
Tang Weiwei became famous but was hidden in the snow, once a street performer in the UK, and now he has been reborn as a phoenix

author:Fun facts classic stew
Tang Weiwei became famous but was hidden in the snow, once a street performer in the UK, and now he has been reborn as a phoenix
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Tang Weiwei became famous but was hidden in the snow, once a street performer in the UK, and now he has been reborn as a phoenix

On a cold winter day on a London street, a woman with an oriental face stood quietly, attracting the attention of passers-by. She wears exaggerated and artistic makeup on her face and wears a cleverly collaged newspaper "costume".

Two hours passed, and she counted the £26 in her hand, her eyes shining with relief and determination. From an unknown actor, to an overnight movie star, to the hardships of street performing, Tang Wei's life is like a roller coaster.

However, this is not the end of her story. Let's unveil Tang Wei's legendary life together, and witness how she was reborn in the face of adversity, and finally became one of the international actresses.

In 2006, 28-year-old Tang Wei was still an unknown actor, struggling in the entertainment industry. This year, she ushered in the first small climax of her career - playing the heroine "Tian Yan" for the first time in the movie "Police Flower Swallow".

Tang Weiwei became famous but was hidden in the snow, once a street performer in the UK, and now he has been reborn as a phoenix

With this role, Tang Wei won the "Outstanding Actress" award at the 6th Movie Channel Digital Film Lily Awards. Although this award is not the top in the film and television industry, it is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for Tang Wei, who was in the third tier at the time, and inspired her to continue to struggle on the road of acting.

A turning point of fate came in 2007. The famous director Ang Lee began to prepare for the new work "Lust and Caution", looking for suitable actors everywhere. Tang Wei originally just submitted his resume for her then-boyfriend Tian Yu at the request of him.

Unexpectedly, this act of kindness opened a door of opportunity for her. Ang Lee admires Tang Wei's image and temperament, and thinks she is very suitable for the role in the play.

Faced with this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Tang Wei fell into deep hesitation. The bold and controversial plot of the script of "Lust and Caution" made her nervous. She realized that taking on the role could have a huge impact on her career and life.

Tang Weiwei became famous but was hidden in the snow, once a street performer in the UK, and now he has been reborn as a phoenix

After careful consideration and in-depth discussions with her boyfriend, Tang Wei finally mustered up the courage and decided to accept the challenge.

The release of "Lust and Caution" was like a bombshell, instantly detonating the entire Chinese film industry. Tang Wei's acting skills have been widely recognized, but the large-scale shots in the film have also sparked fierce controversy.

Overnight, Tang Wei changed from an unknown actor to the focus of attention, and became a hot topic on the streets.

However, the joy of fame was soon drowned out by the ensuing turmoil. After the film was broadcast, Tang Wei suffered a 3-year ban. Advertisers who had been competing for invitations withdrew their cooperation, and invitations to perform suddenly disappeared.

Tang Weiwei became famous but was hidden in the snow, once a street performer in the UK, and now he has been reborn as a phoenix

The glamorous career of the past fell to the bottom in an instant.

Faced with this sudden blow, Tang Wei felt both confused and helpless. She couldn't understand why the pursuit of artistic expression could have such serious consequences. But even in the most difficult moments, she still did not give up her love for acting.

In order to continue his dream of acting, Tang Wei resolutely chose to join Hong Kong, hoping to restart his career in another world.

"Lust and Caution" has made a strong stroke in Tang Wei's life, which not only brought her the peak of her career, but also made her experience the test of the trough. This experience became an important part of shaping Tang Wei's tenacious character and laid the foundation for her future rebirth.

Tang Weiwei became famous but was hidden in the snow, once a street performer in the UK, and now he has been reborn as a phoenix

The impact of the ban was far more far-reaching than Tang Wei initially expected. Having lost her job opportunity, she faced the double pressure of career and life. After careful consideration, Tang Wei made a decision that surprised many people - to go to the UK for further study.

She hopes to enrich herself through learning and regain her passion and confidence in acting.

With expectations for the future, Tang Wei embarked on the road of studying abroad. She enrolled in the University of London to study performing arts while studying English at an English Chinese language school.

However, studying abroad is not as easy as you think. The high tuition fees and living expenses quickly depleted her savings, and the economic crisis was like a boulder, weighing Tang Wei out of breath.

