
In a word! Crawford points out the key to the match against Alvarez: Saudi tycoons are crucial!

author:The son of the old Sun family
In a word! Crawford points out the key to the match against Alvarez: Saudi tycoons are crucial!

Crawford said the key to the match against Alvarez was the attitude of the Saudi entertainment chairman. As the most commercially valuable boxing champion in boxing today, Alvarez has always been the target of boxing stars. Because everybody knows that playing against Alvarez means making a lot of money. Just like the golden boy Hoya has a lot of conflicts with Alvarez, but he is still keen to promote his fighters to fight Alvarez. But Alvarez is the face of boxing, and he doesn't accept anyone's challenge.

In a word! Crawford points out the key to the match against Alvarez: Saudi tycoons are crucial!

Many fans know that Saudi Entertainment Chairman Alalshik has publicly revealed that he wants to promote two cross-division fights, one of which is Crawford vs. Alvarez. A few days ago, in an interview with Fight Hub TV, Crawford talked about it. Crawford faced the camera and said: The only way to play Alvarez is to involve His Excellency Alalshik. The only person who can make this match happen is Alarcik. Because Alvarez will ask for a high price, only Alarshik can meet it.

In a word! Crawford points out the key to the match against Alvarez: Saudi tycoons are crucial!

Objectively speaking, Crawford's words are still very realistic. Because Alvarez has publicly stated that with his current status and influence, he can choose the opponent he wants, or he can reject the opponent he doesn't. For example, Benavidez, Alvarez didn't want to play against him, so he threw out a price of $150 million to $200 million, which successfully discouraged Benavidez. Now, the person who can pay Alvarez a huge amount of money is probably no one else except Alalshik, the chairman of Saudi entertainment. Fortunately, Alalshik is very interested in facilitating this match.