
What are the benefits of indoor versus outdoor cycling? What's the difference?

author:Ride the zxcofo
What are the benefits of indoor versus outdoor cycling? What's the difference?

Thanks to the convenience of indoor cycling by cycling apps like Zwift, coupled with the continued popularity of virtual indoor cycling classes, many cyclists are starting to participate in the sport and do most of their training indoors. However, there are still many cyclists who are reluctant to use smart trainers and prefer to ride outdoors in any weather and enjoy the challenge of riding in the wind and rain.

But for most of us, being able to ride both indoors and outdoors gives the best training results. Often, riding indoors allows us to do an extra workout or indoor cycling in unsafe weather outdoors. Outdoor cycling, on the other hand, allows us to reap the spiritual benefits of riding in nature.

Here, we'll look at the specific advantages of indoor versus outdoor cycling, as well as what you need to know in order to effectively use both as a combined workout.

Benefits of Outdoor Cycling

Outdoor riding doesn't have to mean racing. You can ride as outdoors as you like. Getting out and about cycling can greatly improve your physical and mental health, and it's environmentally friendly!

Researchers confirm a long-held suspicion among many cyclists: Cyclists tend to have higher critical power outdoors than indoors. This could be due to several reasons. First, riding a bike outdoors without a trainer attached allows the bike to follow you more and you can press the pedals more efficiently when you get off the saddle while climbing or sprinting. Riding outdoors with air convection can keep you cool and sweat less than riding indoors.

When the bike is stabilized in one position, those small stabilizing muscles that are often overlooked in indoor workouts are activated when riding outdoors. Researchers have also found that riding outdoors regularly improves overall balance in older adults.

In 2014, the University of Nebraska-Omaha conducted a small study that looked at conscious exertion and calorie expenditure in both indoor and outdoor cycling environments. The result? Although environmental conditions and perceived exertion are similar, outdoor cycling allows riders to exercise at a higher intensity than indoors. So even if you feel like you're pushing too hard in a spin class, you can actually work harder on a real hillside outside.

And you can't deny the mental benefits of outdoor riding. A 2022 study found that five minutes of exercise in parks, nature trails, or other green spaces can benefit your mental health. You can't get that effect in the gym. Studies have found that exercising in a natural environment is more rejuvenating and reduces stress levels than indoor exercise.

When cycling along a trail outdoors in nature, it's easier to practice paying attention to your surroundings and enjoying quiet contemplation. Studies have shown that quiet time spent in nature can also improve overall life satisfaction, well-being, focus, and self-efficacy, while reducing perceived stress.

Benefits of indoor riding

"Indoor cycling allows training to take place in a stable, weather-free environment," Novak said. "It's great for maintaining a training program regardless of external conditions such as weather."

Indoor training is definitely beneficial for cyclists. Most of us don't have a few hours of free time to go out for a ride every day, and indoor training ensures that your 45-minute ride actually only takes 45 minutes. (Going outside for a 45-minute ride?) You'll need to get dressed, check your bike, and of course, be prepared to stop and fix a flat tire or fight a violent headwind! )

Indoor training also allows you to focus on your workouts. "In my opinion, indoor training allows you to do very targeted training, which is a big benefit," says Tyler Williams of ProCyclingCoaching. "Especially for athletes who are pressed for time, being able to start training straight away without having to think about where you're going, the weather or whatever."

While indoor cycling cooling is an issue, Williams says you can choose to consider it as a positive! "Another benefit of indoor training is practicing heat acclimatization," he said. "It allows your body to manage heat better, so that when you're riding in hot weather, you're better able to cope with the effects of heat."

The main disadvantage of a trainer is that while the pedaling action remains the same, it doesn't work on your outdoor riding skills. "It doesn't provide exercises to deal with real-world scenarios, such as dealing with road conditions, adapting to changing slopes (which are important for pedaling efficiency, simulating downhill riding, wind resistance, or bike handling skills)," Novak says.

The benefits of a combination of indoor and outdoor riding

A combination of indoor and outdoor cycling can help you get the best out of your training with ease and fun.

Nancy Newman, Ontario, said, "I love taking spin classes because I feel stronger and fitter, and I also enjoy taking classes with my friends,"

"It's inspiring to be able to ride outdoors to be able to explore places I've never seen before and feel like I've really accomplished," she adds. "I can still ride with my friends and improve my fitness, but now I can enjoy the fresh air, sunshine, and even the rain to push myself to conquer the hills and practice other skills like maintaining balance on the bike."

It's not just Newman: a lot of people who focus on cycling these days start out in indoor cycling studios. "I used to be a spin coach who finally mustered up the courage to ride outdoors in 2010 and never looked back," said Diana Fenty Davis, a New Jersey cyclist who now leads group rides for her local club.


Indoor cycling and outdoor cycling have their own benefits. A combination of the two may be the best choice because it allows you to enjoy both the convenience of indoor cycling and the physical and mental benefits of outdoor cycling.

For those who work a standard 9-to-5 job and have little free time on weekdays, training for shorter periods with an indoor trainer on weekdays may help you become a more consistent rider and build up your physique. Then, on the weekend, switch to an outdoor ride for a meditative time in nature and enjoy the bike.

At the end of the day, no matter how you decide to ride, as long as you're pedaling, you're doing the right thing.