
"The heat is at the beginning, and the heat is hot in August; The heat is at the end, and it is cold in August", where is the heat this year?

author:The kingship is rich and noble
"The heat is at the beginning, and the heat is hot in August; The heat is at the end, and it is cold in August", where is the heat this year?
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We found that there are many proverbs in the folk, which were not paid special attention to at the beginning, but as we grow older, we find that these proverbs are the crystallization of human wisdom.

In ancient times, technology and information were not as developed as they are now, and these proverbs were born after decades and hundreds of years of evolution in various agricultural activities and in life.

"The heat is at the beginning, and the heat is hot in August; The heat is at the end, and it is cold in August", where is the heat this year?

Many people will take these proverbs as the norm of life, and their birth is actually the product and summary of human observation of the natural world, which provides us with a lot of experience.

The folk have "the great heat is at the head, and the August is hot; The heat is at the end, and August is cold", which is predicting the overall temperature in August for us, so where is the heat this year?

"The heat is at the beginning, and the heat is hot in August; The heat is at the end, and it is cold in August", where is the heat this year?

1. Small proverbs and great wisdom

We often say that man and nature should coexist peacefully, the power of nature is unlimited, what we can do is to follow the development of nature, and then use scientific and technological means to make some changes.

With the development of the times, science and technology are becoming more and more developed, and many previously unexplained mysteries can be answered by science to us.

The experience of our ancestors cannot be ignored, especially in agriculture, where the income of farmers in ancient times was relatively small, and agricultural production became the top priority.

"The heat is at the beginning, and the heat is hot in August; The heat is at the end, and it is cold in August", where is the heat this year?

In the past, there were not as many farming tools as there are now, everything depends on the weather, and in order to improve the harvest, people will pay special attention to the weather, because it is related to the growth of crops and the final harvest.

In order to remind future generations and also to make some knowledge points easier to remember, they created some proverbs based on the changes in the weather.

This is not only the crystallization of human wisdom, but also a symbol of peaceful coexistence between man and nature.

"The heat is at the beginning, and the heat is hot in August; The heat is at the end, and it is cold in August", where is the heat this year?

In ancient times, there was no such thing as weather forecasting, and many people would judge the impact of weather changes on crops based on long-term observation and experience, which also allowed some people to watch the stars at night to predict the weather changes in the next few days.

"The heat is at the beginning, and the heat is hot in August; The "great heat is at the end, and the great cold in August" has been circulating among the people, and many farmers are also convinced of it.

The meaning is simple, if the heat is at the beginning of the month, then the next August will be unbearably hot, and the temperature will be unusually high, if the heat is at the end of the month, then August will usher in relatively cool temperatures.

"The heat is at the beginning, and the heat is hot in August; The heat is at the end, and it is cold in August", where is the heat this year?

In recent years, environmental protection problems have been prominent, with the emergence of a series of problems such as global warming, extreme weather is more and more in various places, and many people say that this summer came unusually early.

This year, Hebei Province, Henan Province and Shandong Province have been hit by extremely rare severe drought weather, and the prolonged high temperature has further aggravated the drought in agriculture.

In April and May, the temperature generally rises, and by June the temperature in many areas is approaching 40 degrees.

"The heat is at the beginning, and the heat is hot in August; The heat is at the end, and it is cold in August", where is the heat this year?

At this time, it was an important period for the growth of seedlings in the field, and the farmers had to irrigate it many times in such a high temperature.

But even with this severe drought, this persistently high temperature weather continues, which seriously threatens farmers' harvests and the country's food security.

People are complaining about this, because the heat has had a serious impact on our lives and work.

The electricity bill of the average family has reached a new high in the past few months, because the air conditioner really can't be turned off at all.

"The heat is at the beginning, and the heat is hot in August; The heat is at the end, and it is cold in August", where is the heat this year?

Second, the time of this year's summer heat

Every year, the summer is extremely difficult, and from June onwards, there are all kinds of hot weather, and this state will continue until August, and there will be dog days.

As the 12th of the 24 solar terms, the Great Heat is the hottest time, but it also marks the end of summer.

It is common sense to start autumn in August, when the weather should be cool in the morning and evening, and hot in the afternoon.

"The heat is at the beginning, and the heat is hot in August; The heat is at the end, and it is cold in August", where is the heat this year?

However, everyone must be deeply aware of the horror of autumn tigers, so August is regarded as the hottest month.

The heat is calculated according to the lunar calendar, and usually occurs between July 22~24 of the Gregorian calendar.

In most years and most areas of the mainland, the solar term of the Great Heat will be relatively hot, and it is precisely because of this that August will be defined as the hottest month by everyone.

"The heat is at the beginning, and the heat is hot in August; The heat is at the end, and it is cold in August", where is the heat this year?

This year's heat is on July 23 of the Gregorian calendar, the seventh day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar, according to the proverb, this year's heat is estimated to be in the first half of the month, which means that this year's August may be hotter.

There seems to be no surprise to everyone about this result, after all, we have been hot for more than a month, although it is only June, but the high temperature is already powerless to complain.

However, this high temperature may continue for two months, and the temperature will not change much in July and August, which is a headache to think about.

