
The emotional drama of Han Geng and Wu Jinyan in "Heirloom" is fascinating, but Zhong Yu in history is not so good

author:A story gallery

In the long history of the Liang Dynasty, her name, Zhong Yu, should shine like a pearl. She was born into the aristocratic family of the minister Zhong Rong and should have lived a happy life. However, the helmsman of fate pushes her to another unknown course.

However, the reality was like a basin of cold water, ruthlessly extinguishing the enthusiasm for him in Zhong Yu's heart. She soon realizes that in this intricate harem, she is just one of Xiao Yi's many concubines.

The emotional drama of Han Geng and Wu Jinyan in "Heirloom" is fascinating, but Zhong Yu in history is not so good

The loving life that was once depicted in her mind gradually faded in the face of the coldness of reality.

As time passed, Zhong Yu gradually realized that her marriage was not as good as she imagined. Xiao Yi had a cold attitude towards her and rarely came to her palace. Even if they came, they just left after a quick glance.

In the court, when someone mentioned Zhong Yu's talent, Xiao Yi only nodded lightly, without any words of appreciation.

This kind of cold reception made Zhong Yu feel like a knife. The beautiful loving married life she once envisioned seemed so ridiculous in the face of cruel reality. Every time he thinks of his longing at that time, and then looks at the current situation, Zhong Yu will secretly cry and feel sad for his fate.

The emotional drama of Han Geng and Wu Jinyan in "Heirloom" is fascinating, but Zhong Yu in history is not so good

The wedding dress, which originally symbolized happiness and hope, has now become a bleak symbol in Zhong Yu's eyes. It reminds her all the time that the dream is unrealizable.

In the complex environment of the palace, Zhong Yu gradually understands that the battle between the harems is an endless silent war. Every look, every word, and even every tiny gesture can hide a mystery.

As the granddaughter of Zhong Rong, a minister of the Liang Dynasty, Zhong Yu originally thought that she could gain a foothold in the harem with her background and talent, but the reality was far crueler than she imagined.

The emotional drama of Han Geng and Wu Jinyan in "Heirloom" is fascinating, but Zhong Yu in history is not so good

In this war without gunpowder, Zhong Yu encountered her most powerful enemy, Wei Qi. Wei Jue is not only beautiful, but also knows how to please the emperor. She is like a delicate peony, exuding irresistible charm, and soon became Xiao Yi's favorite concubine.

The rise of Wei Jue overshadowed Zhong Yu, who was already not taken seriously.

At the same time, Zhong Yu's situation is even more difficult. She may have done her best to win Xiao Yi's affection through her talent and intelligence, but it was obvious that all her efforts were insignificant in the face of Wei Jue's charm.

The emotional drama of Han Geng and Wu Jinyan in "Heirloom" is fascinating, but Zhong Yu in history is not so good

Whenever he saw Xiao Yi showing a doting smile to Wei Jue, Zhong Yu's heart would spring up with a sour feeling, the feeling of being ignored and left out in the cold, which made Zhong Yu feel lonely.

However, Wei Jue was not satisfied with only being favored by the emperor, and she began to secretly squeeze out Zhong Yu. Although Zhong Yu was sensitively aware of her declining status, it did not prompt her to resist.

Perhaps because of a contemptuous look, perhaps because of a plausible sarcasm, or perhaps because of a clever remark in front of the emperor, Zhong Yu's pride and self-confidence gradually eroded in this daily blow.

The emotional drama of Han Geng and Wu Jinyan in "Heirloom" is fascinating, but Zhong Yu in history is not so good

Wei Jue's methods are very ruthless. She used her status as a favorite concubine to often slander Zhong Yu's value in front of Xiao Yi. She may laugh at Zhong Yu's talents and learning in private, or spread unfavorable rumors in the palace.

These small actions, although not very obvious, will gradually weaken Zhong Yu's status and reputation in the harem over time.

In this silent war, Zhong Yu increasingly felt powerless. She neither had the same means as Wei Jue, nor did she have Xiao Yi's support. Every day, she felt like she was sinking deeper and deeper into this gorgeous cage.

The emotional drama of Han Geng and Wu Jinyan in "Heirloom" is fascinating, but Zhong Yu in history is not so good

Those talents and upbringing that were once proud seem to be useless in the deceitful harem.

As time passed, Zhong Yu gradually understood that she was already doomed to be a loser in this battle for the emperor's favor. Her status is declining, but Wei Jue's brilliance is becoming more and more dazzling.

This stark contrast makes Zhong Yu have to face a cruel reality: in this world where power and favor are paramount, she is slowly being marginalized.

