
Are allergies due to low immunity? This misconception may be shared by many people

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Many people think that allergies are caused by low immunity and the body is not strong enough to cause these reactions. In fact, this view is very wrong. Allergies are not due to low immunity, but because the immune system is "wrong".

In short, the immune system is supposed to protect our body from harmful substances from the outside world, but sometimes it overreacts to some harmless substances, such as food, pollen, etc.

This overreaction is not a matter of strong or weak immunity, but rather that the immune system is "out of control". It's like a policeman who is supposed to catch the bad guys, but he also wields a baton at the good guys, causing people to turn their backs. This chaotic reaction of the immune system is medically known as an "allergic reaction".

Mechanism and effects of allergic reactions

When we eat a certain food or come into contact with a substance, and the body has an allergic reaction, it is actually the immune system that regards these harmless substances as enemies. The key to the sensitization process is IgA antibodies.

When the body is first exposed to an allergen, it produces these antibodies, and when it comes into contact again, these antibodies trigger a series of chemical reactions that release some mediators that increase the permeability of blood vessels.

Are allergies due to low immunity? This misconception may be shared by many people

In layman's terms, a blood vessel is like a water pipe, which is normally very tight and does not leak. However, in an allergic reaction, when a water pipe leaks, the liquid components in the blood penetrate into the tissues.

For example, if it penetrates into the subcutaneous tissue, rashes, wheals, and edema will appear; If it penetrates into the nasal cavity, it will cause nasal congestion and runny nose; Leaking into the lungs can cause coughing, wheezing, and even difficulty breathing.

Are allergies due to low immunity? This misconception may be shared by many people

If severe, it may also trigger anaphylactic shock, a sharp decrease in blood volume, leading to syncope and even life-threatening.

Genetic and environmental factors of allergies

So, why do some people eat the same thing and are fine, while others get allergies? It has a lot to do with the individual's genes and environment.

Innate genes determine a person's sensitivity to certain substances, which explains why some people are born with allergies to certain foods while others have no problems.

Are allergies due to low immunity? This misconception may be shared by many people

In addition to this, the acquired living environment and habits also play an important role. Long-term exposure to certain allergens or bad lifestyle habits can lead to gradual disorders of the immune system.

For example, long-term exposure to allergens such as dust mites and pollen in a polluted environment may increase the risk of allergies. Modern society is stressful, and psychological factors may also have an impact on the immune system.

Are allergies due to low immunity? This misconception may be shared by many people

Long-term stress and anxiety can make the immune system highly sensitive and more likely to overreact to harmless substances in the outside world.

Cross-reactivity and prevention of food allergies

For many allergy sufferers, food allergy is not just a matter of one food, but also involves what is known as "cross-reactivity". For example, people who are allergic to artemisia pollen are likely to be allergic to apples, peaches, and chrysanthemums.

This is because these foods are structurally similar to some of the proteins in Artemisia pollen, and the immune system cannot distinguish between them, and as a result, it attacks them as well. For such patients, in addition to avoiding the foods to which they are directly allergic, it is also necessary to be wary of these cross-reactive foods.

Are allergies due to low immunity? This misconception may be shared by many people

Some people are allergic to pistachios and cashews, then they also need to be careful with kumquat and peppercorns. These foods, while seemingly unrelated, can also trigger allergic reactions due to their similar protein composition. When eating out, it is especially important to remind the waiter to avoid accidentally eating food containing these ingredients.

For people who are allergic to dust mites, shrimp and crab seafood also need to be cautious. Dusty mites and shrimp and crabs contain tropomyosin, which is a strong allergen.

Are allergies due to low immunity? This misconception may be shared by many people

Keeping the home environment clean to reduce the breeding of dust mites and avoiding shrimp and crabs in the diet can effectively prevent allergic reactions.

Stay away from allergens: scientific prevention and treatment

To effectively prevent allergies, you must first know clearly what you are allergic to. Experts at Union Medical College Hospital recommend that allergy patients can pass professional allergen testing,

Know your specific allergens so you can avoid them in a targeted manner. Remember to record and report recent foods and exposures in detail when you see your doctor, so that your doctor can judge and deal with them more accurately.

Are allergies due to low immunity? This misconception may be shared by many people

Allergy prevention in daily life also includes avoiding frequent exposure to the same allergen in a short period of time. For example, if someone eats shrimp today, they are fine, but if they eat it for several days in a row, they may suddenly have a severe allergic reaction. The key here is that allergic reactions have a cumulative effect, and luck can often lead to serious consequences.

If you already know that you have a certain food allergy, you should firmly avoid it, even if you try a small amount, it is dangerous. The so-called "fighting poison with poison" approach is not only ineffective, but may also aggravate allergic reactions, which can be life-threatening in severe cases.

Are allergies due to low immunity? This misconception may be shared by many people

In general, allergies are not terrible, the key is to deal with them scientifically and avoid misunderstandings. By understanding the true mechanism of allergies, reasonably adjusting their lifestyle and eating habits, and cooperating with the professional guidance of doctors, allergy patients can have a healthy life. Don't believe in home remedies and unproven methods, scientific protection is the best way to stay healthy.