
China's first flag-raiser, 11 years of thousands of flag-raising without mistakes, after retiring from the army, declined the annual salary of one million

author:Xiaoyi seeks knowledge
China's first flag-raiser, 11 years of thousands of flag-raising without mistakes, after retiring from the army, declined the annual salary of one million
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China's first flag-raiser, 11 years of thousands of flag-raising without mistakes, after retiring from the army, declined the annual salary of one million

One early morning in 2014, Tiananmen Square was shrouded in morning light. The 29-year-old Gao Hongfu stood in a familiar position, holding the national flag with both hands, looking solemn and resolute.

On this day, he will carry out more than 6,200 flag-raising missions, and it is also the last of his military career.

When the national anthem played, Gao Hongfu slowly raised the national flag with skillful movements. His eyes flashed with mixed emotions: pride, reluctance, and thinking about the future.

As the "No. 1 flag-raiser in China", he could have served for another year, but chose to retire early.

China's first flag-raiser, 11 years of thousands of flag-raising without mistakes, after retiring from the army, declined the annual salary of one million

With the five-star red flag fluttering in the morning breeze, Gao Hongfu's 11-year military career is about to come to an end. What does his future hold? What is the story behind this decision? How did an ordinary rural youth grow into a high-profile national flag bearer? Let's unveil this legendary experience together.

Gao Hongfu's story begins with an ordinary rural family in Huaxian County, Henan Province. Born in 1985, he has felt the hardships of life since he was a child. His parents were farmers, and his family only had more than eight acres of land, so he could barely make ends meet in good years, and it was even more difficult in disaster years.

Despite the poverty of the family, his parents knew the importance of knowledge and insisted that Gao Hongfu receive an education.

However, fate is always full of drama. After entering junior high school, Gao Hongfu's enthusiasm for learning suddenly faded, and was replaced by a strong interest in military subjects.

China's first flag-raiser, 11 years of thousands of flag-raising without mistakes, after retiring from the army, declined the annual salary of one million

He often secretly flipped through military books borrowed from the library in class, and was repeatedly discovered by teachers and called home for education. In the face of his mother's scolding, Gao Hongfu stubbornly insisted on his interests, and the dream of being a soldier took root in his heart.

When he was in high school, Gao Hongfu repeatedly expressed his desire to join the army to his parents. At first, the parents did not approve and were worried about their son's future. But seeing Gao Hongfu's persistence and determination, the father finally chose to respect his son's choice.

When Gao Hongfu was about to leave for the army, his father said earnestly: "No matter what kind of work you do, you should do your best to contribute to the motherland and live up to the expectations of the country and the people."

These words were deeply imprinted in Gao Hongfu's heart and became the driving force for him to move forward in the future.

China's first flag-raiser, 11 years of thousands of flag-raising without mistakes, after retiring from the army, declined the annual salary of one million

With the expectations of his family, Gao Hongfu embarked on the road of military service. However, fate is always full of surprises. During a training session, the squad leader unexpectedly found that Gao Hongfu was close to 1.9 meters tall, which happened to meet the selection conditions for the flag-raiser.

In this way, the military career of an ordinary rural teenager was unexpectedly linked to the raising and lowering of the national flag.

Gao Hongfu accepted this challenge with trepidation and excitement. He knows that this is not only an opportunity, but also a responsibility. Since then, he has devoted his youth and enthusiasm to this noble mission.

The dream of a rural teenager opened a new chapter in Tiananmen Square.

China's first flag-raiser, 11 years of thousands of flag-raising without mistakes, after retiring from the army, declined the annual salary of one million

It was only when Gao Hongfu first came into contact with the training of flag raisers that he really realized the hardships of this work. The seemingly simple act of raising the flag requires countless repeated practice and great perseverance.

The first is standing training. Gao Hongfu spent half a month just practicing the standard standing posture. Every day, he had to stand straight for hours, even if his legs were numb and his back was sore, he didn't dare to slack off.

Sweat soaked through the military uniform again and again, but it could not shake his determination in the slightest.

