
There is no handling fee for cross-platform refunds, netizens: And this is a good thing?

author:Xiao Liang Entertainment

Cross-platform refunds are rare, but this is the first time I've heard of cross-platform refunds free of handling fees.

Recently, a lady in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province bought a ticket home on a platform, and she said that she and her friend bought the tickets separately. However, due to a mistake in the itinerary, I was unable to travel on the day of ticket purchase, so I thought about refunding the ticket.

According to the official ticket purchase guidelines of 12306, if the ticket is refunded within 48 hours of purchase, 10% of the amount will be charged.

There is no handling fee for cross-platform refunds, netizens: And this is a good thing?

So the lady negotiated with a friend, listened to a friend's suggestion, and chose to refund the ticket on another platform, but what she never expected was that it showed that the refund was successful, and the 10% handling fee had not been charged, which was equivalent to saving more than a dozen yuan. It seems that this platform is also very powerful, which is equivalent to bearing the refund fee by itself. It's also the first time I've heard that cross-platform refunds are also available, and there is even no handling fee.

Netizens replied

This netizen said: This is very good, under normal circumstances, a handling fee of about 10% will be charged, and the platform's free refund is equivalent to the platform itself bearing this part of the loss. Doing so occasionally gives back to the user and earns a good reputation. However, it is better to decide on the itinerary as soon as possible and make a decision until the end. to avoid unnecessary trouble. It's really expensive, and the price of this win-win situation is really big.

There is no handling fee for cross-platform refunds, netizens: And this is a good thing?

The onlooker netizen expressed his approval: Is this okay? Can anyone tell me that there really is such a thing? That's great, it's a good thing for consumers. That's really a big benefit for us, and there is no need to bear the handling fee for cross-platform refunds

There is no handling fee for cross-platform refunds, netizens: And this is a good thing?

Some netizens also questioned: Is there really such a good thing? The first time I heard that tickets can be refunded across platforms, and isn't there a handling fee deducted for refunds in general? It's still free, and some netizens below replied that it was paid by the platform in advance, which may be a new user or some privileges.

There is no handling fee for cross-platform refunds, netizens: And this is a good thing?

In this regard, what do you think of this cross-platform free refund? Comments and exchanges are welcome.