
Yan Su's widow Li Wenhui, her husband spoiled her for 50 years and died, but a pair of children took her to court.

author:Lao Tian speaks of literature

In 1961, the spring breeze in the capital blew through the streets and alleys, and a seemingly ordinary blind date achieved a legendary love. Li Wenhui, a girl from Baoding, Hebei Province, carefully combed her braids with apprehension, looking forward to the upcoming Prince Charming.

However, when she saw Yan Su's slightly dull face, she couldn't help but be disappointed in her heart. Yan Su, a young composer from Baoding, Hebei Province, is talented but clumsy in his verbal expression.

Their first meeting was like an incompatible symphony, which was a big surprise. Li Wenhui almost left on the spot, but fate quietly changed his trajectory at this time.

Back at home, Li Wenhui complained to his parents that the blind date was not suitable. Her parents were very angry when they heard this, so they went to the introducer Lin Ye Theory. They questioned whether the object introduced by Lin Ye was not a good object, and even doubted whether Lin Ye had received benefits.

Yan Su's widow Li Wenhui, her husband spoiled her for 50 years and died, but a pair of children took her to court.

However, Lin Ye patiently explained Yan Su's background and talents, and Li Wenhui's family began to re-examine the young man. Yan Su is not good at words, but he expresses his love in his own way.

He waved his pen like a fly, and the sincere letters were like delicate notes, gently tapping Li Wenhui's heart. Each letter is like a moving music, slowly expressing the love in his heart.

Finally, in the touching recounting of the 100th letter, Li Wenhui was moved by this persistence and accepted Yan Su's marriage proposal. Their marriage, like a love song across time and space, was played in Beijing in 1961.

Soon after, Li Wenhui became pregnant, and this joy became a source of inspiration for Yan Su's creation. He wrote with a stroke of his pen and created "Sister Jiang", which was widely sung later, as if inscribed the imprint of their love with musical notes.

Yan Su's widow Li Wenhui, her husband spoiled her for 50 years and died, but a pair of children took her to court.

This first encounter became a sweet past that Yan Su and Li Wenhui often mentioned when they recalled in the future. Although the initial impression was not ideal, their encounter seemed to have its own providence in the dark, and a sincere love spanning half a century began.

Fate always seems to like to test sincere feelings. In that turbulent era, literary and artistic creation was strictly restricted, and other literary and artistic activities were banned except for model operas. An artist as talented as Yan Su was unfortunately imprisoned.

This blow is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for young couples, but it becomes a touchstone for their relationship. Li Wenhui held her young daughter in her arms and went to visit her husband under great pressure.

However, she was ruthlessly held out of the door. Some people coldly asked her why she stood with the "reactionary forces", and even hinted that as long as she divorced Yan Su, everything could be easily resolved.

Yan Su's widow Li Wenhui, her husband spoiled her for 50 years and died, but a pair of children took her to court.

In the face of such temptations and threats, Li Wenhui was shaken and bitter in his heart. She looked at her sleeping daughter and thought about the difficulties ahead, and tears unconsciously slipped down.

But in the end, she chose to stick with it. She firmly told those who persuaded her to leave: "We are a family, and no matter what happens, we will bear it together." This sentence is not only a response to outsiders, but also a promise to Yan Su.

When Yan Su heard this, he held back his tears and turned his face away, not wanting people to see his weakness. But his heart was full of strength and gratitude for his wife's steadfastness.

Although Yan Su had never shed a tear during the criticism, his eyes were suddenly full of soreness at this moment. This once high-spirited talent, in the face of his wife's love, finally took off all his defenses and showed the most real vulnerability.

Yan Su's widow Li Wenhui, her husband spoiled her for 50 years and died, but a pair of children took her to court.

Although Yan Su was eventually released from prison safely, the experience left a deep mark on the young couple. Li Wenhui looked at her husband's emaciated figure, distressed but powerless.

And Yan Su cherished this hard-won relationship even more, and secretly vowed to love his wife more and not let her suffer again. After the turmoil subsided, Yan Su felt deeply ashamed of his wife. He looked at the once delicate Li Wenhui, but now his hands were covered with calluses, and his heart was full of guilt and pity.

