
is obviously mediocre in appearance, but she can be as beautiful as a fairy, how did these 5 actresses do it?

author:Lao Tian speaks of literature

Behind the bright stars, there are always some untold stories. In this entertainment industry where appearance is king, there is such a group of actresses, their starting point is not amazing, and it can even be said that they are mediocre.

However, it is these "not amazing" girls who use their own efforts and persistence to compose gorgeous movements of counterattacks. Liu Tao, this name is now a household name, but you may not know that when she first entered the industry, she was often mistaken for "passerby A" because of her ordinary appearance.

Liu Tao, standing in front of the mirror, looked at his ordinary face, but his heart burned with extraordinary dreams. She secretly vowed that one day, she would use her strength to make everyone remember this face.

Tong Yao's story begins when she was 10 years old. As a child star, she made her debut on the screen. However, the "strip" of adolescence made her appearance a little "flat".

is obviously mediocre in appearance, but she can be as beautiful as a fairy, how did these 5 actresses do it?

10 years have passed, Tong Yao is still in the position of a supporting role, and the anxiety and uneasiness in her heart are increasing day by day. Yang Rong's starting point is even more insignificant. Before playing "Xiaoxue" in "Fragrant Honey Sinks Like Frost", she was often mistaken for a group performance.

Every time she stood on the set and looked at those glamorous protagonists, Yang Rong secretly swore in her heart: One day, I will also become such a shining existence. Angelababy's story is full of controversy.

When she first entered the industry, she was questioned because of the change in her appearance. The rumors of "plastic surgery" are always with her, but she always insists that she is "original". Facing the camera, there is both firmness and a hint of imperceptible fragility in her eyes.

Jessica, by contrast, seems to be an exception. debuted with the title of "Millennium Beauty", but she was also burdened with huge expectations and pressure. Beneath the perfect exterior is a heart that longs to be recognized.

is obviously mediocre in appearance, but she can be as beautiful as a fairy, how did these 5 actresses do it?

These five actresses, at the starting point of their star journey, may be mediocre in appearance, but they have extraordinary dreams hidden in their hearts. They are eager to find their place in this competitive circle, eager to win the recognition of the audience with their talent and hard work.

However, the reality is harsh. In auditions and interviews again and again, they have to face their shortcomings in appearance and feel the strict requirements of this industry for appearance.

But they didn't give up, because they knew that the real transformation had just begun. In the years of crawling in the entertainment industry, these five actresses gradually realized a cruel reality: acting skills and talent alone are far from enough.

In this visually-led industry, appearance is often the first key to opening the door to opportunity. As a result, they began to face up to their shortcomings and look for a direction to change.

is obviously mediocre in appearance, but she can be as beautiful as a fairy, how did these 5 actresses do it?

Tong Yao's transformation is even bolder. In order to change her "flat" facial features, she decided to change her eye shape through double eyelid surgery. This decision was not an easy one, and she repeatedly hesitated, fearing that failure would ruin her acting career.

But eventually, she mustered up the courage to walk into the operating room, expecting a new version of herself. Yang Rong focused on the details. She began to meticulously design every detail of her makeup, paying particular attention to the shape of her eyebrows.

From the early thin eyebrows to the more recognizable eyebrow shapes, every change shows her relentless pursuit of beauty. Angelababy's challenges are even more daunting. In the face of continuous "plastic surgery" doubts, she insists on the "original" statement on the one hand, and on the other hand, she is constantly improving her image.

She began to learn how to look her best in front of the camera, researching makeup and styling that suited her. Every time she appeared in public, she had to face countless pairs of critical eyes, and this pressure made her suffer.

is obviously mediocre in appearance, but she can be as beautiful as a fairy, how did these 5 actresses do it?

Jessica chose a different path. As a "millennium beauty", she knows where her advantages are. She chooses to maintain a natural makeup look that highlights her strengths.

She believes that true beauty does not need to be overly embellished, but comes from inner self-confidence. However, the path to change has not been easy. They face skepticism and criticism from all sides.

Some say they are "unnatural", others say they "take shortcuts". These voices were like sharp knives, piercing their sensitive hearts. However, they understand that in order to gain a foothold in the industry, they must withstand these tests.

For countless late nights, they practiced their expressions in front of the mirror and studied how to look their best in front of the camera. They flip through fashion magazines and learn about trendy makeup. They consult professionals for scientific advice.

is obviously mediocre in appearance, but she can be as beautiful as a fairy, how did these 5 actresses do it?

Every step is full of hardships, but they firmly believe that this is the only way to their dreams. This stage is the most difficult period on their road to transformation, and it is also the most critical period.

They constantly adjust in the midst of doubts, sum up their experience in failures, and slowly find their own direction. This is not only a change in appearance, but also a process of self-awareness and breakthrough.

