
XYG almost "ruined" two talented players, and after leaving XYG, they all proved their worth!

XYG almost "ruined" two talented players, and after leaving XYG, they all proved their worth!

Momo chats about games

2024-07-02 21:33Creators in the field of games

When XYG missed the KPL Summer Tournament, two players in the team also chose to transfer away. However, because the teams that these two players transferred to were not good, no one was optimistic about them before the game. However, with the end of the first round of the regular season, netizens found that the strength of these two "Jing" players in XYG is still very strong!

XYG almost "ruined" two talented players, and after leaving XYG, they all proved their worth!

Jing Shi's team was powerless to defeat the KPL, and even the defending champion was also killed by TCG. Among them, the role of Jingshi is very important. In the third week of the regular season, Jing Shi also won the Player of the Week. Jing Shi is worthy of the name of "Mid Single Kaleidoscope", whether it is the popular mid lane "Zhen Ji" in the version, or the representative of the middle lane of the French Thorn "Ignorant Fire Dance", or the reverse version of the tool man mid lane "Zhou Yu", Jing Shi can play the upper limit of the operation that a hero should have, and lead the team to advance to Group S with an undefeated record.

XYG almost "ruined" two talented players, and after leaving XYG, they all proved their worth!

It is said that the new season version of S36 will not be available in the fourth week of the regular season, so there is still time for professional players to familiarize themselves with the changes in the new version. So, who will be the first player to use the Son of Genliu? In the days after the new season update, the Son of the Genliu of the Mage class did not have a high win rate.

However, there are also great god players who recommend a set of outfits, you can try it, it feels good! CD Shoes, Ice Staff, Prophecy of Time, Mask of Pain, Cocoon Breaker, and Armor of Violence! Inscriptions: 10 Nightmares, 10 Hunting, 10 Heart Eyes!

XYG almost "ruined" two talented players, and after leaving XYG, they all proved their worth!

The Mage version of the Son of Yuanliu makes a scepter, the armor of violence and the prophecy of time, develops fast, forms fast, runs fast, and the blood volume after the equipment is formed is 11000, the physical resistance is 810, and the magic resistance is 580. Moreover, the mechanic of the son of the Yuan stream is to refresh skills, and theoretically his skills have an infinite set. So the gameplay really does it, and while the frankness is high, the damage is ridiculously high.

Then the gameplay also has three core advantages, the core advantage is one, and the fault tolerance rate is high. The son of Yuanliu in this outfit is not afraid of the other party's assassins at all. Three hard controls, one slowdown, and the frankness is still so high, which assassin can you say can get rid of it in seconds?

XYG almost "ruined" two talented players, and after leaving XYG, they all proved their worth!

Core advantage 2: fast line clearing. Learn a skill at the beginning, no matter which hero you are facing in the lane, you have the right to the line. The biggest advantage is that after the later CD is full, the skills can be released at will, so how can the other party stand it? Of course, there are also shortcomings, that is, the explosive ability is stronger than the traditional Fa, which is still worse!

If the Son of Genliu will also release the game clothes next week, then you can refer to the outfits and playing styles of professional players! Don't worry, be patient!

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  • XYG almost "ruined" two talented players, and after leaving XYG, they all proved their worth!
  • XYG almost "ruined" two talented players, and after leaving XYG, they all proved their worth!
  • XYG almost "ruined" two talented players, and after leaving XYG, they all proved their worth!
  • XYG almost "ruined" two talented players, and after leaving XYG, they all proved their worth!

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