
Teary-eyed! The 2-year-old girl was lifted high in the air to perform and was rejected when she reached out to hug her, netizens: How heavy life is

author:Pouring warmth is not open

Oh my God, when I first saw the video of that 2-year-old girl juggling on the street, I was really bad. As the video played, my heart sank little by little, and the more I watched it, the more sad I became.


A two-year-old toddler, who should have grown up under the warm care of his loved ones, was forced to perform difficult actions on the street in an attempt to earn a living. The most devastating thing is that when the little girl finished her performance, she took the initiative to ask the people around her for a hug, but she was cruelly indifferent and rejected. This made all the people who watched it sad and shed tears.

What did this little girl go through to come to a street performance at such a young age? It's scary to think about. As can be seen from the video, the little girl made many mistakes during the performance and almost fell, but the people around her did not have any safety measures. And she's so young that it's impossible to really understand the meaning and risks of acting.

Teary-eyed! The 2-year-old girl was lifted high in the air to perform and was rejected when she reached out to hug her, netizens: How heavy life is

I can't help but wonder if her relatives are so poor that they can afford to put on the burden of a fragile and vulnerable child. Can you really gamble with the safety of your children when it comes to livelihood? What is even more unacceptable is that after the little girl's performance, her obvious desire for comfort was dismissed with indifference.

The most basic physiological needs of a two- or three-year-old child are the embrace and love of their loved ones. But she was not treated with the warmth she deserved, and was cruelly thrown aside. I can't imagine the loss and loneliness in the heart of the little girl at that time. Children don't want to love to give, who can understand? Is it true that you can only see her ability to perform, and you won't be moved by her lonely heart?

Teary-eyed! The 2-year-old girl was lifted high in the air to perform and was rejected when she reached out to hug her, netizens: How heavy life is

What's even more sad is that after this video was exposed, many netizens did not pay enough attention to it. Most of the comments focus on the performance itself, and few people focus on the story behind this little girl and help her change her life. Living in the city, we are becoming more and more self-conscious, and we are becoming more and more numb to the pain of others?

Is it true that only oneself can be the object of our attention? In this society, what kind of indifferent people are we going to become? I think we need to reflect on it. A healthy society should focus on the well-being of the vulnerable. Parents who make mistakes also need social support to correct their deviations.

Teary-eyed! The 2-year-old girl was lifted high in the air to perform and was rejected when she reached out to hug her, netizens: How heavy life is

The key reason why this incident is sad is that this young child is interspersed with too many social pathological factors: the livelihood of poor families, the lack of supervision and protection mechanisms, and the indifference of netizens to the suffering of others. As members of society, we should be sensitive to the feelings of the weak and care for each other. Only by paying attention to and caring for the disadvantaged groups can society truly progress in harmony.

In addition, the relevant agencies should also come forward to investigate the truth of this matter to avoid the recurrence of similar tragedies. If parents endanger their children due to poverty, they can provide employment assistance and psychological guidance; At the same time, relevant laws and regulations should be strengthened to prohibit the use of children in inappropriate performances. Every child deserves a happy and fulfilling environment.

Teary-eyed! The 2-year-old girl was lifted high in the air to perform and was rejected when she reached out to hug her, netizens: How heavy life is

Only by changing the root causes of the problem can this kind of social pain be truly eliminated. We should speak for this weak and helpless little girl, and fight for the justice and dignity she deserves. Such a case may lead to more people taking a common stand and working together to build a more considerate and caring society.

This incident shows us that the warmth and health of a society depends on whether we treat each member with love and kindness. What happened to this little girl shows that the problem is not that of her, but of whether all citizens shoulder the responsibility to jointly protect the rights and interests of the weak.

Teary-eyed! The 2-year-old girl was lifted high in the air to perform and was rejected when she reached out to hug her, netizens: How heavy life is

As Martin Luther King Jr. said, "A society without justice will not be achieved." "We want this society to be just and full of love. Therefore, when you see any compatriot suffering injustice, please be silent and take action. Whether it is solidarity, care or resource support, if we are willing to lend a hand, we can change many lives.

Finally, let us all learn to empathize with others and show mutual love through our actions. Only in this way can this society truly become warm and every child can grow up happily. I believe that as long as we share the same goal, we can create a future where everyone will not have to suffer. Let's work together for this!

Teary-eyed! The 2-year-old girl was lifted high in the air to perform and was rejected when she reached out to hug her, netizens: How heavy life is

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