
Chen Changhao's Expedition 44 The Political Security Bureau was interrogated in three halls, and Staff Officer Wu poured beans into a bamboo tube and explained honestly

author:Accustomed to spring, moon and autumn

The forty-fifth episode (2) The Red Fourth Army was tried in three halls, and Wu Jicheng was difficult to argue.

Chen Changhao's Expedition 44 The Political Security Bureau was interrogated in three halls, and Staff Officer Wu poured beans into a bamboo tube and explained honestly

When the Security Bureau asked Staff Officer Wu, did you tell Wu Jicheng about the purpose of your visit to the Commander Wu? Staff Officer Wu replied: I came here to be entrusted with an errand, and I didn't tell the martial arts commander, but although I didn't say it directly, the martial arts commander should know how many points he can guess, and he will go to the Three Treasures Palace. When the Security Bureau asked Commander Wu Jicheng: You have retained the spies of the Kuomintang reactionaries without authorization, and there are also lobbying letters from the Kuomintang reactionaries who have expanded their feelings, and Wu Jicheng has been stolen by everyone, what else do you have to say?

Where did I expect that the division commander Wu Jicheng said with confidence: "I am a plank, my Wuji has become a brave fighter in the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Region, has made countless meritorious contributions, and eliminated countless Kuomintang reactionaries, is it possible to say that I have a problem? Last time, Zhong Jun also brought a lobbying letter from Zeng Guangqing, and after reading it, the labor and management immediately handed it over to Comrade Ren Qianshen of the Red Fourth Army, and Zhong Jun, who delivered the letter, was also arrested and killed.

Chen Changhao's Expedition 44 The Political Security Bureau was interrogated in three halls, and Staff Officer Wu poured beans into a bamboo tube and explained honestly

The Security Bureau is about to ask Comrade Ren Qianshen to answer, Comrade Ren Qianshen, do you know what Wu Jicheng said? Former political commissar Ren Qianshen replied: Yes, there were two people who came to the 11th Division of the Red Fourth Army at that time, and later the commander of the military division came to me and said that these two people were spies sent by the Kuomintang reactionaries to plot rebellion.

However, the comrade of the Security Bureau also said: "Commander of the Martial Arts, you are such a shrewd person, you have made great contributions to the revolution, and it is a rash thing to fight for the revolution. You wouldn't know? You're fooling ghosts, aren't you? Staff Officer Wu came from the white area, you didn't follow the normal organizational procedures, but instead sent this person who didn't have a single battle merit as your personal adjutant, and wrapped up with you every day to eat small stoves, you are afraid that you are a blind man who eats rice balls and knows what to expect, right? If you come from the white area to vote for red, you should first be arranged to the grassroots company or the political department, headquarters, and quartermaster department of the division headquarters, because you are afraid that Staff Officer Wu will fall (later) and talk out and be found to be a spy of the Kuomintang reactionaries, right?

Chen Changhao's Expedition 44 The Political Security Bureau was interrogated in three halls, and Staff Officer Wu poured beans into a bamboo tube and explained honestly

The words of the Security Bureau obviously hit the weakness of the martial arts commander, last time there was a Zhong Jun, and this time there was another Wu Chengwen, the martial arts commander would not know what these guys were doing? Then you really underestimated the martial arts master. The most unfortunate thing was that this Wu staff officer actually put the letter of surrender from the Kuomintang reactionaries in the briefcase. The chief of the security bureau continued: "Commander of the martial arts, you have participated in the revolution for many years, what is this called behavior?" This is called harboring the enemy's special knowledge and not reporting it, what crime should it be guilty of? The words of the head of the security bureau hit the key point of the martial arts commander. Now at this time, sometimes a thousand mouths can't be said clearly. What does it mean to be inarable? Is this called having a hard time arguing?

The martial arts commander has one of the biggest shortcomings, or weaknesses, and now the reform and opening up can also be said to be an advantage, that is, the social relations are too complicated. It's so complicated that I doubt life. Political Commissar Ren Qianshen and Commander-in-Chief of the Commander-in-Chief also mentioned this problem in a letter to the Central Committee on August 20, 1931: "After the defeat of Yingshan, there was a famous Zhong Shu warrior who claimed to have come to find Wu Jicheng, and after our secret interrogation, he said that he was nominally sent from the Nanjing government to move Wu Jicheng to defect, but in fact he was a third party and was ordered by Deng Yanda to come to Wu Jicheng.