He secretly made up his mind that he would never let Li Wenhui suffer again in the future. This tribulation experience not only did not destroy their relationship, but made the love between Yan Su and Li Wenhui more indestructible.

The hardships they experienced together became the most precious treasure of their marriage, allowing them to cherish each other more in the years to come, and to spend every difficult time in their lives together.

Yan Su's widow Li Wenhui, her husband spoiled her for 50 years and died, but a pair of children took her to court.

After experiencing wind and rain, Yan Su and Li Wenhui's relationship has become deeper. Yan Su deeply regretted that he had made his wife suffer, and seeing that Li Wenhui's once delicate hands were now covered with calluses, his heart was full of guilt and pity.

Since then, he has cherished this hard-won feeling even more, and interpreted his love with his actions. One year, Li Wenhui was too busy with work to get out. Suddenly, an anxious man intrudes into her life and tells her that her mother has fallen.

Li Wenhui fell into a state of six gods and no master, but there were not enough people in the stage, so she could only endure the pain until she got off work. When she rushed to the hospital, she saw her husband Yan Su sitting by her mother's bedside and giving up her job to take care of her mother-in-law.

Yan Su held her hand and said gently, "We are husband and wife. This simple sentence expresses their heart-to-heart tacit understanding. This tacit understanding is not only reflected in life, but also shines in career.

Yan Su's widow Li Wenhui, her husband spoiled her for 50 years and died, but a pair of children took her to court.

Once, Yang Jie, the director of "Journey to the West", approached Li Wenhui, hoping that she could persuade Yan Su to write the theme song for the play. Li Wenhui was a little embarrassed at first, and said to Yang Jie: "How can this work? He's rejected you, and I can't say anything more.

Yang Jie replied with a smile: "You can ask for sure." Who doesn't know that he is a strict wife. Li Wenhui felt a burst of sweetness in his heart, and went home to convey this request to her husband. Unexpectedly, Yan Su readily agreed without saying a word, and immediately wrote the popular poem "Dare to Ask Where the Road Is".

This song has not only become a classic, but also a testimony to their deep love as a couple. Day after day, year after year, Yan Su pampered Li Wenhui in his unique way. Although he is not good at words and rarely says "I love you", every subtle gesture reveals his deep love.

Li Wenhui slowly understood that the "stupid wood" who once disappointed her was actually loving her with all his heart. After 50 years of spring and autumn, Li Wenhui finally fully accepted the head of the wooden one.

Yan Su's widow Li Wenhui, her husband spoiled her for 50 years and died, but a pair of children took her to court.

Although Yan Su doesn't talk about love, his actions are full of love. This marriage, like a beautiful music that has been precipitated over the years, is more and more exciting.

In 2016, fate once again played a cruel joke on the loving couple. Yan Su suddenly fell to the ground, which scared Li Wenhui a lot. He was rushed to the hospital, and after several rounds of resuscitation, his condition was still not optimistic.

Li Wenhui's heart was like a knife, and he stayed in front of the hospital bed day and night, holding her husband's hand tightly, and calling his name over and over again. In the hospital room, Yan Su fell into a coma.

Li Wenhui looked at her husband's pale face, recalling the bits and pieces of their acquaintance, acquaintance, and love, and the time of fifty years was like a white horse, but it was full of warmth and happiness.

Yan Su's widow Li Wenhui, her husband spoiled her for 50 years and died, but a pair of children took her to court.

She held back her tears and whispered to her unconscious husband: "Please remember me on the Huangquan Road, I will still be your bride in the next life." When the children hurried in, they could only kneel down in front of their father's cold body.

Li Wenhui stood aside, tears falling silently. Yan Su's departure not only took away the most important person in Li Wenhui's life, but also took away part of her heart. Faced with the death of her husband, Li Wenhui still did not come out of the baptism of tears.

She often sat alone in Yan Su's favorite study, stroking the manuscripts he left behind, as if she could still hear the soft humming of his music. Those days that used to be together day and night have all become precious memories at this moment.

