
The cleanest city in China, with streets full of Northeast people, is the mecca of retirement in northern China

author:Be a happy teacher

I recently went to Weihai, and to be honest, this place really subverted my impression of northern cities.

I've always felt that in northern cities, dryness is the standard, and gray face is the norm.

As a result, I went to Weihai, got off the high-speed rail, and ho!

This blue sky and white clouds, the air is as fresh as washed, the road surface is not as clean as words, and there is no dust to see.

The cleanest city in China, with streets full of Northeast people, is the mecca of retirement in northern China

Later, I chatted with the locals to know that Weihai attaches great importance to environmental protection, it is said that sanitation workers have to work for more than ten hours a day, in order to keep the city clean, this has to be put on me, I don't do it, too tired!

And Weihai people themselves also love to be clean, you look at the shops on both sides of the street, the windows are bright and clean, even the garbage cans are polished, this is to put elsewhere, you can't think of it.

What's even more interesting is that walking on the streets of Weihai, you can meet eight Northeast accents out of ten people, so much so that I think I am in the Northeast!

After inquiring, I found out that Weihai has a pleasant climate, warm in winter and cool in summer, and the environment is good.

The Northeast is cold in winter, minus twenty or thirty degrees is not a thing, many elderly people have retired and moved to Weihai to provide for the elderly, for a long time, the streets are full of Northeast flavor, and even with a lot of shop signboards are written "Northeast Cuisine", "Northeast Barbecue", "Authentic Harbin Barbecue".

I thought, these Northeast veterans are really good at picking places, and if I retire in the future, I will also come here to retire!

But don't think that Weihai only has the function of pension, and people's tourism resources are also quite rich.

If you want to see the sea, the coastline of Weihai is long, twists and turns, like in the painting, there are several beaches alone, international beaches, golden sand beaches, all of them are beautiful, the sand is fine and soft, the sea water is clear, and it is not lost to those southern coastal cities at all.

There, you can enjoy the sun, sand, waves, and all kinds of water sports, such as jet skis, banana boats, parasailing, in short, there is nothing you can't think of.

The cleanest city in China, with streets full of Northeast people, is the mecca of retirement in northern China
The cleanest city in China, with streets full of Northeast people, is the mecca of retirement in northern China

If you are interested in history and culture, you have to come to Weihai.

You know about the First Sino-Japanese Naval Battle, right?

At that time, the base of the Beiyang Naval Division was in Weihaiwei, and there are still many historical relics, such as Liugong Island and Dingyuan Ship, which can make you feel that magnificent history.

The cleanest city in China, with streets full of Northeast people, is the mecca of retirement in northern China
The cleanest city in China, with streets full of Northeast people, is the mecca of retirement in northern China

Liugong Island, that is a good place, the island is lush with trees, fresh air, and various historical sites, such as the Beiyang Navy Admiralty Office and the Sailor Academy.

The cleanest city in China, with streets full of Northeast people, is the mecca of retirement in northern China

There is also the Dingyuan ship, the flagship of the Beiyang Naval Division, which is now quietly moored in Weihai Bay, you can board the warship, visit the cabins, batteries, feel the humiliating history, and the alarm bell rings for a long time!

In addition to these, Weihai has many other historical and cultural attractions, such as Chengshantou, which is the easternmost point of the coastline of Chinese mainland, known as the "end of the sky", since ancient times known as the "place where the sun rises", standing on the top of Chengshantou, you can overlook the entire Weihai Bay, the scenery, is really beautiful.

The cleanest city in China, with streets full of Northeast people, is the mecca of retirement in northern China

There is also the Huaxia City, built on the mountain, with pavilions and pavilions, antique, and there is also a large-scale landscape live performance "iQue Legend Show", which is called a wonderful one, which will definitely feast your eyes.

The cleanest city in China, with streets full of Northeast people, is the mecca of retirement in northern China

When it comes to eating, Weihai doesn't have to say, after all, it is a coastal city, and the seafood is called fresh!

What do you want to eat, go directly to the seafood market, pick and make it freshly, that taste, tsk, fresh eyebrows!

Shrimp, oysters, crabs, scallops...... A variety of seafood will make you eat refreshingly.

Let me tell you, the skin shrimp is tender and smooth, and when you bite it, your mouth is full of umami; The oysters, fat and juicy, incomparably fragrant, and with some garlic vermicelli, the taste is amazing!

The cleanest city in China, with streets full of Northeast people, is the mecca of retirement in northern China
The cleanest city in China, with streets full of Northeast people, is the mecca of retirement in northern China

In addition to seafood, there are also many special snacks in Weihai, such as mackerel dumplings, seafood buns, and cakes, all of which are delicious from snacks to big ones for locals, so you must try them!

I especially like to eat mackerel dumplings, which have a thin skin and large filling, are fragrant and delicious, and can eat a large plate in one go!

The sea vegetable buns, with thin skin and green filling, are delicious and fragrant, and they are refreshing and non-greasy to eat, making them an excellent choice for breakfast.

The cleanest city in China, with streets full of Northeast people, is the mecca of retirement in northern China
The cleanest city in China, with streets full of Northeast people, is the mecca of retirement in northern China

The transportation in Weihai is also very convenient, with high-speed rail and airplanes, so it is very convenient to go anywhere.

The buses in the city are also very developed, and the taxi is not expensive, so you don't have to worry about traveling.

Moreover, the price of Weihai is not high, and the food, accommodation and transportation are very affordable, which is definitely an ideal choice for tourism and vacation.

The cleanest city in China, with streets full of Northeast people, is the mecca of retirement in northern China

All in all, Weihai is a very suitable city for tourism and life, with a beautiful environment, a pleasant climate, many foods, convenient transportation, and the key is that the people are particularly hospitable.

If you have the opportunity, you must come to Weihai to experience it, I believe you will also fall in love with this city!

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