
Each of the 20 "evil" looking buildings resembles the villain's lair

author:Perfume lily window
Each of the 20 "evil" looking buildings resembles the villain's lair

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Hidden in the corners of the world, those buildings that are easy to send chills down the spine

The world is big, there are no wonders, most of the buildings we usually see, most of them are majestic and exquisite, but in this world, there are also some unique styles, and even make people feel uncomfortable buildings, they are weird, or gloomy, or depressing, today we will explore together, those hidden in the corners of the world, easy to chill the spine of the building

Each of the 20 "evil" looking buildings resembles the villain's lair

A black church that resembles the abode of an evil witch

Located in the village of Borgon, Norway, this pure black church, its unique appearance is unforgettable, the church is pitch black, the sharp roof reaches into the sky, as if a sharp sword is about to pierce the sky, the windows of the church are narrow and sharp, like the eyes of witches are peeking into the outside world, and the trees around the church also seem to be rendered with black shadows, adding a mystery and weirdness, the design of this church may be inspired by religion, but it presents a visual effect, But it can't help but be reminiscent of the residence of the evil witch in the movie, which is eerie, mysterious, and intimidating

Each of the 20 "evil" looking buildings resembles the villain's lair

Imagine that on a stormy night, lightning pierced the night sky and illuminated the black church, the wind howled, the branches swayed, as if there were countless ghosts wandering around the church, the doors of the church slowly opened, and a figure in a black cloak walked out...... Does such a scene send chills down your spine?

It's like a dark bank that deals with the devil

Located in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the bank has a unique exterior design style, full of mystery and oppressive atmosphere, the bank's building as a whole is dark black, the walls are heavy, the windows are narrow, giving people a closed, oppressive feeling, the top of the building is a huge circular structure, like a huge eye watching everything around, adding a sense of mystery, the design style of this bank, it is difficult for people to associate it with financial institutions, but more like a secret base of a mysterious organization, or rather, the place where the devil is traded in the movie

Each of the 20 "evil" looking buildings resembles the villain's lair

The dark tones, the thick walls, and the rendering of the surrounding environment can easily create a sense of unease and fear, perhaps the architect did not think too much about it at the beginning of the design, but the visual effect it presents makes it difficult to associate it with positive and positive things, but it is more likely to remind people of some dark and mysterious things

A spooky TV tower full of baby sculptures

The unique design of the TV tower in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, has always been controversial, this TV tower is towering, very eye-catching in the center of Prague, what really makes people feel uncomfortable is the crawling baby sculptures on the outer wall of the TV tower, these baby sculptures are in different forms, some are trying to climb up, some are sliding down, their facial expressions are also different, some are smiling, some are in pain, what is the design intention of these baby sculptures, We don't know, but their presence adds an eerie and unsettling atmosphere to this modern TV tower

Each of the 20 "evil" looking buildings resembles the villain's lair

Imagine when you look up at this TV tower and see those dense baby sculptures crawling around on it, will you feel an inexplicable depression and fear? These baby sculptures may be designed to express a certain artistic concept, but the visual effect they present is easy to make people uncomfortable and disgusted

A cathedral with eerie colors in the dark

The cathedral exudes a strange color at night, its mysterious atmosphere makes people shudder, the architectural style of the church itself is magnificent enough, the towering spire, the huge rose window, all show the solemnity and sacredness of the religious building, when night falls, the lights of the church are lit up, colorful lights are projected on the exterior wall of the church, the original solemn church instantly becomes a strange magic castle, which makes people have a strong visual impact, and the environment around the church has become weird because of the rendering of lightsThe original ordinary trees and lawns seem to have become hiding places for demons and monsters under the illumination of the lights

Each of the 20 "evil" looking buildings resembles the villain's lair

This strong contrast can easily make people feel uneasy and afraid, the church, which should be a sacred, solemn, and feeling place, has become a strange building full of mystery under the rendering of lights, which makes people wonder if there is some ulterior secret hidden in the interior of the church?