The emotional drama of Han Geng and Wu Jinyan in "Heirloom" is fascinating, but Zhong Yu in history is not so good

Xiao Yi's indifference to Zhong Yu was vividly expressed, he rarely visited Zhong Yu's palace, and even if he came, he only left after a quick glance. In the court, when someone mentioned Zhong Yu's talent, Xiao Yi only nodded lightly, without any words of appreciation.

This attitude made Zhong Yu feel like a knife cutting her heart to the loving life she had once fantasized about, which seemed so ridiculous in the face of the cruelty of reality.

What made Zhong Yu most unacceptable was Xiao Yi's protection of Wei Jue. When Wei Jue suppressed and squeezed out Zhong Yu, Xiao Yi did not stop it, but instead adopted a tacit attitude. He seems to ignore Zhong Yu's predicament and feelings, and allows her to struggle in the whirlpool of the harem.

The emotional drama of Han Geng and Wu Jinyan in "Heirloom" is fascinating, but Zhong Yu in history is not so good

This kind of shelter made Zhong Yu feel deep despair.

Xiao Yi is not only cold to personal feelings, but also in the manipulation of the power structure of the harem. He seemed happy to see the conflict between Wei Qi and Zhong Yu, as this would ensure that no one could really threaten his power.

He sees everyone in the harem as just a pawn in the game of chess he rules.

The emotional drama of Han Geng and Wu Jinyan in "Heirloom" is fascinating, but Zhong Yu in history is not so good

This feeling of being ignored and left out made Zhong Yu feel extremely lonely. She began to doubt her own worth and the meaning of her life. In this gorgeous cage, her talent cannot be unleashed, her emotions are incomprehensible, and her fate is completely in the hands of others.

Zhong Yu's story reveals the tragic fate of the weak in a game of thrones. What happened to her was not only a personal tragedy, but also a microcosm of the fate of women in that era. In the shadow of power, the talent and value of the individual are often ignored, while the indifference and cruelty in human nature are infinitely magnified.

However, although there is a certain deviation between the plot of this drama and historical facts, the emotional drama between the male and female protagonists in the play has successfully touched the hearts of many audiences. This emotional drama depicts the kind of idealized love that people expect, satisfying the modern audience's yearning for a beautiful love.

The emotional drama of Han Geng and Wu Jinyan in "Heirloom" is fascinating, but Zhong Yu in history is not so good

In the play, the heroine Zhong Yu is no longer the poor person forgotten by history, but a flesh-and-blood and admirable character.

This adaptation was undoubtedly a success, and the audience was deeply attracted by the emotional drama in the play and moved by the love between Zhong Yu and Xiao Yi. Han Geng and Wu Jinyan's superb acting skills vividly interpret this relationship, which is unforgettable.

The creative team of "Heirloom" was faced with a difficult choice - should they fully respect historical facts, or should they do a moderate artistic processing to cater to the audience's aesthetics? In the end, they chose the latter, a decision that brought both great success and some controversy.

The emotional drama of Han Geng and Wu Jinyan in "Heirloom" is fascinating, but Zhong Yu in history is not so good

In the play, the creators greatly beautified Zhong Yu's image and encounters. not only gave her more personality and charm, making her a flesh-and-blood character, but also strengthened the emotional drama between her and Xiao Yi, shaping it into an unforgettable love.

However, this adaptation is in stark contrast to Zhong Yu's real-life experience in history.

There is a common phenomenon in contemporary film and television creation, that is, in order to cater to the market demand and the taste of the audience, creators need to make a trade-off between historical authenticity and artistic appeal.

The emotional drama of Han Geng and Wu Jinyan in "Heirloom" is fascinating, but Zhong Yu in history is not so good

This is a conundrum with no standard answer, and it requires careful consideration by creators.

On the one hand, we understand that creators need to adapt to the market and attract audiences. Just as in the TV series "Heirloom", a touching love story was created by beautifying the image and experience of the protagonist Zhong Yu, which successfully attracted the attention of the audience.

This approach is undoubtedly commercially successful, allowing more and more people to learn about this history.

The emotional drama of Han Geng and Wu Jinyan in "Heirloom" is fascinating, but Zhong Yu in history is not so good

Maybe we tried to be right, while presenting the historical truth to the audience, we also retained the artistic imagination space of the plot. For example, we can include a historical research session at the end of the episode, or we can convey real historical information to the audience in other ways.

In this way, it can not only meet the aesthetic needs of the audience, but also not mislead the public's perception of history.

In general, the story of Zhong Yu in "Heirloom" shows us the subtle relationship between artistic creation and historical reality, and also provides a case worth thinking about for the creation of historical dramas in the future.

The emotional drama of Han Geng and Wu Jinyan in "Heirloom" is fascinating, but Zhong Yu in history is not so good

I look forward to seeing more excellent works that strike a balance between artistry and historical seriousness.

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