"The heat is at the beginning, and the heat is hot in August; The heat is at the end, and it is cold in August", where is the heat this year?

This year, the southern cities have been raining heavily, but the northern cities have been in a state of severe drought, and I really hope that some of the rains from the south can be divided into the north, which can not only alleviate the drought situation of the land, but also bring a touch of coolness to people.

However, we must also understand that these sayings only have a certain reference value, not the whole story, and the current climate is affected by a variety of factors, which is not as easy to judge as before.

In ancient times, there was no air pollution, no destruction of the ozone layer, and no global warming, but now these problems are intensifying, and their appearance will lead to climate change.

"The heat is at the beginning, and the heat is hot in August; The heat is at the end, and it is cold in August", where is the heat this year?

The climate varies greatly from region to region, and not every place can follow this rule, for example, many parts of North China are now experiencing high temperatures, while the three eastern provinces seem to have no summer and directly transition to autumn.

It can only be said that these folk proverbs are a manifestation of our inheritance of agricultural and industrial culture, which respects the laws of nature, but may not be completely suitable for the current era.

Even if the temperature is unusually high in August, we have a corresponding way to deal with it, after all, refrigerators and air conditioners are almost a must-have in every household now, but the electricity bill in these months may be worth it.

"The heat is at the beginning, and the heat is hot in August; The heat is at the end, and it is cold in August", where is the heat this year?

3. Methods to deal with high temperatures

We can't change the climate change, what we can do is to reduce the impact on ourselves as much as possible, in the face of such a hot weather, the first thing we need to do is to prevent heat stroke and cool down.

Regardless of whether the weather is unusually hot or unusually cold, it is impossible for the company to give you a holiday because of this, or directly let you not go out to work, and countless people run around every day for Weibo salary.

Many people need to take public transport or ride an electric scooter to work every day, which requires everyone to take sun protection measures, because high temperatures mean that UV intensity is too high.

"The heat is at the beginning, and the heat is hot in August; The heat is at the end, and it is cold in August", where is the heat this year?

If your skin is exposed to the sun for a long time, it is likely to get sunburned, so you can wear some sun-protective clothing, hats, and sunglasses to minimize the exposure of your skin to the outside.

I don't know if you have swiped such a video some time ago, someone went to Qingdao or Qinhuangdao to play at this time, and did not feel anything when playing, and when I returned home, I found that the skin was red and there was an obvious burning sensation.

After examination, it was found that they were sunburned, and some people even had a layer of skin peeled off, which required some relevant ointments to be applied and recuperated at home for a few days.

"The heat is at the beginning, and the heat is hot in August; The heat is at the end, and it is cold in August", where is the heat this year?

If you are working outdoors, such as workers on construction sites, it is best to drink some medicine to prevent heat stroke every day, such as Huoxiang Zhengqi.

The second point is to drink more water, because the temperature is high and it is easy to sweat, so we should replenish our body with more water, and never wait until we are thirsty to drink water.

It is best to drink water in small quantities and many times, and you can also add some electrolyte liquid to the water, which can replenish nutrients to the body in time.

A word of caution here, if you happen to buy a cold drink in an extremely hot environment, don't take a big sip.

"The heat is at the beginning, and the heat is hot in August; The heat is at the end, and it is cold in August", where is the heat this year?

This can cause a huge irritation to the stomach and intestines, and every year during the hot summer, some people will have gastrointestinal bleeding due to improper drinking of water, which can be life-threatening.

The third point is to try to minimize outdoor activities, especially in the middle of the day when the sun is at its highest, so it is best to choose to go out in the morning or evening.

At this time, the intensity of direct sunlight is reduced, which will not cause much harm to the human body, and the outside temperature will also be reduced to prevent heat stroke.

"The heat is at the beginning, and the heat is hot in August; The heat is at the end, and it is cold in August", where is the heat this year?

If the body has heat stroke, it must be cooled down, first move to a cool and ventilated place to rest, and then use a cool towel or cold drink to apply it to the forehead and neck for cooling treatment, if it is serious, you must seek medical attention.

The fourth point is to pay attention to diet, due to the influence of temperature, some people's appetite may be poor, at this time you can eat more vegetables and fruits. Eat less greasy foods.

All kinds of ice cream and iced drinks, as well as chilled fruits, although delicious, but be sure to control the amount of consumption, it is not recommended that you take it out of the refrigerator immediately after eating, iced things are extremely hurtful.

"The heat is at the beginning, and the heat is hot in August; The heat is at the end, and it is cold in August", where is the heat this year?


In recent years, some people will choose to go outside to dry their backs in the summer when the temperature is higher.

This is indeed a way of health preservation that can help the body get rid of moisture, but you must also choose the right way and method, and do not blindly follow it.

For the farmers, the scorching heat threatens the growth of the seedlings, and they have to work hard to water them several times in order to have a good harvest in the fall.

In fact, the heat is the alternation of heat and coolness, is full of vitality performance, as long as the right way and method to treat, we can do not fear the heat, the folk proverb is to remind us to prepare in advance.

"The heat is at the beginning, and the heat is hot in August; The heat is at the end, and it is cold in August", where is the heat this year?


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