
The "big man who picks his feet" is actually a health expert

author:Lack of desire for good
The "big man who picks his feet" is actually a health expert

Foot-picking man

When I got home after a tiring day, I untied my clothes, took off my annoying leather shoes and socks, sat crookedly on the sofa, and picked my feet while watching TV. That's all there is to life! [呲tooth]

The "big man who picks his feet" is actually a health expert

Times are different, and men and women are the same

Picking at your feet is now denounced as a bad habit by people, but it's not. Anyone who has read the Yellow Emperor's Neijing knows that the meridians and veins on the human body are all over the body, the acupuncture points are all over the body, and the same is true for the hands and feet. After a tiring day, massaging the acupuncture points is actually in response to the university question of health preservation.

Now there is air conditioning and heating, the temperature at home is suitable all year round, and it is a good time to pick your feet when you rush home, haha!

However, you should also pay attention to the atmosphere and environment when picking your feet. Don't pick your feet in front of your daughter-in-law, otherwise a violent blow may be inevitable. Of course, guarding the elders and children is even worse, respecting the elderly and educating the children, that is a big deal [covering his face]. As for outsiders, they need to be reserved and elegant, so naturally they can't expose their hobbies.

Regardless of whether you wash your feet or not, you must wash your hands after picking your feet, and of course, you can also wash your feet and pick your feet together. And it must be washed repeatedly, otherwise it will be psychologically unbearable [embarrassed laughter], after all, it is a "stinky foot" who is buckled.

Don't forget to massage your feet, the instep of your feet, and even your thighs and calves can be pressed by the way. After a set of actions, it is no less than watching your favorite team win, and it is really hearty and full of pride!

If it's summer, you can also rub mud pills all over your body, which is also a great pleasure in the world!

The "big man who picks his feet" is actually a health expert

It's a bit of an exaggeration, it's not that big

The "big man who picks his feet" is actually a health expert

Look, even the gods like it

In summer, after sweating, don't rush to take a bath, rub your thighs and arms, chest and back, and stack the results together, and make a "strong pill", which is also a great enjoyment in the world. The process of rubbing massages countless acupuncture points. I was amazed, could it be that the Yellow Emperor, his old man, personally taught this vulgar and mysterious mud rubbing pill movement in ancient times? Otherwise, how can it still be loved by both men and women until now!

Ha ha! Well, that's it for today! Bye!

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