A round high-rise building that makes you feel depressed

Located in Johannesburg, South Africa, Ponte City Apartments, its unique exterior design is particularly eye-catching in the city, this apartment building is 173 meters high, the overall shape is round, looking from afar, like a huge cylindrical fortress, the exterior wall of the apartment building is covered with dense windows, these windows are the same size, neatly arranged, giving people a mechanical, cold feeling, the design style of this apartment building, perhaps in pursuit of modernity and technology, but it presents a visual effect, But it makes people feel an invisible sense of oppression

Each of the 20 "evil" looking buildings resembles the villain's lair

Just imagine, when you stand in front of this huge circular building, looking up, the dense windows seem to be a pair of eyes watching you, will you feel an inexplicable unease? The rotunda itself has a sense of closure and circulation, which, coupled with its massive volume and cold appearance, makes it easier for people to feel depressed and suffocated

It's like the Ponte Tower of Deep Well Prison in Batman

The Ponte Tower is also located in Johannesburg, South Africa, echoing the Ponte City Apartments, the exterior design of this tower is similar to the Ponte City Apartments, the same circular structure, the same dense windows, but the height of the Ponte Tower is higher, reaching an astonishing 222 meters, this tower was designed at the beginning, perhaps to create a city landmark, but it presents a visual effect, but it is more like a heavily guarded prison, especially at night, when the surrounding lights are dimmed, Only the lights of the Ponte Tower are still bright, reminiscent of those eerie scenes from the movies

Each of the 20 "evil" looking buildings resembles the villain's lair

Can you feel the despair and fear of being trapped in this tower, surrounded by cold walls and airtight iron windows, desperately trying to escape, but finding yourself with no way out? The design of the Ponte Tower may only be an artistic expression of the architect, but the visual effect it presents is easily reminiscent of some negative and dark things

The White Temple, which will make people creepy at first glance

Located in Chiang Rai, Thailand, the White Temple, its exterior design can be described as unique, this temple is white, silver mirror inlay, shining in the sunlight dazzling light, when you look closely at the details of this temple, you will find its creepy side, the temple walls, carved countless arms stretched out to the sky, these arms in different shapes, some clenched fists, some open palms, as if to tell people something, the entrance of the temple, there is also a bridge made of countless human skulls, Walking across this bridge is like walking through the gates of hell

Each of the 20 "evil" looking buildings resembles the villain's lair

White is usually a symbol of purity and sacredness, but in the design of the White Temple, white has become a symbol of horror, those arms stretched out to the sky, as if to indict the sins of the world, and the bridge made of skulls is more like a warning, reminding people to always reflect on what they have done, the design of the White Temple, although unique, but full of weird and terrifying elements, makes people daunting

On the façade hangs the chapel with iron cages where the "infidels" were imprisoned

St. Lambert's Cathedral in Münster, Germany, its exterior design is particularly unusual among many churches, the church itself is a typical Gothic building, with a towering spire, exquisite carvings, all of which highlight its historical and cultural value, and the three iron cages hanging on the outer wall of the church add a gloomy and horror to this sacred building, it is said that these three iron cages were once used to imprison "infidels", who were tortured in the iron cages and eventually died, and now, The three iron cages still hang on the façade of the church, as if they silently tell the story of that dark history

Each of the 20 "evil" looking buildings resembles the villain's lair

The church was supposed to be a place for people to seek solace in their souls, but in St. Lambert's Cathedral, people can face that cruel history, and the three iron cages, like scars, are forever engraved on the body of the church and in people's hearts

It seems to be a dark castle where witches live

The exterior design of this castle is full of the gloom and mystery of Gothic architecture, reminiscent of the castle where the evil witch lived in a fairy tale, the walls of the castle are mottled, as if it has gone through the baptism of time, and it also seems to be contaminated with countless dark secrets, the windows of the castle are narrow and sharp, like the eyes of witches are peeping into the outside world, and the castle is surrounded by dense forests, and the trees are towering into the sky, covering the sky and the sun, adding a sense of mystery and horror

Each of the 20 "evil" looking buildings resembles the villain's lair

Imagine that on a night of lightning and thunder, you come to this castle alone, the gate of the castle slowly opens, you walk in, only to find that there is no one inside, only your footsteps echoing in the empty castle, will you feel creepy? The design of this castle may be just for the sake of artistic effect, but the visual effect it presents is easily reminiscent of some dark and terrifying things, which makes people daunted

