
Malignant glioma, hemiplegia after being sentenced to 3 months, refused to operate for 1 year, and can still run

author:Oncologist Dodge Chu

"When I went to Beijing to see a doctor, the experts told me to go back, saying that I would only be three months old," said 54-year-old Brother Wang, who told his story to a patient in the ward.

Malignant glioma, hemiplegia after being sentenced to 3 months, refused to operate for 1 year, and can still run

Last year, Brother Wang often had a headache and dizziness, went to the hospital for examination, and found a small lump in one side of the brain stem, which was diagnosed as a malignant glioma, and successively went to a famous cancer hospital in Hunan Province and a big hospital in Beijing, thousands of miles away, but received the same answer: resection, paralysis! In just 10 days, the tumor grew by another 10 mm, and the experts in both hospitals told Brother Wang: The resection will be life-threatening, but if you don't remove it for a maximum of 3 months, the tumor will compress you and you will be paralyzed!

Malignant glioma, hemiplegia after being sentenced to 3 months, refused to operate for 1 year, and can still run

Tumor size in August 2023

At the same time, he was given up by two major hospitals, but Brother Wang did not accept his fate, and he saw on the Internet that there was a "quick sharp knife" therapy in Changsha, which was very effective for brain tumors, and he wanted to give it a try with the last glimmer of hope.

In August 2023, more than 1 month has passed since Brother Wang's diagnosis, the tumor continues to grow wildly, has invaded the brain stem, is unconscious, unable to walk independently, and was pushed into the clinic by a wheelchair, and his life is at risk at any time. After multidisciplinary expert consultation, experts from multiple departments such as surgery, internal medicine, radiology, interventional medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and imaging jointly discussed, because the tumor is huge, deep and close to the brainstem, it does not have the conditions for surgical resection, and the risk of recurrence after resection is extremely high, and complications are likely to kill the patient. Combined with his own wishes, it was decided to give Brother Wang "quick sharp knife" precision radiotherapy to achieve the purpose of shrinking the tumor and protecting normal tissues at the same time. Combined with the conditioning of traditional Chinese medicine, it can prevent side effects caused by radiotherapy and enhance autoimmunity.

Malignant glioma, hemiplegia after being sentenced to 3 months, refused to operate for 1 year, and can still run

Sharp knife treatment scene

After 7 days of radiotherapy, the tumor was initially controlled, and Brother Wang was able to walk normally, and his wife almost cried with joy. After a course of treatment, the eldest brother can return to his normal life, there is no problem with walking or even jogging, the headache is solved, he finally gets rid of painkillers, the bulging lump on his head is flattened, and he can sleep a whole night through the night. The radiotherapy did not bring him any side effects, and he had a good appetite for meals, and he had to eat two bowls of rice at a meal.

Malignant glioma, hemiplegia after being sentenced to 3 months, refused to operate for 1 year, and can still run

Doctor's rounds

Brother Wang came to the hospital for the second time for re-examination and treatment, so he didn't need to be accompanied, so he came alone, and after a cycle of radiotherapy, he went back with his luggage on his back. This time, I was surprised to find that the tumor was basically gone, and the patient felt more relaxed than ever before.

Malignant glioma, hemiplegia after being sentenced to 3 months, refused to operate for 1 year, and can still run

Tumor size in June 2024

Malignant glioma, hemiplegia after being sentenced to 3 months, refused to operate for 1 year, and can still run

The patient is free to move

So why do some patients who are rejected by the hospital have such good results under the treatment of Sharp Knife? This is the magic of the sharp knife, it is called a knife is not a knife, but it can achieve the effect of open surgery. It has 4 features:


It is called a knife because its irradiation edge is as precise as a knife cutting surface, and through precise positioning, the irradiation range can be locked on the tumor, and the error is controlled within 1 mm, which plays a good role in protecting the surrounding normal tissues.


The difference between Sharp Knife and other radiotherapy therapy is that it can carry out precise intensity-modulated and three-dimensional irradiation, and under 100% image guidance, the radiation dose can also be adjusted for different parts of the tumor, with more radiation in places with high activity and less radiation in places with low activity.

The time is short

Different from the 10-minute treatment of traditional radiotherapy, due to the high dose of local irradiation, the quick-sharpening knife treatment only takes 3-5 minutes each time, which shortens the time required for irradiation therapy. Brother Wang said: I just lay down for a while and let me get up, not nervous at all!

There are few side effects

Traditional long-term radiotherapy can cause radiation inflammation or dark and ulcerative skin, but the time of each irradiation is short and accurate, and patients rarely experience side effects. Brother Wang did several courses of radiotherapy, but there was no effect on the skin, appetite, and sleep.

Malignant glioma, hemiplegia after being sentenced to 3 months, refused to operate for 1 year, and can still run

Comparison of before and after tumors

Glioma is a disease with a high degree of malignancy and a great risk of craniotomy, and if you blindly choose surgical resection, it is likely that you will not be able to get off the operating table, and even cause permanent paralysis after surgery. Especially when the tumor is large and compresses the nerves in the brain, precision radiotherapy may be a better treatment option. No surgery, no surgery, 3-5 minutes of irradiation every day, usually after a cycle of reexamination, you can see significant improvement.