Next is arm strength training. A graceful flag display requires strong arm support, especially the right arm. After the day's group training, Gao Hongfu often lifted dumbbells alone in the dormitory until his arm was sore.

China's first flag-raiser, 11 years of thousands of flag-raising without mistakes, after retiring from the army, declined the annual salary of one million

He understands that only by putting in more effort than others can he become a good flag raiser.

During training, Gao Hongfu once suffered an arm muscle strain due to overtraining. The pain was unbearable, he could have taken a leave of absence to rest, but thinking of the responsibility on his shoulders, he chose to grit his teeth and persevere.

At night, when his comrades were asleep, he quietly applied a hot towel to his arms and continued his exercises. This kind of unknown persistence has forged his outstanding performance in the future.

Gao Hongfu's hard work quickly paid off. In just over half a year, he became the most outstanding flag-raiser in the company. His figure not only appeared in the company, but was also recommended to the camp and regimental headquarters to demonstrate flag-raising skills.

China's first flag-raiser, 11 years of thousands of flag-raising without mistakes, after retiring from the army, declined the annual salary of one million

Every time it is displayed, it is a recognition of his strength and a spur for him to continue to move forward.

With his outstanding performance, Gao Hongfu was given the opportunity to join the Tiananmen Guards. Despite the recommendation of the regimental headquarters, he still needs to pass a rigorous assessment. On the day of the assessment, Gao Hongfu strived for perfection in every move, showing extraordinary strength and firm will.

He knows that this is not only about personal honor, but also about the opportunity to serve the country and the people.

In the end, Gao Hongfu got his wish and became a national flag bearer. However, he knows that this is just a new beginning. Since then, he has trained even harder, striving to achieve flawless perfection every time he raises the flag.

China's first flag-raiser, 11 years of thousands of flag-raising without mistakes, after retiring from the army, declined the annual salary of one million

Whether it is the scorching sun or the cold wind, Gao Hongfu adheres to his training plan and constantly improves his skills.

In this process, Gao Hongfu not only exercised his body, but also honed his will. He learned to stay calm under pressure and never give up in the face of difficulties. These qualities not only made him an excellent flag raiser, but also laid a solid foundation for his later life.

Gao Hongfu's experience tells us that there is no shortcut to success, and only through unremitting efforts and perseverance can we reach the height of excellence. He used his actions to interpret what is loyalty to duty and what is the persistent pursuit of dreams.

In 2003, Gao Hongfu officially joined the Tiananmen Square Guards, starting his glorious years as a national flag bearer. Every time he stood in Tiananmen Square and faced the solemn national flag, Gao Hongfu was extremely reverent.

China's first flag-raiser, 11 years of thousands of flag-raising without mistakes, after retiring from the army, declined the annual salary of one million

He is well aware that he not only represents the individual, but also carries the dignity and honor of the whole country.

With extraordinary efforts and outstanding performance, Gao Hongfu successfully became a regular in only one year. This hard-won honor has further stimulated his sense of responsibility and mission.

No matter how cold or hot, no matter the wind or rain, Gao Hongfu demands himself with the highest standards and strives to be perfect every flag-raising.

In 2009, Gao Hongfu ushered in the pinnacle of his career - he was selected as the national flag raiser for the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Standing on the tower of Tiananmen Square, facing the gaze of hundreds of thousands of live viewers and national television viewers, Gao Hongfu felt unprecedented pressure and responsibility.

China's first flag-raiser, 11 years of thousands of flag-raising without mistakes, after retiring from the army, declined the annual salary of one million

When the national anthem sounded, he straightened his back and held the flag firmly with both hands. As the flag slowly rose, his heart was filled with pride and emotion. At this moment, he not only represents himself, but also represents the sincerity of all Chinese people to the motherland.

In the years that followed, Gao Hongfu continued to hold himself to the highest standards. The scenery of Tiananmen Square varies from season to season, but Gao Hongfu's persistence has always been the same. In the bitter north wind, his movements are still precise; Under the scorching sun, his posture is still upright.

Every time the flag is raised, it is a solemn commitment to the country and a loyal fulfillment of duties.

