
How to make your nobles willing to help you

author:Dragon City Anecdotes

If you are poor and can't find a chance, it's probably because you've jumped into a trap.

Do you think money is earned? Wrong, very wrong, many migrant workers think that money is earned, so when they see an individual, they want to earn his money.

Even the money of the masters, he has to squeeze it.

But it's a pity that from now on you will never meet a noble person again, and you will also plummet, and you will never make money again.

Many people often ask me how to get along with noble people, in fact, noble people are the best to get along with, because his rank is already very high, and his emotions will not be easily mobilized by you at all. That's a lot easier to get along with, do you agree?

In fact, getting along with nobles is just one way, paying to death without asking for anything in return.

As long as your efforts are in place, the eldest brother feels comfortable, and feels that you are a manufacturable material, then the opportunity will naturally be given to you.

On the contrary, if you don't do it well, but you want to "exchange" the opportunity in the boss's hands in advance, you think that you have done a lot of things for the boss, and you can kick your nose in the face.

I'm sorry then, you don't have a chance.

There was a group friend who entered my VIP group before, he should be a part-time worker, and he also plays some stocks, I think he is good in all aspects, but he is very lacking, he doesn't understand the rules.

What rules?

When you face a big guy who is stronger than you, you shouldn't ask for anything in return, but give it hard.

That's how you have a chance.

Otherwise, you don't have a chance.

Many bosses who have started their own businesses must have a deep understanding of what I said above.

Do you think you're paying the big guy to get his courses and resources?

Wrong, it's very wrong, paying the big guy is to give the big guy an attitude, show that you are willing to be a cow and a horse for him, and ask him to give you the opportunity.

And not the so-called "exchange of value".

Value exchange, you can only get what is within your value and the value is equal.

With this thinking, you can make more money and have a good life, no problem.

If you want to go to the next level, then what you need to do is not to exchange value, but to "give habitually without expecting anything in return".

For example, if you pay 5,000 yuan to the big guy, you think you should earn back 100,000 yuan, otherwise you will lose.

With your mentality, the big guy sees you as a customer at most, that's all, and you want him to give you further opportunities, which is difficult because you are not your own person.

Another situation is that you paid me 5,000 yuan, and you are very distressed, but even if you don't gain anything, you have no regrets, and you put my theory to use in your own career, and you will come out to report from time to time, and you will always support me.

At this time, my opinion of you is not just a simple customer, but you are an interesting person, and I want to focus on it.

You say, if I have a chance here, or the boss next to me has a chance, and there is a shortage of people, which one do I choose?

Definitely choose the second one.

It seems that the first person asks for timely feedback and does not suffer, but in fact, it is extremely stupid.

It seems that the second person doesn't ask for anything and dies, but in fact, he is wise and foolish.

There is a profound truth, many people don't understand at all, in this world, there has never been such a thing as being deceived, you pay, you will definitely gain in some way.

When you do something, you may have done it for a long time, you have put in a lot of effort, and you still have no results, and that's normal because you're not doing it right.

And you are on the same road of seeking opportunities from the masters, the right way is to pay silently, so that the masters feel that you are a material that can be made, rather than a person who is only greedy for small profits.

You must not underestimate the big guy's perception of you, because it is likely that the big guy's perception of you determines whether you have a chance in this life.

If you want the big guy to give you a chance, you have to do two things first.

(1) Initiative, initiative, and initiative.

I'm usually like this, as long as I see someone I admire, and I want to dig him into our company, I take the initiative to get close to him.

(2) After taking the initiative to finish the work, it is giving.

When you get closer, you pay your time, you pay your money, you pay your emotional value.

If you do it right, give in a way that is acceptable to the other person, and it won't take long to reap the corresponding results.

Why am I so clear? That's what a lot of my friends in my company do, and he touched me, so I gave him a chance.

Many of these people are people with low academic qualifications, but they will come and "bomb you indiscriminately", and you can't refuse at all, so you can only accept him.

I saw a foreign bigwig tell a story, which is a story about sales, but in fact, in the commercial society, you get the logic of sales through, then everything works.

Because the essence of sales is to get people, get human nature, this thing is done, aren't you seeing God and killing God, seeing Buddha and killing Buddha?

One day, a young man who was a salesman went up the mountain to find his master with his head down: "Why is my product always unbought?" What I said is very good, and I have put in a lot of time, why can't I get results?? ”

The master said meaningfully: "You, first understand what is the most undeniable thing in the world, and when you understand this thing, you will sell the product, and you will ascend to the sky in one step." ”

This young man was puzzled, what was the last thing that people could refuse?

He was walking down the hill when there was a bridge on which a woman with a stroller came to the young man, and the young man froze.

He found the answer in an instant.

He found that the smile on the baby's face was simply impossible to refuse. When you see this smile, you feel very kind, and you believe in it.