Tang Weiwei became famous but was hidden in the snow, once a street performer in the UK, and now he has been reborn as a phoenix

In the face of adversity, Tang Wei showed admirable tenacity and creativity. Instead of turning to her family for help or giving up her studies, she decided to use her talents to perform on the streets.

Tang Wei recalled: "I carefully painted exaggerated makeup on my face, and cleverly made clothes out of newspaper to wear on my body. Standing on the street to show art, there is always someone willing to give generously.

This unique form of artistic expression is not seen as lowly in the UK, but is appreciated and supported by passers-by. Tang Wei admits that a two-hour performance can bring her 26 pounds, which is enough to meet her basic living needs.

This experience made her deeply realize that as long as you keep working hard, you can always find a way to survive.

Tang Weiwei became famous but was hidden in the snow, once a street performer in the UK, and now he has been reborn as a phoenix

In addition to street performances, Tang Wei is also actively looking for other job opportunities. With a superior height of 172 cm and a unique oriental temperament, she successfully worked part-time as a model.

Although the income is not high, these experiences have made Tang Wei more determined to pursue an acting career.

During this difficult period, Tang Wei showed admirable professional ethics and moral character. She revealed that although "Lust and Caution" brought her a salary of 500,000 yuan and an advertising endorsement fee of 800,000 yuan, when the advertising contract was suspended, she resolutely decided to return 4 million yuan.

"I always believe that a gentleman loves money and takes it in the right way," Tang Wei said, his eyes showing firmness and pride.

Tang Weiwei became famous but was hidden in the snow, once a street performer in the UK, and now he has been reborn as a phoenix

This experience in the UK is not only a challenge for Tang Wei, but also a rare opportunity for growth. She has learned to be self-reliant in the face of adversity, and she has cherished every hard-won opportunity even more.

Tang Wei often told himself: "As long as you persevere, there will always be a bright day." This optimism and tenacity laid the groundwork for her later career recovery.

Looking back on this period of time, Tang Wei was full of emotion: "I came to a foreign country with all my property. Although I once fell into a low point in my life, I never gave up my love for acting.

This indomitable spirit in the face of adversity not only helped Tang Wei get through the darkest moments of her life, but also laid a solid foundation for her future rebirth.

Tang Weiwei became famous but was hidden in the snow, once a street performer in the UK, and now he has been reborn as a phoenix

From a glamorous movie star to a street performer, Tang Wei's experience is like a realistic version of an inspirational story. She proved with practical actions that as long as she has a dream in her heart, she can shine a unique light even if she is at a low point.

Tang Wei's life turned around suddenly and just right. In an ordinary street performance, her talent and unique temperament attracted the attention of BEY, president of the Weinstein Brothers Film Company.


This chance encounter opened the door for Tang Wei to return to the showbiz. BY recommended her to Garay, a famous London fashion designer. Tang Wei's rich stage experience and unique oriental feminine charm immediately attracted Garay's attention, and she soon became Garay's exclusive model.

Tang Weiwei became famous but was hidden in the snow, once a street performer in the UK, and now he has been reborn as a phoenix

Under the introduction of Garay, Tang Wei's network expanded rapidly, and she got to know many designers of internationally renowned brands. From the meager income when he first performed street art, to now being able to easily get a salary of 20,000 euros, Tang Wei's hard work has finally paid off.

This experience not only improved her financial situation, but also rekindled her confidence in her acting career.

In 2010, the opportunity came again. Tang Wei was invited to participate in the movie "Full Moon Hennessy", and performed a touching love story with Hong Kong film superstar Jacky Cheung.

In this film, directed by Hong Kong's gold-medal screenwriter Anxi himself, Tang Wei perfectly interprets the role with a low-key floral dress, fluent Cantonese dialogue, and delicate and nuanced performances.

Tang Weiwei became famous but was hidden in the snow, once a street performer in the UK, and now he has been reborn as a phoenix

Tang Wei's outstanding performance in "Full Moon Hennessy" won her double nominations for the Golden Horse Award and the Academy Award for Best Actress, marking the peak of her acting career again.

These affirmations from the industry undoubtedly gave Tang Wei great encouragement.

