
Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden, and finally ended up teaching in the countryside

author:The sea is lonely


A new star whose name once resounded in the black land of Northeast China, with a sweet smile and a star-studded star, suddenly disappeared from the spotlight and turned around and plunged into the podium of a remote mountain village. It's not just a change of role, it's a migration of souls. Cao Jiarui, what kind of story is hidden behind this name? Why did her choice stir up a thousand waves, making countless netizens hotly discuss and call it "incredible"? Today, let's uncover the secret behind this and feel the innocence and persistence that transcend fame and fortune.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden, and finally ended up teaching in the countryside

1. Grassroots counterattack, starry road

Cao Jiarui, born in Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1986, is an actress in Chinese mainland. rose to prominence for starring in the role of Ma Xiaocui's friend Xiaoyun in the "Ma Dashuai" series of TV series. Later, because he refused the temptation of the entertainment industry, he chose to quit the circle and changed careers to become a teacher. With her firm principles and love for life, she wrote a wonderful chapter of her own.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden, and finally ended up teaching in the countryside

Back in 2003, it was a dream that came true. At that time, Cao Jiarui was still a girl with dreams and young people. In the selection of a smile ambassador, she instantly lit up everyone's eyes with her dustless smile and perseverance, like a bright new star.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden, and finally ended up teaching in the countryside

Teacher Zhao Benshan, the master of the sketch industry, fell in love with this new star with unlimited potential at a glance. Since then, Cao Jiarui's fate has quietly changed.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden, and finally ended up teaching in the countryside

After signing with Benshan Media, Cao Jiarui seemed to be on a rocket and quickly became popular. In the big-budget TV series "Mr. Kanto", she successfully created an unforgettable role with her superb acting skills and outstanding appearance, winning the love and recognition of the audience.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden, and finally ended up teaching in the countryside

At that time, she could attract the screams and followers of countless fans when she walked on the street, as if the whole world was cheering for her. However, behind this glamorous and glamorous, there are hidden hardships and dedications that no one knows.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden, and finally ended up teaching in the countryside

Second, the undercurrent of the entertainment industry is surging, how does she stick to her heart?

Just when everyone thought that Cao Jiarui would march all the way and become another bright pearl in the entertainment industry, a sudden turmoil broke the peace. In 2009, during the filming of an advertisement, Cao Jiarui was invited to a "Hongmen Banquet". A rich man is in the name of entertaining, but in fact there is a hidden mystery. In the face of such temptation and pressure, Cao Jiarui did not choose to compromise, but decisively refused, showing admirable backbone and courage.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden, and finally ended up teaching in the countryside

However, this refusal has cost her dearly. Resources began to drain gradually, and the new characters passed by her one after another. Faced with the cruelty and reality of the entertainment industry, Cao Jiarui did not choose to sink, but resolutely chose to quit. This decision is undoubtedly a redemption for himself, and it is also a silent protest against the chaos in the entertainment industry.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden, and finally ended up teaching in the countryside

3. Returning to the ordinary, she found her true belonging

After quitting the entertainment industry, Cao Jiarui did not slump, but greeted a new life with a more positive attitude. In 2011, she was admitted to Liaoning University of the Arts and became a Chinese teacher.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden, and finally ended up teaching in the countryside

On campus, she has won the love and respect of her students with her unique teaching style and affinity. However, this is not the end for her. Later, she followed in her husband's footsteps to a remote mountain village primary school to teach, which lasted for several years.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden, and finally ended up teaching in the countryside

During his days at the Mountain Village Primary School, Cao Jiarui was completely integrated into the land and the children here. She not only teaches and educates people, imparts knowledge, but also warms the hearts of every child with love and patience. She found that despite the difficult living conditions of the children here, their thirst for knowledge and their vision for the future were stronger than anyone else. This innocence and tenacity deeply touched Cao Jiarui and made her find her true sense of belonging and value.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden, and finally ended up teaching in the countryside

Fourth, she is the most beautiful scenery on the public welfare road

While teaching in the mountain village, Cao Jiarui is also actively involved in public welfare undertakings. She uses her influence and social resources to call on all sectors of society to pay attention to rural education issues, and provide financial support for those children whose families are financially disadvantaged but have excellent character and academic performance. With her help, many children were able to continue their education, and some even went to university, changing their lives. Whenever she sees the smiling faces and progress of these children, Cao Jiarui feels extremely relieved and satisfied.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden, and finally ended up teaching in the countryside

Cao Jiarui's public welfare actions not only changed the fate of children, but also inspired more people to pay attention to and participate in public welfare undertakings. She used her actions to interpret what true love and responsibility are, and became a beautiful scenery on the road of public welfare.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden, and finally ended up teaching in the countryside

Netizens hotly discussed: Whose heartstrings did her choice touch?

Cao Jiarui's story spread quickly on the Internet, sparking widespread heated discussions and discussions. Many netizens said that they were moved by her courage and persistence, believing that she is a clear stream in the entertainment industry and worthy of everyone's learning and respect.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden, and finally ended up teaching in the countryside

Some netizens left a message saying: "In this materialistic society, there are not many people who can stick to their hearts and choose to return to the ordinary, Cao Jiarui has done this, which is really admirable!" ”

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden, and finally ended up teaching in the countryside

Some netizens also expressed their support and appreciation for Cao Jiarui's public welfare undertakings, believing that she used her actions to convey positive energy and warmth to the society. Some netizens sighed: "Cao Jiarui's choice made me see another possibility in life, it turns out that we can choose a more meaningful and valuable lifestyle!" ”

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden, and finally ended up teaching in the countryside

Conclusion: Only by sticking to the original intention can we achieve far-reaching

Cao Jiarui's story is like a mirror that reflects the brightest side of human nature. She used her own experience to tell us that no matter what kind of environment we are in, we must stick to our original intention and principles, not be moved by fame and fortune, and not be confused by temptation. Only in this way can we keep a clear head and firm belief in the complex world and embark on a path of our own.

Because he was too beautiful, he was favored by Zhao Benshan, and he was unwilling to accompany the wine and was hidden, and finally ended up teaching in the countryside

At the same time, Cao Jiarui's story also inspires us to pay attention to society, pay attention to vulnerable groups, and use our own strength to bring warmth and change to the world. As she puts it, "I hope to light a light for these children through my own efforts to illuminate their way forward." "May we all be that light, illuminating ourselves and warming others.

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