It's like a horror museum full of vampires in a movie

Located in Brussels, Belgium, this museum's exterior design is full of the gloom and horror of Gothic architecture, reminiscent of those horror castles full of vampires in the movie, the museum's building as a whole is black, spires, towers, sculptures, every element is full of darkness, the windows of the building are mostly pointed, like vampire fangs, ready to suck human blood at any time, and the surrounding environment of the building also adds a terrifying atmosphere to it, dim street lamps, bare branches, It's all creepy

Each of the 20 "evil" looking buildings resembles the villain's lair

The museum is supposed to be a place to disseminate knowledge and inherit culture, but the exterior design of this museum is prohibitive, perhaps the architect at the beginning of the design, just want to highlight the historical sense and cultural heritage of the museum, but the visual effect it presents makes it difficult to associate it with positive and positive things

There is a hint of weirdness behind the solemnity of the U.S. Capitol in the middle of the night

The U.S. Capitol, the center of American political power, always looks solemn during the day, but when night falls, the surrounding lights dim, the Capitol exudes an indescribably eerie atmosphere under the lighting

Each of the 20 "evil" looking buildings resembles the villain's lair

The Capitol at night, the surrounding hustle and bustle gradually faded, leaving only the grand outline of the building itself in the night sky is particularly clear, the white lights hit the white building, forming a strong contrast, highlighting the solemnity and sacredness of the Capitol, but it is precisely because of this too bright light that the building seems particularly abrupt at night, incompatible with the surrounding environment, like an island, standing in the dark

The architectural style of the Capitol itself has a sense of classicist majesty, with towering domes and thick columns, all showing its power and status, and the night lights infinitely magnify this sense of majesty, giving people an inaccessible sense of distance, and even reminiscent of some dark stories about power and conspiracy

It's a church where you think about it

The exterior design of the Church of San Francisco in Muskegon, Michigan, USA, is unique among other churches, with a blend of Gothic and modernist elements, with soaring spires, stained glass windows, and irregular architectural lines that are both solemn and modern

Each of the 20 "evil" looking buildings resembles the villain's lair

What is really disturbing is the design of the interior of the church, the interior space of the church is very open, the walls and ceilings are composed of irregular concrete structures, giving people a sense of oppression and heaviness, and the light of the church is also relatively dim, only a few stained glass windows let in a faint light, making the whole space seem more mysterious and eerie

When you are in this church, you will feel a strong sense of oppression, as if there is a pair of invisible eyes watching your every move, the architectural style and interior design of the church, as if deliberately creating an atmosphere of mystery and fear, people dare not speak loudly, or even dare not breathe

It's like being in the abandoned fountain of Mordor from The Lord of the Rings

A long-abandoned iron fountain in Gyumri, Armenia, with its mottled rust and twisted shape, looks like Mordor from the Lord of the Rings movie, full of desolation and eerie atmosphere

Each of the 20 "evil" looking buildings resembles the villain's lair

The fountain was once a symbol of the city, but over time it was forgotten and eventually became the dilapidated form it is today, with the fountain's iron frame rusted, some parts even peeled off, revealing the twisted steel bars inside, and the fountain's pool had long since dried up, revealing a cracked bottom, overgrown with weeds and barrenness

This abandoned fountain seems to be an old man who has experienced the vicissitudes of life, silently telling the ruthlessness of time and the changes of the world, its former glory and glory, now have turned into dust, leaving only this broken shell, crumbling in the wind and rain

It makes people feel weird smiling at all times

Located in Sydney's Luna Park (LP), the smiling face on its gate gives people a very strange feeling no matter what time it is, and there is nothing wrong with the shape of this smiling face itself, but its exaggerated expression and huge size make people feel inexplicably uneasy

Each of the 20 "evil" looking buildings resembles the villain's lair

Imagine that one night you pass by Luna Park and see the smiling faces on the gate look particularly eerie in the dim light, will you feel creepy? This smiling face seems to be mocking the people passing by, and it also seems to hint at some hidden secret inside the park

What would it be like to be inside a building with no windows at all?

