
Arrogant! The words of the high-speed toll collector aroused the anger of the public, and the driver of the big truck was trapped at the toll booth overnight!

author:Xiao Li loves gossip 228

I was shocked to hear that Fuzhou is on the hot search list again! This time, it turned out to be because of a sentence from a highway toll collector. It's incredible, how can a dignified provincial capital city become the focus of attention of netizens across the country because of a small toll collector?

Arrogant! The words of the high-speed toll collector aroused the anger of the public, and the driver of the big truck was trapped at the toll booth overnight!

It all started that night. Two drivers of large trucks, after a hard day's drive, finally came to the Fuzhou Zhanggang toll station, ready to pay the toll and go home at the highway.

Arrogant! The words of the high-speed toll collector aroused the anger of the public, and the driver of the big truck was trapped at the toll booth overnight!

Who knows, just as they took out the various documents they had prepared, the lady in the toll booth said coldly: "We don't recognize these documents, you must have a written release certificate from the highway department before you can leave." "

Arrogant! The words of the high-speed toll collector aroused the anger of the public, and the driver of the big truck was trapped at the toll booth overnight!

What? A written certificate from the highway department? Where to find it in the middle of the night? The drivers looked confused and quickly called the road administration department for help. Fortunately, the comrades of the road administration were also very responsible, and they came all the way to the toll booth, and after the on-site inspection, they said that everything was normal and the drivers could go.

Arrogant! The words of the high-speed toll collector aroused the anger of the public, and the driver of the big truck was trapped at the toll booth overnight!

But what makes people angry is that just when everyone thought that the matter was finally resolved, the toll collector intensified and put forward a new request: "Your car is a Class III car, the documents do not meet the standards, and there is no escort plan in the system, and you must have a written release certificate from the superior road administration department!" "

Arrogant! The words of the high-speed toll collector aroused the anger of the public, and the driver of the big truck was trapped at the toll booth overnight!

God, is that what people say? At that time, it was 1 o'clock in the morning, and the people from the higher-level road administration department were still asleep, where to go to the written certificate? Seeing that everyone was begging bitterly, the "iron-faced and selfless" toll collector remained unmoved, insisting on a written certificate before he was allowed to go.

Arrogant! The words of the high-speed toll collector aroused the anger of the public, and the driver of the big truck was trapped at the toll booth overnight!

The result can be imagined, a car of drivers and passengers, young and old, was trapped at the toll booth all night. They were hungry and sleepy, looking out the window at the dark night, and the anger and helplessness in their hearts could be imagined. Someone took a video and posted it on the Internet, which instantly detonated public opinion.

Arrogant! The words of the high-speed toll collector aroused the anger of the public, and the driver of the big truck was trapped at the toll booth overnight!

Many netizens have said that although the female toll collector seems to be "conscientious", she is actually completely making things difficult for drivers and passengers. The highway department has already cleared it, what proof does she need? Isn't this a typical "certification doesn't recognize people"? This kind of bureaucratic style and attitude of not taking the masses of the people seriously is really despicable!

Arrogant! The words of the high-speed toll collector aroused the anger of the public, and the driver of the big truck was trapped at the toll booth overnight!

Many netizens also questioned her motives. Some people say, where did she come from to be so bold as a small toll collector to dare to treat the driver and crew like this? Is there someone behind it? This matter is by no means simple, and the relevant departments must thoroughly investigate it to the end and give the people justice!

Arrogant! The words of the high-speed toll collector aroused the anger of the public, and the driver of the big truck was trapped at the toll booth overnight!

Some netizens also stood up to speak for the toll collector, thinking that she was just strictly enforcing the rules and regulations and had no malicious intentions. But in my opinion, the implementation of rules and regulations is important, but it is also necessary to pay attention to humanity and flexibility.

Arrogant! The words of the high-speed toll collector aroused the anger of the public, and the driver of the big truck was trapped at the toll booth overnight!

If you look at other drivers, not to mention that they have complete documents, they have called all the people from the road administration department from afar, isn't this considered conscientious? If you have to embarrass others, what do you want?

Arrogant! The words of the high-speed toll collector aroused the anger of the public, and the driver of the big truck was trapped at the toll booth overnight!

The driver and passenger said they would complain to the authorities and would never stop there. They demanded that the toll collectors involved be severely punished and that the negative impact of such incidents on Fuzhou's image be eliminated. At the same time, they also called on the highway management department to further optimize services, improve the quality of staff, and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of drivers and passengers.

Arrogant! The words of the high-speed toll collector aroused the anger of the public, and the driver of the big truck was trapped at the toll booth overnight!

As a native of Fuzhou, I'm really ashamed of this. The dignified provincial capital city was on the hot search because of a toll collector's words.

This is not only a problem of the toll collectors involved, but also reflects that we still have a lot of room for improvement in public service awareness and humanized management. It is hoped that the relevant departments will take this as a warning, make great efforts to rectify and reform, and return Fuzhou to a civilized, friendly, and tolerant good image!

Arrogant! The words of the high-speed toll collector aroused the anger of the public, and the driver of the big truck was trapped at the toll booth overnight!

(Disclaimer: The content of this article, videos, pictures, and articles are all from the Internet and are for reference only!) If there is any doubt about the incident, delete or change it immediately after contacting!! )