Chen Changhao's Expedition 44 The Political Security Bureau was interrogated in three halls, and Staff Officer Wu poured beans into a bamboo tube and explained honestly

In addition to secretly reporting this issue to the Central Bureau, we also have one more thing to report to the Central Committee, that is, his participation in the Whampoa Revolutionary Alumni Association sponsored by Yu Shandu (a student of the first phase of the Huangpu Uprising, a participant in the Autumn Harvest Uprising, and a member of the Third Party) was introduced by Yuan Jingming and Liu Tingjie, who were members of the Communist Party. Zhong is still in secrecy, and he will be sent to the Central Branch, which will handle it. Here we are responsible, Wu Jicheng will certainly not have any problems with the organization, but many social relations cannot interrupt this, and we have seriously warned him.

Chen Changhao's Expedition 44 The Political Security Bureau was interrogated in three halls, and Staff Officer Wu poured beans into a bamboo tube and explained honestly

[Kuomintang reactionaries often filmed some spies going to the Soviet area to plot rebellion]

From the above letter, it can be seen that there is nothing wrong with the commander of the martial arts being a staunch revolutionary, but what is wrong? It is how extensive and complex the social relationship of the martial master is. The third gear was a very taboo thing at that time, and one of the basic things of cooking rice was to purge the third gear, which was the so-called left wing of the People's Party. And we, the martial arts commanders, take great care of our friends from all walks of life, attach great importance to personal feelings, and come as guests, and to use a fashionable revolutionary term, we have no minimum viewpoint of class struggle and consciousness of class struggle. When the commander of the martial arts division was wounded in Jiujiang, it was the secretary who bought him a ticket to help him go to Shanghai. When Wu Jicheng was in Shanghai, he had a very good relationship with Deng Yanda and a group of leftist brothers, so much so that even the Shanghai Central Committee at that time talked to him. When Comrade Ni Zhiliang returned from a meeting in Shanghai, he also told some senior cadres of the Fourth Army of the Red Army: The Central Committee greeted Comrade Wu Jicheng and said that Comrade Wu Jicheng's personal relationship was complicated.

The Security Bureau's review of Wu Jicheng's three-hall trial continued in the conference room of the military headquarters of the Red Fourth Army, because the search found that the letter of rebellion was signed on September 19, but in August, a person from Zhong Jun came to the military headquarters of the Red Fourth Army with a letter of rebellion, and after Wu Jicheng received the letter, he handed the letter to the Political Department of the Red Fourth Army and the political appointment Qianshen, and said that he had shot Zhong Jun and the other two to death. Therefore, the martial master is still full of confidence in the three halls. At this time, an officer of the Security Bureau walked up to Political Commissar Chen Changhao and whispered for a while, and Political Commissar Chen Changhao asked again: Commander Wu, you said that after you received Zhong Jun's letter of rebellion in August, you even handed over the letter to the military headquarters of the Red Fourth Army, and shot Zhong Jun and the other two spies? The martial master was full of confidence and said yes. How is it possible to say that I have defected to the enemy?

Chen Changhao's Expedition 44 The Political Security Bureau was interrogated in three halls, and Staff Officer Wu poured beans into a bamboo tube and explained honestly

Political Commissar Chen Changhao sneered and said: But we have just received a report that Zhong Jun, the spy who came to plot the rebellion, was not shot, but you ran to the military headquarters to exert pressure to release Zhong Jun, and lived in the headquarters of your 11th Division for 31 days. Zhong Jun was originally going to be escorted to the Central Branch, but after you released Zhong Jun privately, you also issued a fake report saying that Zhong Jun was a Kuomintang spy and had been shot, how do you explain? ? Do you want the comrades of the adjutant office of the 11th Division to confront you face to face?

After listening to Chen Changhao's questioning, no, it was Chen Zhaxin's political commissar's questioning, the head of the martial arts commander grew violently, and now it is not the yellow mud that fell into the crotch of the pants, not the baba is also the poop, but the baba fell into the crotch of the pants is the poop, and the officers above the military headquarters of the Red Fourth Army in the auditorium also issued a ...... The sound of smashing it, I can't see it on a naked day, ah......, ah!

Chen Changhao's Expedition 44 The Political Security Bureau was interrogated in three halls, and Staff Officer Wu poured beans into a bamboo tube and explained honestly

Political Commissar Chen Changhao made a concluding speech at this time: The problem now is no longer an incident of opposing the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Central Bureau and disobeying the orders of the Central Military Commission of the Central Sub-Bureau, secretly releasing the spies of the Kuomintang reactionaries who plotted rebellion, accepting letters from the Kuomintang reactionaries for the second time, and harboring the spies of the Kuomintang reactionaries who plotted rebellion.

