
Pingwu Long'an, Daqiao Electric Power Branch: Walk into Maqiang Village to inherit the spirit of the Red Army

author:Read and listen to the horizon

On July 2, the Party Branch of Pingwu Electric Power Long'an Power Supply Station of Sichuan Hydropower Group and the Party Branch of Pingwu Bridge Power Supply Station jointly carried out the Party Day theme activities of remembering the revolutionary martyrs, keeping the original intention, and practicing the mission at the Red Army Memorial Hall in Niufei Village, Pingtong Qiang Township. Everyone watched the pictures and physical exhibitions in the Red Army Memorial Hall, and learned about the great feat of the Red Fourth Front Army in Pingwu. I listened to the narrator's passionate explanation.

Pingwu Long'an, Daqiao Electric Power Branch: Walk into Maqiang Village to inherit the spirit of the Red Army

They believe that the Red Army relied on its firm revolutionary belief and the revolutionary fighting spirit of not fearing hardship or death to complete the Long March with its flesh and blood. Tearfully, everyone said that they would inherit the spirit of the Red Army, work hard, and inject new momentum into the development of the electric power industry.

Pingwu Long'an, Daqiao Electric Power Branch: Walk into Maqiang Village to inherit the spirit of the Red Army

In the red lecture hall, the branch secretary led everyone to study the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", everyone was determined, abide by party discipline and party rules, stress party spirit, integrity, dedication, and make new contributions to Pingwu electric power.

Pingwu Long'an, Daqiao Electric Power Branch: Walk into Maqiang Village to inherit the spirit of the Red Army

Outstanding Communist Party members were also commended at the event.

Under the banner of the party, under the leadership of the branch secretary, everyone reviewed the oath of joining the party, decided to follow the party, listen to the party, do a good job in power work, and then reach a new level. Don't forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind. Most party members said that they should lay a good "booster" for themselves anytime and anywhere, for the local economic development of Pingwu, for the bright lights of thousands of homes, and as a good "guardian saint" of electricity. Contribute to the improvement of new quality productivity.

Subsequently, everyone also went to Pingnan Qiang Township and visited the former site of the Pingnan Soviet.

Pingwu Long'an, Daqiao Electric Power Branch: Walk into Maqiang Village to inherit the spirit of the Red Army

Written by: Yin Rupei Text/Picture

Producer: Times Media New Media Center