Director Anxi praised after the shooting: "In Hong Kong, only Tang Wei can be competent for such a shot." Jacky Cheung also praised Tang Wei in an interview with the media as an excellent actor who is extremely dedicated and talented.

These recognitions from industry veterans not only prove Tang Wei's strength, but also add confidence to her return to the film industry.

Tang Weiwei became famous but was hidden in the snow, once a street performer in the UK, and now he has been reborn as a phoenix

Despite this, the impact of Lust and Caution has not completely dissipated. Tang Wei's follow-up works still have less than expected response in the domestic market. In the face of this predicament, she was not discouraged, but chose to set her sights on the broader international market and seek new development opportunities.

Tang Wei's story illustrates the profound meaning of the old proverb "gold always shines". She proved with practical actions that as long as you stick to your dreams and maintain your love for art, you will eventually wait for your own opportunity.

From a street performer to a return to the big screen, Tang Wei's experience is not only an inspirational story, but also shows an actor's persistent pursuit of art and indomitable spirit.

Tang Wei's international journey began with the Korean film "Late Autumn". This work not only became another turning point in her acting career, but also an important milestone in her emergence in the international film industry.

Tang Weiwei became famous but was hidden in the snow, once a street performer in the UK, and now he has been reborn as a phoenix

In this film full of oriental charm, Tang Wei conquered the Korean audience and judges with his delicate and profound performance.

Her efforts paid off handsomely – Tang Wei won ten "Best Actress" awards in South Korea, an unprecedented record. What's even more remarkable is that she became the first foreign actress in history to win the crown of South Korea's "actress".

This achievement not only proves that Tang Wei's acting skills transcend language and cultural boundaries, but also demonstrates her strength and status in the international film industry.

Tang's success in South Korea goes far beyond that. Her performance deeply touched the Korean audience and quickly earned her reputation as a "national idol". This kind of recognition across borders undoubtedly gave Tang Wei great encouragement and confidence.

Tang Weiwei became famous but was hidden in the snow, once a street performer in the UK, and now he has been reborn as a phoenix

During the filming of "Late Autumn", Tang Wei met her future husband, director Kim Tae-yong. This marriage seems to be a kind of compensation for her past ups and downs, adding a warm and bright color to her life.

Tang Wei's success in the international film industry not only proves that her acting skills and charm know no borders, but also shows her perseverance. From an unknown young actor, to a street performer, to an international actress, Tang Wei uses practical actions to interpret what is the real actor's quality and professionalism.

However, even with great success on the international stage, Tang Wei has never forgotten his roots. She is passionate about the Chinese film market and looks forward to bringing more excellent works to Chinese audiences.

This attitude of not forgetting the original intention highlights Tang Wei's professional ethics as an actor and his persistent pursuit of art.

Tang Weiwei became famous but was hidden in the snow, once a street performer in the UK, and now he has been reborn as a phoenix

In 2014, Tang Wei's life ushered in an important turning point. She tied the knot with director Kim Tae-yong, whom she met during the filming of "Late Autumn", and composed a sweet love song for her life.

This transnational marriage not only added warmth and stability to Tang Wei's life, but also provided new perspectives and opportunities for her career development.

Two years later, the good news came again. In 2016, Tang Wei ushered in the birth of his beloved daughter Summer in Hong Kong. The joy of becoming a mother for the first time makes Tang Wei's life more fulfilling and happy.

The arrival of this little life seems to be a consolation for Tang Wei's bumpy past experience, and it also injects new impetus and hope into her future.

Tang Weiwei became famous but was hidden in the snow, once a street performer in the UK, and now he has been reborn as a phoenix

Now, Tang Wei is back with his new work "The Determination to Break Up", which has once again attracted the keen attention of fans. The predicament of the past has become a thing of the past, and Tang Wei, who has regained his life, is facing the challenges of career and life with a more mature and calm attitude.

Tang Wei's story is like a moving song of Phoenix Nirvana. She experienced the joy of fame, the pain of the trough, and finally rose again with her own hard work and talent.

Her experience tells us that as long as we keep our original intention and stick to our dreams, we will eventually usher in our own spring. Today's Tang Wei has found a balance between career and family, and is continuing her acting career with more enthusiasm and firm belief, looking forward to bringing more excellent works to the audience.

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