
No power and no power, please immigrate to these 3 countries!

author:Dragon City Anecdotes

In everyone's impression, immigrants may be the privilege of those rich and famous, in fact, I want to tell you that the largest group of immigrants are still those ordinary people.

Even if you are an ordinary person with no power or power, there are many immigration methods and countries that you can choose from.

No power and no power, please immigrate to these 3 countries!

Today, I will take stock with you, the most suitable 3 countries for Chinese to immigrate in 2024 in my heart, and give you some reference.

1. The United States

As a traditional immigration country, the United States has always implemented a very open immigration policy, and there is a very broad space for development in both the working and entrepreneurial environment.

What's more, the United States is among the world's leading in education and medical care.

Therefore, the number one position in the list, the United States is well-deserved.

No power and no power, please immigrate to these 3 countries!

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There are more than a dozen programs to immigrate to the United States, among which EB1A Extraordinary Ability Immigration and NIW National Interest Waiver Immigration are the two most popular ways for Chinese.

EB1A and NIW are both talent immigrants who can apply as long as the applicant is good enough in their field.

There are two types of EB1A qualifications:

The first is a fast track designed for top bigwigs such as Nobel Prize, Olympic gold medal, Oscar and other top award winners, as long as they win one of the awards, they can get a U.S. green card in one step.

The second is the standard designed for talented talents, that is, the immigration method chosen by most people, that is, among the 10 criteria given by the USCIS, 3 of them can be met.

The criteria are as follows:

No power and no power, please immigrate to these 3 countries!

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These 10 standards are not so unattainable, and there are still a lot of people who are eligible.

For example, baristas, sculptors, roasters, and other craftsmen who have won awards in some competitions, joined associations in their own fields, have been reported by the media, have been invited to serve as judges for competitions, or held exhibitions, etc., are almost eligible to apply.

For example, talents in the field of education, such as university teachers, educational consultants, and teachers from training institutions, can also be tapped in important positions, evaluations, academics, original contributions, association membership, and high salaries.

No power and no power, please immigrate to these 3 countries!

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Or business executives, small and medium-sized business owners, and other talents in the business field can easily meet the criteria of business success, important positions, media coverage, association membership, and high salary.

If you really can't get the EB1A, you can also apply for a National Interest Waiver.

Compared to EB1A, NIW is much less difficult. It doesn't need how much you've already accomplished, as long as you can prove that you can bring benefits to the United States in the future.

There are also two requirements to apply for NIW: academic qualifications and ability, and you can choose one of the two.

No power and no power, please immigrate to these 3 countries!

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If you have a master's degree or higher from a U.S. university or an equivalent university abroad, you are eligible. Of course, if you have more than 5 years of work experience in a related field, the academic requirements can be relaxed to a bachelor's degree.

If you can't meet the academic qualifications, then you can apply if you have the ability.

NIW immigrants have given 6 criteria, and 3 of them are sufficient.

No power and no power, please immigrate to these 3 countries!

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As you can see from the chart above, these 6 criteria actually have a lot of overlap with EB1A, which is why I have been recommending that you apply for both programs at the same time.

2. Canada

As a well-established immigration country, Canada's security, climate and perfect social welfare have attracted many overseas people.

And Canada's educational resources are among the best, with first-class education standards, high-quality public schools, and 12 years of free compulsory education, Canada is a good choice for families who want to create a more open educational environment for their children.

No power and no power, please immigrate to these 3 countries!

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At present, I recommend the immigration of innovative entrepreneurs, which is what we often call the SUV project.

To apply for this program, all you need is an innovative business plan and a letter of support from a designated Canadian agency.

Another great feature of this project is that a project can bring 5 groups of families to apply at the same time, that is, a main founder + 4 co-founders of the fund-raising model.

In other words, even if you don't have innovative ideas, but you are willing to contribute money and participate in the management of the enterprise, you can also take the main founder's free ride to immigrate to Canada.

No power and no power, please immigrate to these 3 countries!

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In this way, the Canadian Innovative Entrepreneur Immigration has set the threshold very low.

In fact, there is a lower-cost program for immigrating to Canada, that is, federal self-employed immigration, which costs about 240,000 yuan.

Canada's federal self-employed immigration program is an immigration program designed for outstanding talents in the fields of culture, sports, and arts.

No power and no power, please immigrate to these 3 countries!

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In this way, you can immigrate to Canada by starting a business or opening a studio locally, which is especially suitable for independent designers, sports coaches, editors, copywriters, photographers and other related occupations.

Unfortunately, due to the backlog of cases caused by too many applicants, the project has been suspended.

3. Malta

While most of Europe is a small language, Malta's official language is English, which is a great advantage.

In addition, Malta has a good economic development and a mild culture, and it is still a Commonwealth country, and the English-only educational environment and British educational concept are completely superior to other European countries.

No power and no power, please immigrate to these 3 countries!

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There are two ways to apply for permanent residency in Malta: buying a house and renting a house.

The way of choice is different, and the threshold of investment is also different.

The input cost of the rental model is relatively low, with 5 years of rent + donation, almost 110,000 euros.

The purchase model is a minimum of 300,000 euros plus a donation of 28,000 euros. The input cost is high, but the house is a high-quality asset, and the room for appreciation is still very large.

No power and no power, please immigrate to these 3 countries!

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Although permanent residency in Malta is an investment immigration, this program is approved first and then invested, and the risk is very low.

If you want to know more about immigration methods, welcome to join the immigration exchange group and discuss together.

Source: Hi on the other side of the sea

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