of management. Professor Li Daokui's criticism is not only a challenge to the present, but also an expectation and call for future improvement.

Li Daokui bombarded the one-size-fits-all electric bicycle: the contest between people's needs and the bottom line of safety!

In the process, we see the progress of society and the awakening of civic consciousness. Everyone is working to build a safer and more harmonious traffic environment. The adjustment of electric bicycles is not only a simple order, but also a deep understanding and respect for the needs of the people.

What we are looking forward to is an electric bicycle that can not only ensure traffic safety, but also meet the needs of people. This requires wisdom, corporate innovation, and citizen involvement. Only in this way can we jointly promote the progress of society and achieve harmonious development.

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