So he understood that the last thing a person could refuse was a baby's smile.

As long as you have this, everything can be done.

This example is a real-life example, and it is easy for you to understand in real life.

All those products that sell well and do well in business are all full of spring breeze every day, and everyone laughs and laughs, this big brother, that big brother.

I went to a dinner to see if a person was mixing well, and I could see from the way he treated people.

Anyone who likes to have a smiling face, likes to say good things with his mouth, and likes to make friends with people, his career will not be bad at all.

Because there is simply no way for others to refuse him.

And some people, every day on their faces, it is called a bleak, and everyone is full of autumn frost, as if everyone owes her money.

Do you think anyone will want to come near you?

In short, I just want to say a truth, if you want to spend money, make yourself happy, and play the world from your own perspective.

But if you want to make money, you have to make others happy from their point of view.

Especially when facing a master, what is the most important thing for a master, what do you like, is it important?

If you understand my ideal today, your life will be much smoother, and you will be able to move up two levels.

What is the thinking gap between the superior and the average person?

Ordinary people are "don't want you to think, I want me to feel".

But the master is the opposite, "I don't want me to feel, I want you to feel".

I'm definitely the latter, if I'm still stuck in the stage of "I think", how can I make tens of millions a year?

Most people are the former, they feel that they are better than anyone else, and then they can't get out of the predicament by themselves, isn't it fatal?

And now the fans who read my article, if you are the latter, then congratulations, your success is inevitable, not to mention catching up with me, there must be millions, it's really not difficult, the master gives you a chance, and you can earn it casually.

So, you have to be this kind of person, take the initiative, pay more, spend money and spend time.

What is the premise? The premise is that you have to take the initiative and take the initiative to give.

The more powerful the person, the more people around him want to be close to him, how do you stand out?

You will find that those who take the initiative will not have too bad luck, and the opportunities are often obtained by those who take the initiative.

I even think that the biggest difference between a winner and a loser is whether to take the initiative or not.

You should take the initiative to make friends with high-ranking people, and you should also take the initiative to find a partner.

For example, if you are doing sales, but the sales performance has been mediocre, then you can go to the sales champions that you can contact and say, I want to treat you to a meal, ask you for some experience, I don't know if it is convenient for you?

Really good people will not refuse, because the more powerful people are, the more they hope that they can help more people, especially those who can take the initiative to show goodwill, take the initiative to speak, and have the willingness to improve (if you are surrounded by people who can't see the good of others, then you should change circles).

Most people at the bottom believe in conspiracy theories, for example, when they see a man driving a luxury car, they will think that it is a gentleman's son and a rich second generation; Seeing a woman driving a luxury car, it is a mistress who is being raised.

When it comes to people with outstanding grades, they will only envy, envy, and hate.

Take the initiative to show favor and take the initiative to ask for advice? Impossible.

In fact, the information barrier is a layer of window paper, as long as you find the right person, it will be broken with a stab, and you can avoid many detours.

The same is true for treatment, I used to have a nose that bleeds constantly, and I searched the Internet for ways to stop bleeding, but none of them worked.

When I arrived at a tertiary hospital, the doctor took a small mirror and said that an artery in your left nasal cavity had ruptured, and a vein in your right nasal cavity had ruptured and needed to be "welded".

The whole "welding" process took only 5 minutes, and to this day there are no recurrences.

Therefore, whenever I see someone consulting about a disease on the Internet, I recommend them to go directly to a specialized department and find a professional doctor, and they are cured quickly, and it doesn't cost much at all.

If you browse the Internet blindly, you will only delay yourself.

This is true of any other industry, if your career develops very slowly and encounters many obstacles, it is essentially a "disease" in the career dimension, and you must prescribe the right medicine.

Let's talk about finding a partner.

Most people would think that males should take the initiative because many animals in nature are males who take the initiative.

But human beings are different, especially in this land, whether the male takes the initiative or not is not the key to the problem at all.

Because as long as you are not a man with a particularly low level of knowledge, you are very self-aware, and if a man can't find a partner, it has nothing to do with whether your master is not active, and it has something to do with whether you are excellent or not.

But if a woman can't find a partner, it is likely to have something to do with not taking the initiative.

As the saying goes, men chase women across mountains, and women chase men across the veil.

A good man must rely on grabbing, as long as your willingness is strong enough, and the conditions are not very bad, you keep an eye on 3 excellent men, chat with them often, often ask for advice, thank them, and praise them, then you have a high probability of closing a deal in the end.

Because women are praised a lot from childhood to adulthood, but men are praised much less. If you can do that, then you will kill 90% of your competitors in seconds.

But the reverse is not true, if a "not very bad" man, it is useless to stare at 300 excellent women every day.

In short, it is inevitable that people who take the initiative will live well in this life, it is only a matter of time.

Source: The path of life cultivation