
Astound! Auntie's forced seat change on the plane was refused, and she burst into foul language on the spot!

author:Small new highlights
Astound! Auntie's forced seat change on the plane was refused, and she burst into foul language on the spot!

Recently, a video of an aunt forcibly changing seats on the plane caused a dispute went viral on the Internet. In the video, an aunt in a yellow flower dress, after being rejected because she wanted to change window seats with a young female passenger, went crazy on the spot and scolded others!


What's wrong with this aunt? Is there gold in the window seat?

Here's the thing: After boarding the plane that day, the aunt found that her seat was not close to the window, so she wanted to change seats with a young female passenger. Unexpectedly, the little girl was unwilling, and the aunt was immediately unhappy.

Astound! Auntie's forced seat change on the plane was refused, and she burst into foul language on the spot!

"You young man should give me your seat, you know, kid!" The aunt pointed to the nose of others and began to educate.

Hey, where does this come from? Should young people give up their seats to you? Why don't you choose a seat when you buy a ticket?

Of course, the little girl didn't do it: "I'm young, why do I have to give up my seat to you?"

That's it! The ticket is not bought by the aunt alone, so why should someone give up her seat?

When the aunt saw that the little girl didn't buy it, she immediately became angry and pointed at others and scolded her. The flight attendants hurriedly stepped forward to dissuade them, for fear that the situation would escalate further.

Astound! Auntie's forced seat change on the plane was refused, and she burst into foul language on the spot!

At this time, the wife of the aunt couldn't stand it anymore, and actually said: "Although I can't speak clearly, I also want to help my wife scold you!"

Oh my god, what kind of divine logic is this? Your wife does something wrong, and if you don't dissuade it, forget it, and still help scold people? Is this going to stage a drama of "old husbands and wives going into battle together"?

This is good, the whole cabin is full of chickens and dogs, and other passengers are looking sideways. Someone took out a mobile phone to record the scene, and this scene was only able to be seen by us.

Astound! Auntie's forced seat change on the plane was refused, and she burst into foul language on the spot!

To be honest, seeing such news is really laughable. Respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, but this does not mean that the elderly can do whatever they want, let alone a reason to rely on the old and sell the old.

Auntie, if you want to sit by the window, you can book a ticket in advance and choose a seat! If you want to change temporarily, but people don't want to, you should respect their choice. What's more, you have to ask the flight attendant for permission to change seats on the plane! You make such a fuss, not only embarrassing yourself, but also delaying everyone's time, how bad!

And the old man who helped me, your old man is too unreasonable. Your wife did something wrong, and you didn't pull the point, but also helped to scold people, isn't this adding to the chaos?

In fact, in public, mutual respect is the way to behave in the world. Regardless of age, public rules should be followed and basic politeness should be maintained. Relying on the old and selling the old and bullying others will only make people disgusted, and it will also make the original respect for the old and love for the young disappear.

Astound! Auntie's forced seat change on the plane was refused, and she burst into foul language on the spot!

Now the comments on the Internet about this matter are also one-sided. Everyone thinks that this kind of behavior of playing tricks on the basis of age is really disgusting. Some netizens said: "Now it's really annoying to rely on the old and sell the old because of my age, and I originally had the heart to respect the elderly, but I was discouraged."

That's true! It is a virtue to respect the old and love the young, but the premise is that the elderly should also be reasonable and understand the rules. If you are an old man who wants to be let by others everywhere, it is a big mistake!

This incident also reminds us young people: it is important to respect the old and love the young, but there must also be a bottom line. In the face of unreasonable demands, we can completely refuse with reasonable grounds, and we do not have to blindly back down.

At the same time, I hope that those elderly people who like to rely on the old and sell the old can also reflect on it: your behavior not only damages your own image, but also invisibly hurts the image of the entire elderly group. Your every move represents the entire elderly group!

Finally, we would like to call on everyone, regardless of age, to respect each other and abide by public rules. Only in this way can our society be more harmonious and beautiful!