Located in New York, USA, this completely windowless building has a design that stands out among many skyscrapers, this building is towering into the sky, the façade is flat and smooth, without any windows, and from a distance, it looks like a huge tombstone, standing in the center of the city, giving people a cold, oppressive feeling

Each of the 20 "evil" looking buildings resembles the villain's lair

The completely windowless design means that the interior of the building is a completely enclosed space without any natural light to enter, and for those who live inside, they cannot see the outside world or feel the warmth of the sun, and can only live in an artificial light and air-conditioned environment, which may be comfortable for some, but for others, it can be a torture

Perhaps many people have seen the picture of the San Francisco Arsenal in the United States

Located in San Francisco, USA, the arsenal is full of historical vicissitudes of its exterior design, this arsenal used to be a military powerhouse, but over time, it gradually lost its military value, and was eventually abandoned, the arsenal building as a whole is gray, the walls are mottled, covered with traces of time, some places have even collapsed, revealing the rusty steel bars inside, the arsenal is overgrown with weeds, a desolation, and adds a bleak and terrifying atmosphere

Each of the 20 "evil" looking buildings resembles the villain's lair

The arsenal is a place full of war and death, although this arsenal has been abandoned for many years, the history and memory it carries still makes people feel heavy and depressing

Would you choose to stay late at night in this old castle that has been converted into a hotel?

This ancient castle in Scotland, its exterior design is full of historical weight and mystery, the castle walls are made of huge stones, after hundreds of years of wind and rain erosion, still standing, the castle windows are narrow and towering, some windows have broken glass, revealing the dark rooms inside, as if hiding some ulterior secrets, the castle is surrounded by dense forests, trees towering into the sky, covering the sky, adding a mysterious and terrifying atmosphere

Each of the 20 "evil" looking buildings resembles the villain's lair

This ancient castle, once the residence of the magnates and the fortress of war, has witnessed the vicissitudes of history, but also carries countless secrets and legends, and today, the castle has been converted into a hotel for tourists to stay, for some timid people, they may not dare to stay in this ancient castle late at night, because they are afraid to hear those from the ancient times at night and see the ghosts that wander in the castle

The temple where the gate sculpture alone is intimidating

This temple located in Kerala, India, its exterior design is full of religious mysteries, the architectural style of the temple is very unique, full of Hindu cultural elements, bright colors, exquisite carvings, what really shocks and frightens people is the sculptures on the temple gates, most of these sculptures are hideous and hateful, they show their teeth and claws, and their faces are hateful, as if they will jump down from the gate in the next second and devour people

Each of the 20 "evil" looking buildings resembles the villain's lair

These sculptures, perhaps, are meant to guard the temple and ward off evil, but for some people who do not understand Hindu culture, these sculptures will only make them feel frightened and uneasy, and they will not dare to approach the temple even half a step

It's like a capsule tower in a sci-fi drama where people feel depressed

Located in Tokyo, Japan, the capsule tower is designed with a futuristic and technological feel, but it also feels an invisible oppression, the tower is made up of 140 individual capsule units, each of which is very small and can only accommodate a single bed and simple furniture, giving it a cramped and oppressive feeling

Each of the 20 "evil" looking buildings resembles the villain's lair

The design concept of the capsule tower is to solve the problem of high urban population density, but in real life, this way of living can make people feel very uncomfortable, with small spaces, lack of privacy, and isolation from the outside world, which will make people feel depressed and lonely

The former "villain" nest is now a fast food restaurant

A fast food restaurant in Nuremberg, Germany, has nothing special about its architectural style, but it makes people feel a little strange because of its special "predecessor", this building was a meeting place for the Nazi Party during World War II, and it was an important position for the Nazi Party to promote its political ideas and demagoguery, and until now, people can still see faint traces of the eagle emblem on the exterior wall of the building

Today, the building has been transformed into an ordinary fast-food restaurant, bustling with people every day, and no one seems to pay attention to its dark history anymore.

The building is like a mirror that reflects the complexity of history and the two sides of human nature, and it reminds people to remember history, cherish peace, and not let the tragedy of history repeat itself


These buildings, perhaps just an artistic expression of the architect, but the visual effect they present, but it is easy to remind people of some negative, dark things, the world is big, there are no wonders, these buildings also reflect the diversity and inclusiveness of the world from the side, welcome to leave a message in the comment area, share your views on these buildings, or what you have seen that make you feel shocked or frightened buildings, let's discuss together

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