Li Wenhui firmly believes that if there is an afterlife, she will definitely marry Yan Su again and continue their unfinished love story. This is not only a sad vow, but also the best interpretation of their half-century love.

Yan Su's widow Li Wenhui, her husband spoiled her for 50 years and died, but a pair of children took her to court.

Yan Su left behind not only more than 1,000 songs and huge copyright fees, but also deep love for his family. However, this love will soon be put to the test. What Li Wenhui didn't know was that there was an even bigger storm waiting for her in the future, and that storm would come from the people closest to her – her children.

Yan Su's death not only brought great grief, but also sparked a heartbreaking family strife. The talented composer wrote more than 1,000 songs in his lifetime, leaving behind huge royalties and other legacies.

It was supposed to be a gift he left to his family, but it became the fuse that caused the dispute. Three years after her husband's death, Li Wenhui found that she still couldn't shake off her grief. However, what made her even more painful was the escalating quarrels between her children.

She could only keep them out, hoping to maintain peace. The younger son had a long-standing grudge in his heart, and he thought that his father was prejudiced against him during his lifetime. He complained: "My father refused to let me open a company, but gave my sister a large sum of money.

Yan Su's widow Li Wenhui, her husband spoiled her for 50 years and died, but a pair of children took her to court.

This sense of unfairness was like a thorn in his heart, which deepened as time went on. And the daughter has her own grievances. She felt that her father did not pay enough attention to her, especially at her wedding.

This feeling of being ignored filled her heart with grievances. Although the mother, Li Wenhui, holds the inheritance, the dispute between the two children has not stopped. Their contradictions deepened day by day, and the sound of quarrels continued to resound in the home.

Li Wenhui was caught in the middle, his heart was like a knife. She tried to persuade her children to live in harmony and remember their father together. However, her efforts had little effect. This suffocating family atmosphere lasted for three years, until in 2019, when the conflict finally broke out.

Li Wenhui received a court complaint with the names of his children written on it. Looking at this cold legal document, Li Wenhui felt that the world was spinning for a while. She couldn't believe that her own flesh and blood would take her to court because of money.

Yan Su's widow Li Wenhui, her husband spoiled her for 50 years and died, but a pair of children took her to court.

Sitting in front of Yan Su's posthumous portrait, Li Wenhui burst into tears. She remembered that her husband cherished his family and loved his children during his lifetime, but now he has ended up in such a field. She couldn't help but sigh, can money really destroy family affection? This inheritance dispute not only tore apart this once happy family, but also cast a shadow on Li Wenhui's later life.

In the face of the court's lawsuit, Li Wenhui fell into deep confusion and pain. She often sat alone at home, looking back on the half-century she had spent with Yan Su. Those warm, sweet memories seem so bitter at the moment.

She remembered what Yan Su often said before her death: "Home and everything is prosperous." But now, the family he loved so much is torn apart by the property he left behind. Li Wenhui couldn't help but ask herself, did she make a mistake in handling the inheritance issue? Or can the temptation of money really transcend the bonds of family affection? In the dead of night, Li Wenhui would pour out his heart to Yan Su's posthumous portrait.

She told him how much she wished he was still there to help her through this. She would also imagine how Yan Su would feel if she knew about the current situation. Although the court's decision was mainly mediation, the result was a mixed opinion, and it was nothing more than a happy ending in the end.

Yan Su's widow Li Wenhui, her husband spoiled her for 50 years and died, but a pair of children took her to court.

However, this turmoil cast a shadow over Li Wenhui's later years. She began to reflect on whether she had been negligent in educating her children to the point that they would turn against each other for money.

But the real idea is only known to Li Wenhui alone. She believes that as long as she has love for Yan Su in her heart, she will definitely be able to find a way to resolve the conflict. She secretly made up her mind to use love to melt the ice in her children's hearts and reunite this once happy family.

Even in the face of such a predicament, Li Wenhui still insisted on his love and loyalty to her husband. She hopes to continue to inherit the spirit of Yan Su and the deep affection between them that spans half a century in her own way.

This is not only a memory of the past, but also an expectation for the future.

Yan Su's widow Li Wenhui, her husband spoiled her for 50 years and died, but a pair of children took her to court.

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