
There have been no scandals in 36 years of marriage, Yang Lixin: I once had nothing, only she dared to marry me

author:Weiwei said classic
There have been no scandals in 36 years of marriage, Yang Lixin: I once had nothing, only she dared to marry me
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There have been no scandals in 36 years of marriage, Yang Lixin: I once had nothing, only she dared to marry me

In the ever-changing entertainment industry, a long-term marriage is like a miracle. However, there is a couple who have gone through 36 spring and autumn together, and they have always been in love. He is the "Guangxu Emperor" familiar to the audience, and he is the chic "Zuo Qinghou" written by Gu Long.

She is a jewelry appraiser who quietly supports her husband. Yang Lixin and his wife composed a moving love concerto with sincere feelings, and always maintained their pure original intention in Vanity Fair.

What is it about their marriage that will stand the test of time? What kind of wisdom is hidden in their love story? Let's uncover the mystery of this marriage and discover its secrets.

In the long journey of life, some encounters are destined to change fate. Yang Lixin's encounter with his wife was such a fateful encounter. It was in the offices of the two homeroom teachers, who sat across from each other and discussed the development of the students.

There have been no scandals in 36 years of marriage, Yang Lixin: I once had nothing, only she dared to marry me

Who would have thought that this ordinary conversation would become the beginning of a 36-year marriage.

At that time, Yang Lixin had already made a name for himself in the drama industry and was a promising young actor. And his future wife is an ordinary jewelry appraiser, living a quiet and fulfilling life.

The two have very different personalities, but they have a wonderful chemistry in their conversation.

In that era when material resources were not abundant, Yang Lixin expressed his love in the most simple way. He wrote a love letter full of sincere emotions, outlining a beautiful vision for the future with words.

There have been no scandals in 36 years of marriage, Yang Lixin: I once had nothing, only she dared to marry me

This sincerity touched the girl's heart, and despite her superior background, she did not hesitate to choose this young man, who had nothing at that time.

Their wedding was so simple that it bordered on shabby. There are no luxurious venues, no expensive gifts, not even decent furniture. The wedding dress is purchased by the bride's mother, and as for the bride price, there is no way to talk about it.

But in Yang Lixin's eyes, his wife in white gauze is the most beautiful bride in the world, and their love is better than all material decorations.

In this way, with hope for the future and trust in each other, Yang Lixin and his wife embarked on a new journey in life hand in hand. Their love story is more moving than any role played by Yang Lixin on the screen.

There have been no scandals in 36 years of marriage, Yang Lixin: I once had nothing, only she dared to marry me

This love, which began with ordinary but full of courage, laid a solid foundation for their future married life.

Looking back on the past, Yang Lixin often sighed: "I had nothing back then, only she dared to marry me." This gratitude has become the anchor of their marriage, allowing them to cherish each other more in the years to come and face all kinds of challenges in life together.

Their story tells us that true love is not about external conditions, but about two hearts that truly love each other. It is this pure affection that has allowed Yang Lixin and his wife to always be in love with each other for a long time, composing a moving love concerto.

The life after marriage is not a happy and happy fairy tale, but full of fireworks, rice, oil and salt. Yang Lixin and his wife are facing the double test of career and family, but they choose to support each other and face this difficult time together.

There have been no scandals in 36 years of marriage, Yang Lixin: I once had nothing, only she dared to marry me

His wife originally had good prospects in the field of jewelry appraisal, but in order to fully support her husband's acting career, she resolutely gave up her job. She devoted all her energy to family life, taking care of her newborn son Yang Jue, taking care of housework, and becoming Yang Lixin's strong backing.

Whenever Yang Lixin was exhausted from work, he could always see his wife's gentle smile and a delicious meal, which became the motivation for him to continue to struggle.

In these difficult years, Yang Lixin cherished this hard-won relationship even more. He often sighed: "Back then, I had nothing, only she dared to marry me."

This gratitude has become the anchor of their marriage.

There have been no scandals in 36 years of marriage, Yang Lixin: I once had nothing, only she dared to marry me

The support of his wife is not only reflected in life, but also in spirit. She became Yang Lixin's most loyal audience and harshest critic. Every time Yang Lixin has a new work, she will watch it carefully and give pertinent suggestions.

This relationship of mutual promotion and mutual growth makes their relationship deeper and deeper.

With the start of Yang Lixin's career, the family's financial situation has gradually improved. But they have always maintained a simple style of life and devoted more energy to the education of their sons.

Under the words and deeds of his parents, Yang Jue gradually developed a strong interest in performing arts.

There have been no scandals in 36 years of marriage, Yang Lixin: I once had nothing, only she dared to marry me

It is this spirit of mutual understanding and common struggle that makes the relationship between Yang Lixin and his wife last for a long time. Their marriage was not built on an ethereal romance, but was rooted in the soil of life and watered with sweat and tears.

This experience also made them understand that true love is not vigorous, but a long stream, and it is a mutual foam in ordinary life.

In the vanity fair of the entertainment industry, Yang Lixin and his wife used practical actions to interpret what true love is. Their stories tell us that marriage requires the dedication and persistence of both parties, and only by supporting each other and growing together can we work together to overcome all kinds of difficulties in life and write a happy chapter of our own.