As time went on, the efforts of these five actresses began to slowly show results. Their change is not only in appearance, but also in a transformation from the inside out. Liu Tao's changes are most obvious.

Not only did she change her hairstyle, but she also paid more attention to the maintenance of her skin. In "The Legend of Miyue", she perfectly interpreted the image transformation from a girl to a queen, which amazed the audience. Liu Tao once said frankly in an interview: "I spend time on skin care every day, which has become an indispensable part of my life.

is obviously mediocre in appearance, but she can be as beautiful as a fairy, how did these 5 actresses do it?

This persistence has made her skin condition better and better, and her complexion is getting better and better. There is more confidence in her eyes, and her gestures exude the charm of a mature woman.

Tong Yao's double eyelid surgery added sparkle to her eyes, but she didn't stop there. She began to pay attention to the shaping of the overall image, including hairstyle, outfit and other aspects.

"Every detail counts, because together they make up who I am in the eyes of the audience," she said. After the age of 40, Tong Yao ushered in the peak of her career, created a number of popular roles, and completely got rid of the shackles of her early image.

Yang Rong focused on the details of her makeup. She meticulously designs each look, adapting it to different occasions and character needs. The changes in her eyebrow shape are particularly striking, from her early thin eyebrows to her more recognizable eyebrow shapes, each of which is a testament to her quest for beauty.

is obviously mediocre in appearance, but she can be as beautiful as a fairy, how did these 5 actresses do it?

In "Fragrant Honey Sinks Like Frost", she played the role of "Xiaoxue", with exquisite makeup and smart performance, which made the audience exclaim: "It turns out that Yang Rong is so beautiful!" Although Angelababy has always faced questions about plastic surgery, she has always insisted that she is "original".

She elevates her image with elaborate makeup and styling. In variety shows such as "Let's Run", she always shows people with a fresh and sweet image, and has won the reputation of "national first love".

Her smile became more and more confident, and the firmness in her eyes became more obvious, as if she was responding to all doubts with practical actions. Jessica chose a different path.

She maintains a natural makeup style that highlights her strengths. "I don't want to be stunning, it's about feeling comfortable and natural," she says. This unique style makes her stand out from the crowd.

is obviously mediocre in appearance, but she can be as beautiful as a fairy, how did these 5 actresses do it?

After transforming into a singer and entrepreneur, her personal brand has also received a good market response, proving that she is not only beautiful, but also talented and capable. In the process, they not only changed their appearance, but more importantly, built their self-confidence.

They have learned to appreciate themselves, to accept their imperfections, and to know how to build on their strengths and avoid their weaknesses. This change from the inside out makes them more calm and confident in front of the camera.

Every time they appear in public, they can feel their progress. The former anxiety and low self-esteem are gradually replaced by self-confidence and calmness. They understand that true beauty is not only about the sophistication of the outside, but also about the strength of the heart.

This kind of transformation has allowed them to find their own place in the highly competitive entertainment industry, and has also laid the foundation for the next career peak. After unremitting efforts, these five actresses finally ushered in their respective masterpieces and shined dazzlingly on the screen.

is obviously mediocre in appearance, but she can be as beautiful as a fairy, how did these 5 actresses do it?

Liu Tao's performance in "The Legend of Miyue" is amazing. Mi Yue played by her has changed greatly from a girl to a queen, and her image has changed greatly. With his superb acting skills and well-shaped image, Liu Tao perfectly interprets this complex role.

There is both the innocence of a girl and the majesty and decisiveness of a queen in her eyes. The audience exclaimed: "Is this still the 'passer-by' Liu Tao?" This drama not only made Liu Tao widely praised, but also made her successfully among the ranks of first-line actors.

Tong Yao ushered in the peak of her career after the age of 40. Her role as Song Yunping in "Big River" and Tian Yulan in "Little Shede" left a deep impression on the audience.

Her image has become more mature and elegant, and her acting skills have become more sophisticated. Especially in "Little Shede", the image of the tiger mother played by Tong Yao has aroused widespread discussion, and her performance is delicate and nuanced, and the complex psychology of the character is vividly interpreted.

is obviously mediocre in appearance, but she can be as beautiful as a fairy, how did these 5 actresses do it?

Yang Rong played the role of "Xiaoxue" in "Fragrant Honey Sinks Like Frost", which made her completely get rid of the label of "group performance". Her delicate makeup and smart performance perfectly interpret the playfulness and cuteness of this character.

The audience said: "It turns out that Yang Rong is so beautiful! This role not only increased Yang Rong's popularity, but also allowed her to get more opportunities for high-quality roles. Angelababy's performance in "Let's Run" has earned her a large number of fans.

Her sunny and sweet image, coupled with her natural and generous performance, has won the reputation of "the first love of the nation". In the show, she not only showed her perfect appearance, but also won the love of the audience with her own efforts and persistence.