Political Commissar Chen Changhao also called on the broad masses of commanders of the Fourth Army of the Red Army that our struggle against the Kuomintang reactionaries is still very acute and complicated, and that our struggle against the Kuomintang reactionaries is not only on the battlefield of armed struggle, but also on the hidden bad elements of the Kuomintang reactionaries within us.

As a matter of fact, although Political Commissar Chen Changhao and others seized Zeng Guangqing's second letter on behalf of Chiang Kai-shek, the comrades, including the secretary, did not believe the contents of this letter and did not believe that Master Xu Wu had defected to Chiang Kai-shek, but in fact still mainly doubted his relationship with the third party.

Chen Changhao's Expedition 44 The Political Security Bureau was interrogated in three halls, and Staff Officer Wu poured beans into a bamboo tube and explained honestly

[The third party was a very complicated issue at that time]

Political Commissar Chen Changhao later said: "Wu Jicheng came from Shanghai, and he had a very close relationship with the third party at that time. Therefore, at that time, the Central Committee sent someone to talk to him, and Wu Jicheng expressed remorse, and as a result, the Central Committee sent him to be the commander of the First Army, and in fact Wu Jicheng came on the orders of the Third Party Central Committee. Since Wu Jicheng did have a close relationship with the core members of the Third Party in Shanghai, and let go of Zhong Jun, the self-proclaimed liaison of the Third Party, the Party Central Committee and the Central Branch Bureau became deeply suspicious of his relationship with the Third Party, which led to the famous incident.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with being a staunch revolutionary, but he likes to make friends too much, and he generally takes care of his friends' affairs. Some friends were originally local tyrants who wanted to fight, but they found the commander of Wu Jicheng, and the commander of the martial arts division couldn't take care of it.

Some of the classmates in the first phase of Whampoa went down to the steep hurdle to plot against him, and the martial arts master was also sent out of the country. Knowing that some of the visitors were ill-intentioned, the martial master still pretended to be sloppy, just because he didn't want to offend his friends, so he made a cage and put himself in. In times and places where the class struggle is fierce, it is indeed not a good idea to make friends. In addition, the relationship with the superiors has not been handled well, and the operational plan of the Military Commission of the People's Branch Bureau wants you to attack Xishui Yingshan, move around Xiangtai Lake, coerce Anqing, shake Nanjing, attract Nanjing to recover troops, and reduce the pressure on the southern Jiangxi Soviet area. The old Ren family turned out to be a bamboo mat of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Special Committee Military Branch, and it was wrong with the new secretary, what are you smoking? It's good to honestly lead troops to fight, and don't get involved in politics.

In fact, the greatest strength of the commander of the martial arts division is to fight wars, and when the secretary first inspected Jinzhai of the Red Fourth Army, the commander of the martial arts division was extremely dissatisfied with the then commander Ke Chuanjun, thinking that the commander would not be able to conduct guerrilla warfare, and strongly demanded that he be replaced. Don't say that Division Commander Wu Jicheng was indeed prescient in the Red Army's revolutionary guerrilla warfare.

Even the commander-in-chief admired the operational command of the commander of the martial arts, and later when the Hubei-Henan-Anhui counter-fourth encirclement and suppression, the Military Commission of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Central Branch handed over the task of guarding Huoshan County to Ke Chuanjun, and as a result, when Ke Chuanjun's battle plan was sent to the Military Commission of the sub-bureau, Deputy Cai Zhuxi shouted at a glance, Huo Shan is not guaranteed. At first glance, Cai Strategist said that there was something wrong with this plan, and that this was a tough battle with the regular army of the Kuomintang, and as expected, Huoshan was quickly lost. If it was the commander of the martial arts division who led the troops to fight in the area of Huoshan, it would not be this result, a sigh!

The result of the three-hall trial of the military headquarters of the Red Fourth Army was that all the leaders unanimously agreed to immediately dismiss the commander of the martial arts division and send him back to Xinji for trial. Although Ren Qianshen's former military political commissar did not participate in the counterrevolutionary case, his anti-revolutionary words and deeds had already been used by the counterrevolution, and he should be escorted to Xinji to be dealt with later, and the Red Fourth Army should immediately return to Baique Garden. All the personnel of all divisions and regiments involved in this political case will be temporarily under the supervision of the political departments of the various ministries and will be dealt with after returning to Xinji.

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