As time passed, Yang Lixin's efforts finally came to fruition. With his superb acting skills, he has created one role after another that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Whether it is the domineering Emperor Guangxu or the suave Zuo Qinghou, Yang Lixin has interpreted the role vividly and vividly, winning unanimous praise from the audience and industry insiders.

There have been no scandals in 36 years of marriage, Yang Lixin: I once had nothing, only she dared to marry me

While his career is thriving, Yang Lixin has never forgotten his original intention. He not only strives for excellence in performance, but also actively participates in public welfare activities and gives back to the society with practical actions.

This kind of performance of virtue and art made him win the honorary title of "Beijing Artist of Virtue and Art".

When Yang Lixin stood on the podium, his eyes moistened. He knows that this honor belongs not only to himself, but also to his wife, who has been silently supporting him.

In his speech of thanks, he said emotionally: "This honor is also inseparable from my wife's selfless dedication behind the scenes. Without her support, I wouldn't be where I am today.

There have been no scandals in 36 years of marriage, Yang Lixin: I once had nothing, only she dared to marry me

These sincere words not only touched the audience, but also let people see the warm story behind this successful actor.

At the peak of his career, Yang Lixin still maintained his love and sense of responsibility for his family. With the perfect balance between work and family, he became a model husband and father in the eyes of many.

This way of life has also become an important reason for his career and life.

Yang Lixin's success is not only reflected in his acting career, but also in his adherence to his family and loyalty to love. He used practical actions to explain what true success is - not only to achieve something in your career, but also to reap happiness in life.

There have been no scandals in 36 years of marriage, Yang Lixin: I once had nothing, only she dared to marry me

In 36 years of married life, Yang Lixin and his wife have gone through countless ups and downs hand in hand. From obscurity to fame, from hard work to success, their love has always been the same.

This marriage not only witnessed Yang Lixin's growth and success, but also became a good story in the entertainment industry, inspiring countless people to pursue sincere love and a happy marriage.

As the years passed, Yang Lixin and his wife's son Yang Jue gradually grew up. Under the influence of his parents, Yang Jue has developed a strong interest in performing arts since he was a child.

He seems to have been born with the gene of acting, and has an innate love for the stage.

There have been no scandals in 36 years of marriage, Yang Lixin: I once had nothing, only she dared to marry me

In order to follow her dream, Yang Jue chose to go to the United States for further study, specializing in theater performance. During his study years in a foreign country, Yang Jue always kept in mind his father's teachings: "You must feel life with your heart and impress the audience with sincerity."

This gift from his father has become the driving force for Yang Jue to move forward.

After returning to China after completing his studies, Yang Jue quickly won the appreciation of the famous director Feng Xiaogang with his own strength. In the movie "Tangshan Earthquake", Yang Jue's performance was remarkable, which established his status in the entertainment industry in one fell swoop.

From 2008 to the present, Yang Jue has been working hard in this highly competitive industry for 12 years, and has gradually formed his own unique performance style.

There have been no scandals in 36 years of marriage, Yang Lixin: I once had nothing, only she dared to marry me

In the face of his son's success, Yang Lixin is extremely proud. He often discusses acting techniques with his son and shares his own experiences. The relationship between father and son is also that of teacher and friend, supporting each other and making progress together on the road of art.

Yang Jue once sighed: "Although my father is more than 30 years older than me, we are as close as brothers. We often discussed poetry and poetry together, and there was never an argument.

This harmonious father-son relationship not only inherits art, but also conveys the warmth of family.

Yang Jue's growth and success are the result of years of hard work by Yang Lixin and his wife. They not only gave their son excellent genes, but also set an example for his son with their words and deeds.

There have been no scandals in 36 years of marriage, Yang Lixin: I once had nothing, only she dared to marry me

Yang Jue's career development has also become a great comfort for Yang Lixin and his wife in their later years.

In this entertainment industry full of temptations, Yang Jue inherited his father's way of life, maintaining his love for art and sincere attitude towards life. This is not only the best inheritance for the father, but also the best reward for family education.

After 36 years of marriage, Yang Lixin and his wife have interpreted what true love is with their actions. The secret of their success lies in mutual understanding and respect, as well as their determination to grow together.

The wife, on the other hand, supports her husband in her own unique way. Not only did she take care of her family, but she also became Yang Lixin's most loyal audience and harshest critic. It is this attitude of mutual support and common progress that makes their feelings last for a long time.

There have been no scandals in 36 years of marriage, Yang Lixin: I once had nothing, only she dared to marry me

Today, 63-year-old Yang Lixin and his wife have entered a new stage of life. They began to look forward to their son Yang Jue starting a family as soon as possible, but at the same time, they fully respected their son's choice.

This tolerance and understanding is the root of their family harmony.

The story of Yang Lixin and his wife is not only a good story, but also a revelation to everyone: true love needs to be managed with heart, need to support each other, and need to grow together in the baptism of the years.

Their marriage is like an old wine, and the longer it lasts, it has become a unique and beautiful landscape in the entertainment industry.

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