
The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

author:Nostalgic for those days

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

When I was a child, dragonflies and fireflies were common, but now I rarely see dragonflies when I grow up, and fireflies are even more invisible, probably because of environmental pollution

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces
The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

The paintings on the primary school language books are kind when you look at them! I have already sold my elementary school textbooks for pocket money, but I still have a lot of junior high school textbooks. Every time I opened the book, the pictures made me feel like I was back in class when I was a kid. Hey, more than 30 years have passed, I really want to know where my childhood friends are, and can I get that happiness back?

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

When I was a child, I had a classmate who loved to climb horizontal bars and telephone poles after class, and he was especially able to play! We were out there crazy every day. I still remember those horizontal bars with different heights. I haven't understood why climbing bamboo poles when I was a child makes people feel so happy? Do you feel the same way?

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

In the past, although we were poor, everyone was about the same, and we lived a simple and happy life. The relationship between friends and relatives is very real, the environment is good, the air and water are clean, and the food is also assured, and the parents are in good health. Now that the conditions are better, I feel that everything has changed

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces
The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces
The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces
The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

With the development of the internet, mobile phones and games have affected children. Many parents play with their mobile phones in front of their children, causing them to be curious and addicted. Therefore, the state can encourage children to play some traditional puzzle games, such as jumping rubber bands and throwing sandbags, which are more meaningful. It is also possible to let urban children go to the countryside to live for a few years and experience the difficulty of life; Children from rural areas go to the city to broaden their horizons and learn new things. In this way, children will not only grow up happily in these puzzle games, but also learn a lot. When parents see their children playing with this, they will also think back to their childhood and miss the past. It's a great way to have fun and educate children to cherish life and learn about different environments

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces
The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces
The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

The little doll's hair was messy, and she learned to go fishing with adults, and her body was covered by grass when she sat on top of the berry moss. Someone asked for directions from afar, and he quickly waved his hand, afraid that the fish would be scared away, and ignored people. The childhood in the ancient poems is so beautiful, and our childhood is also very happy, but we can't go back, only memories remain

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

Reminiscing about the past, I was fascinated by the joy and joy, and I was full of emotion. Life is like a dream, joy is unforgettable, and pain goes deep into the bone marrow. Time flies, the years are like a shuttle, and the passing has passed. The moon hangs on the horizon, and the unpredictable flow is the year in a hurry

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

It's amazing to have a violin in the 80s. In music class, the teacher only has a baton and a tape recorder, and you can hear the rain when you play the recordings

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

The crispy noodles of the little master can collect Liangshan Haohan cards, but the total collection is not complete, and the pocket money is spent on it

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

I really miss when I was a child, although I was poor, I was very happy. It's not tiring to walk miles to watch a movie, and the neighbors in front of the black and white TV have fun watching it together, how interesting!

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

We rural people are like that, digging well water every day and living in earthen houses, when we were young, there was no electricity at home, and the whole group had a black and white TV. I didn't play with toys or wear socks or panties since I was a kid, but we had a lot of fun back then

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces
The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

My childhood was immersed in the quiet and warmth of Mayday, wandering in the Jiangnan water town sung by JJ Lin, as gorgeous as the rainbow of youth depicted by Jay Chou, nostalgia in Jolin Tsai's rewind melody, and deep in Leehom Wang's unspeakable only love song, fixed in Eason Chan's ten-year oath with us

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces
The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

Every deep memory hides a unique key. As long as the interweaving of time and space and characters is just right, those long-ago images will resurface. The years have passed and I have walked in the middle of my life, and every time I recall the laughter and laughter of my childhood, my heart is stirred with endless emotion. However, life does not allow us to stop and look back, and only by moving forward can we continue to write more wonderful chapters in the future

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

Sitting on the girders of Dad's bicycle, singing all the way, the tall plane trees on the side of the road bring a little shade. When I was a child, there were often snowflakes on TV, and the taste of two-cent popsicles became weaker and weaker. In summer, the cicadas chirp one after another, and the watermelons chilled in the well water are so sweet. I miss it so much!

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

At that time, 4WD cars were super popular, and I especially wanted a pair of 50 double diamond rechargeable batteries, but the pocket money was simply not enough. I begged my mother for a long time, and although I was beaten a few times, I finally got it. I was reluctant to use it in the car. I also made aluminum alloy dragon heads and phoenix tails, replaced metal fittings, gears, motors, and made the front and tail lights myself. At that time, upgrading a 4WD vehicle cost hundreds or even thousands. Every accessory is saved or beaten in exchange, and it has its own story. Hey, those days are gone

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

Regrets are hard to make up for, and time does not look back. Experiences are wealthy, like songs, and songs. Friends, cherish the present, be kind to the people around you, and keep good memories

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

At that time, as soon as I got out of school, I went to see the masked Superman, because there were very few TVs in the whole production team. The first time I watched a movie in the production team, I was particularly excited to watch "Blitzkrieg", and I thought the color movie was particularly advanced

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

Childhood is really happy, there are no worries, every day I know that play, and my mind is simple. It was such a good time, everyone went through it. I want to go back to that time, but unfortunately I can't go back. Life is like this, you can only keep moving forward, every stage has its flavor, this is life

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

Time flies, the former field trails and the memories of the 28 cars are gradually drifting away. We were in white shirts and white sneakers laughing in the June sun. Blue or green pants are simple but full of joy. Now, although the youth has passed, the innocent joy is still unforgettable. Looking at the blurry old photos, it seems that I have seen the lost youth again. Time flies, but we still retain that love of life. Watching children chasing butterflies in the rape fields is not the eternal childlike joy in our hearts?

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces
The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

Childhood is as colorful as a kaleidoscope, and June 1st is simple and happy. The shining world of blue stars in the sky is really beautiful. As long as we maintain our childlike innocence, no matter how many years have passed, our hearts will still be that innocent teenager. Even after the wind and rain, as long as the innocence is still there, we still maintain that sincerity and loveliness. I hope we will always retain this childlike innocence and innocence

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

I was born in a thatched hut in the 70s, and when I was a child, I lit kerosene lamps and used electric lights. I have seen Huo Yuanjia, Shaolin Temple, and open-air old movies. I grew up with my motherland, and I also enjoyed the benefits of reform, and now I have achieved a small success

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

The open-air cinema is a unique sight from the 80s. Under the stars, people gather to share a movie night, which is the romance and memories of the countryside

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

I used to think about growing up quickly, thinking that it would be good to be eighteen years old, and looking at those middle school students thought they were so cool. Now we are in the 80s, with experience and energy, and we are the main force in society. But we are really starting to get old, unlike the post-90s and post-00s who love to show their past, we post-80s rarely bask in the post-80s, and occasionally recall that our mood is extremely complicated

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

When I was a kid, I used to climb trees with my friends and ride around on small bicycles, and I was so happy at that time. Now it's always said on TV that these moves are dangerous, don't learn them. Alas, think about it, at that time, although everyone did not have much money and everything, but they lived happily, and there was hope every day, and our children were really happy. It's a pity that I can't go back to those days. At that time, I was really full of happiness and joy, and I still remember it clearly when I think about it now, it is really unforgettable!

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get! To Chinese children in the 80s, there are no mobile phones and computers, but they have the most innocent smiling faces

I have collected a lot of Water Margin villain books, such as the Wild Boar Forest, the Nine Pattern Dragon Shi Jin and other stories. In addition, as long as Hongyan and Yue Feichuan can be borrowed, I will look at them. I also read Gorky's trilogy: My Childhood, My Mother, My University, and "How Steel Is Made". I've seen a lot of various versions of the villain book, painted, black and white, and the movie version

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