In the past 11 years, Gao Hongfu has completed more than 6,200 flag-raising tasks, creating a proud record of zero mistakes. This achievement has not only won the reputation of "the first flag-raiser", but also won the respect and praise of the people of the whole country.

China's first flag-raiser, 11 years of thousands of flag-raising without mistakes, after retiring from the army, declined the annual salary of one million

However, behind the honor are countless training days and nights with stars and moons, which is unimaginable dedication and persistence for ordinary people.

Gao Hongfu used his actions to explain what is loyalty to the country and what is adherence to duty. His story is not only a personal growth process, but also a vivid portrayal of an ordinary soldier's infinite loyalty to the motherland.

During the years of the Tiananmen Square Guard, Gao Hongfu dedicated his most precious youth to the motherland, and also realized self-sublimation in the process. His experience has inspired countless young people to strive for their dreams and contribute to their motherland.

In 2014, 29-year-old Gao Hongfu retired with honor and embarked on a new journey in life. Facing the future, his heart is full of expectations and inevitably apprehensive. Although he has the honor of "first flag raiser", Gao Hongfu is also soberly aware of the reality that his academic qualifications are not high and his professional skills are limited.

China's first flag-raiser, 11 years of thousands of flag-raising without mistakes, after retiring from the army, declined the annual salary of one million

However, fate seems to favor the veteran. A large southern enterprise threw an olive branch to Gao Hongfu and offered a jaw-dropping condition: an annual salary of up to one million yuan.

This job seems to be easy, and only Gao Hongfu needs to attend various important events as a corporate representative.

Faced with such an attractive offer, Gao Hongfu fell into deep thought. On the one hand, this job can quickly solve his worries and allow him and his family to live a good life.

On the other hand, he is keenly aware that the company really values his reputation as the "first flag-raiser" and wants to use his popularity for commercial promotion.

China's first flag-raiser, 11 years of thousands of flag-raising without mistakes, after retiring from the army, declined the annual salary of one million

Gao Hongfu was caught in a fierce ideological struggle. He recalled his military career, those training in the stars and the moon, and the solemn flag-raising ceremony. In his heart, raising the flag is not only a job, but also a belief and mission.

He could not tie this sacred duty to commercial interests.

After much deliberation, Gao Hongfu made a decision that surprised many: he politely turned down the high-paying job. This decision made many people puzzled, but Gao Hongfu was extremely firm in his heart.

He knew that he had a more important responsibility than money – to pass on the spirit of raising the flag.

China's first flag-raiser, 11 years of thousands of flag-raising without mistakes, after retiring from the army, declined the annual salary of one million

Gao Hongfu's choice shows a soldier's adherence to his beliefs and his responsibility. He used practical actions to explain what are true values and what is loyalty to the country and the people.

This decision also opened a new chapter in his life.

After turning down a high-paying job, Gao Hongfu resolutely returned to Beijing and opened a new chapter in his life. His choice soon paid off, and several well-known universities extended an olive branch to the "first flag raiser" and invited him to serve as an instructor for the school's flag guard.

For Gao Hongfu, this opportunity is of great significance. It's not just a job, it's a legacy. He wants to pass on the experience he has accumulated over the past 11 years and his reverence for the national flag to the younger generation.

China's first flag-raiser, 11 years of thousands of flag-raising without mistakes, after retiring from the army, declined the annual salary of one million

With this sense of mission, Gao Hongfu gladly accepted the invitation.

In the teaching process, Gao Hongfu not only pays attention to the teaching of skills, but also attaches more importance to the cultivation of patriotic feelings. He often told his students: "Raising the flag is not only an action, but also a responsibility."

When you hold the national flag, you represent all the Chinese. He used his own experience to inspire the students and give them a deep understanding of the meaning of flag raising.

Watching the students improve day by day, Gao Hongfu felt extremely gratified. Although he no longer carries out the flag-raising mission himself, his spirit and skills are being passed on through these young people.

China's first flag-raiser, 11 years of thousands of flag-raising without mistakes, after retiring from the army, declined the annual salary of one million

In the process of cultivating the next generation of flag-raisers, Gao Hongfu found a new value and meaning in life.

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