"I hope to bring positive energy and joy to the audience," she said. This show has successfully transformed Angelababy into a variety show star, and it has also brought her more commercial value.

is obviously mediocre in appearance, but she can be as beautiful as a fairy, how did these 5 actresses do it?

Jessica has successfully transformed into a singer and entrepreneur. Her unique fashion taste and natural makeup style make her unique in the entertainment industry. Her personal brand has also received a good response from the market.

In terms of music, her songs have appeared on the music charts several times, showcasing her talent in the field of music. These masterpieces not only show their transformation in appearance, but also reflect their growth in acting skills and personal charm.

They use their strength to prove that beauty is not only about appearance, but also about inner self-confidence and the bloom of talent. From the former "passer-by" to today's dazzling brilliance, their transformation has undoubtedly given many people courage and hope.

The success of these five actresses does not stop at the improvement of their appearance. They know that in this highly competitive industry, appearance alone is not enough. As a result, they are constantly strengthening their professional abilities while improving their appearance.

is obviously mediocre in appearance, but she can be as beautiful as a fairy, how did these 5 actresses do it?

Through continuous learning and practice, Liu Tao's acting skills have made a qualitative leap. From an early supporting role to a powerful actor today, she has taken every step of the way solidly and steadily. She not only won the reputation of "National Goddess", but also won many film and television awards for her outstanding performance.

After "The Legend of Miyue", she contributed wonderful performances in dramas such as "Ode to Joy" and "Old Tavern". Liu Tao once said: "Beauty may fade with age, but strength and wisdom will keep you attractive forever."

Tong Yao insists on continuous learning and challenges various different types of roles. From innocent girls to mature women, from ancient costumes to modern times, the range of her performances continues to expand. Her hard work paid off, with multiple nominations for acting awards.

In "Little Shede", her in-depth understanding of the role and delicate performance have won unanimous praise from the audience and industry insiders. "Every role is an opportunity to grow, and I enjoy the process," she said in the interview.

is obviously mediocre in appearance, but she can be as beautiful as a fairy, how did these 5 actresses do it?

In addition to paying attention to appearance, Yang Rong pays more attention to the details of the performance. Her efforts have been recognized by the audience and industry insiders, and she has gradually become a hot and powerful actor.

After "Fragrant Honey Sinks Like Frost", she showed her strength in dramas such as "Storm Dance" and "Ice, Rain and Fire". "I want the audience to see not only my appearance, but also my acting skills and understanding of the character," she said.

"Angelababy shows a versatile side in variety shows, and also actively tries different types of film and television works. From "The Ferryman" to "The Age of Entrepreneurship", she constantly challenges herself and breaks through the inherent image.

Her hard work has made her successfully among the ranks of "Little Flowers". "I want to prove that I'm not just about my looks, but also about my strength and talent," she said. "Jessica has demonstrated strong business acumen and creative abilities after transitioning into a singer and entrepreneur.

is obviously mediocre in appearance, but she can be as beautiful as a fairy, how did these 5 actresses do it?

Her personal brand has received a good response from the market, proving that she is not only beautiful, but also talented and capable. Her music works have also appeared on the music charts many times, showing her talent in the field of music.

The road to success of these five actresses tells us that true success requires all-round efforts and breakthroughs. They have proved with practical actions that beauty can be an advantage, but it is by no means the only bargaining chip.

In this fast-changing entertainment industry, only by constantly learning and making breakthroughs can we always maintain competitiveness. Their stories have undoubtedly given great encouragement and inspiration to many dreamers.

The transformation journey of these five actresses has brought us profound enlightenment. Their experiences tell us that outward change is only part of success, but more importantly, inner growth and all-round improvement.

is obviously mediocre in appearance, but she can be as beautiful as a fairy, how did these 5 actresses do it?

Liu Tao, Tong Yao, Yang Rong, Angelababy and Jessica, each of them has stories that demonstrate the importance of continuous learning and self-improvement. Whether it is the improvement of acting skills or the expansion of personal ability, it requires persistent efforts.

As Liu Tao said: "Beauty may fade with age, but strength and wisdom will keep you attractive forever." At the same time, their experiences have taught us how important it is to find our own position in the pursuit of beauty.

Jessica opted to keep her natural makeup, while Angelababy elevated her image with careful makeup and styling. Everyone is unique in their own way, and the key is to discover and show it.

In the end, the stories of these actresses show us that true beauty is not only in appearance, but also in inner confidence and charm. When a person finds her own value and makes unremitting efforts for it, the light she exudes is the most touching beauty.

is obviously mediocre in appearance, but she can be as beautiful as a fairy, how did these 5 actresses do it?

As Yang Rong said: "I want the audience to see not only my appearance, but also my acting skills and understanding of the role." "The transformation of these actresses is not only their personal success stories, but also the true meaning of beauty for us.