
The name of the city was so awkward that several leaders tried to change it, but they never succeeded

author:Be a happy teacher

Many people have heard of the name Zhumadian, but people who hear it for the first time will basically be stunned, why does this name look so much like a post station?

In fact, you really guessed correctly, Zhumadian used to be a post station, and it was a very important post station, so important that the name has been used to this day, and it has also become a topic of conversation after dinner.

The name Zhumadian can be traced back to around 220 A.D., when it was called "Runan City", at that time it was not a post station, but one of the nine major commercial centers in the country, quite prosperous.

The name of the city was so awkward that several leaders tried to change it, but they never succeeded

Later, in the Three Kingdoms period, because of its strategic location on the north-south transportation artery, it gradually developed into a military horse station, specializing in providing horses and material supplies for the army, and the name slowly became "Zhumadian", which means "a place to station troops and replenish horses".

Think about it, in ancient times, when fighting a war, it was a deadly job, if the grain, grass, and horses couldn't keep up, how could the war be fought?

Therefore, this post station became more and more important, and the troops who came and went here rested and replenished grain and grass, and over time, the name "Zhumadian" was also called, and it has been called until now.

The name of the city was so awkward that several leaders tried to change it, but they never succeeded

However, now when everyone mentions Zhumadian, their first reaction is "This name, is it time to change it?" ”

To be honest, this name is indeed a bit earthy, especially compared with those tall city names, such as "Shenzhen", "Hangzhou", and then look at the people, either special economic zones, or tourist resorts, and Zhumadian, it seems that in addition to agriculture, there is nothing to do.

The name of the city was so awkward that several leaders tried to change it, but they never succeeded

But in fact, Zhumadian has developed really well over the years, becoming an important grain production base in the country, and is also known as the "sesame capital", which is not casually said, Zhumadian is the largest sesame production base in the country, and the sesame seeds produced every year, that is called more than one, can be piled up into a mountain.

The name of the city was so awkward that several leaders tried to change it, but they never succeeded

I have a friend who went to Zhumadian some time ago, and came back to tell me that Zhumadian has changed a lot now, high-rise buildings are rising from the ground, the roads are spacious and tidy, and they are not worse than big cities.

He also deliberately went to Shengshan Mountain, saying that the scenery there is really amazing, the strange rocks are craggy, the clouds and mist are shrouded, similar to the Huaguo Mountain described in the Journey to the West, no wonder it will become the hometown of Sun Wukong, and it is a national 5A-level scenic spot.

The name of the city was so awkward that several leaders tried to change it, but they never succeeded

In addition to Rongshan Mountain, there are many good places in Zhumadian, such as Laole Mountain Scenic Area, which focuses on ecological tourism, has a very good environment, and has a variety of amusement facilities, which is especially suitable for taking the family to relax on weekends.

In addition, there are Nanhai Zen Temple, Boshan Lake, etc., which are all places worth visiting.

The name of the city was so awkward that several leaders tried to change it, but they never succeeded

Not only do friends say this, but the evaluation of Zhumadian on the Internet is also quite high, especially the local food, which is even more unforgettable.

The snacks in Zhumadian are called more, what Hu spicy soup, hot dry noodles, fried buns, and what Runan shabu tripe, Queshan hot tofu, the taste is simply amazing, many tourists are full of praise when they go, saying that they will come again next time.

The name of the city was so awkward that several leaders tried to change it, but they never succeeded

Therefore, over the years, the voice of changing the name of Zhumadian has not stopped, and the local government has tried several times, and has also solicited new names from the society, but in the end it has been all done.

Why is it so hard to change your name?

To put it bluntly, a name is just a symbol, and what matters is the history and culture behind it.

The name of the city was so awkward that several leaders tried to change it, but they never succeeded

Although the name Zhumadian sounds a little earthy, it carries a history of more than 2,000 years and has witnessed countless changes.

From a prosperous commercial center to an important military station, and then to the current agricultural market, Zhumadian has experienced too many stories, which are condensed in the three words "Zhumadian".

The name of the city was so awkward that several leaders tried to change it, but they never succeeded

Moreover, for many Zhumadian people, this name has been deeply imprinted in their hearts and has become a kind of hometown complex.

As a friend of mine in Zhumadian said, "I have been called Zhumadian since I was a child, and I am really not used to changing my name." For him, "Zhumadian" is not only a place name, but also an identity and an emotional sustenance.

The name of the city was so awkward that several leaders tried to change it, but they never succeeded

Besides, whether a city's name is good or not, the key is to look at its connotation.

If a city is well developed and has a profound cultural heritage, even if the name is a little earthy, it will be recognized by everyone.

For example, our country used to be called "the sick man of East Asia", so the name is ugly enough, right?

But now, who would dare to underestimate us?

The name of the city was so awkward that several leaders tried to change it, but they never succeeded

It's not because our country is strong and culturally confident.

Therefore, instead of bothering to change the name, it is better to develop the economy in a down-to-earth manner, enhance the image of the city, and protect those precious historical and cultural heritages.

The name of the city was so awkward that several leaders tried to change it, but they never succeeded

When Zhumadian develops better and the culture is more prosperous, I believe that everyone will naturally be impressed by this name, and at that time, even if it does not change its name, it will become a well-known golden signboard.

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