
The emergence of the "new four evils" in society has affected the lives of ordinary people

author:Enthusiastic dumplings

Text: Enthusiastic dumplings

Edit: Enthusiastic dumplings


When I was a child, my teacher used to tell us about the "four evils" in class. At that time, we were still young, and we didn't really understand the meaning of this, but we just thought the teacher was very interesting. Now we have grown up and become sensible, but the troubles brought to us by the "four evils" have not disappeared with time, on the contrary, there are also "new four evils".

The emergence of the "new four evils" in society has affected the lives of ordinary people

The "new four evils" are different from the previous "four evils" in that they are not transmitted indoors, nor through bites and touches, but through an invisible and intangible form.

This has seriously affected people's lives and posed a huge threat to the safety of people's lives and property, and the state has also paid sufficient attention to these "new four evils" and has to crack down on them and put them in an all-round way.

The emergence of the "new four evils" in society has affected the lives of ordinary people

1. Telecom fraud is not difficult to prevent, and unfamiliar information should be guarded against

In our daily life, with the continuous development of technology, the way people send and receive information has become more diverse, and the Internet has become an important channel for people to communicate, which has also made our lives more convenient. However, behind the network, there are also a variety of hidden security risks, and telecom network fraud is one of them.

The emergence of the "new four evils" in society has affected the lives of ordinary people

Telecom fraud criminals use communication tools such as Internet telephones to pretend to be relatives, friends, company staff, etc., in order to gain trust, and trick victims into remittance or provide bank card accounts and personal information to defraud money.

Moreover, the current telecom fraud methods are becoming more and more hidden, and many people are often difficult to distinguish the true from the fake, and are easily deceived, bringing unnecessary troubles and losses to their lives.

The emergence of the "new four evils" in society has affected the lives of ordinary people

Therefore, in the face of all kinds of unfamiliar information, we must keep a clear mind, do not believe easily, let alone covet small profits, blindly follow the other party's requirements, we must be vigilant, do not believe rumors, do not spread rumors, enhance self-prevention awareness, and report to the police in time.

The emergence of the "new four evils" in society has affected the lives of ordinary people

For family and friends around them, it is also necessary to strengthen the publicity and interpretation of information, so that more people can understand the methods and characteristics of telecommunication fraud, remind them to protect their personal information, do not disclose it at will, and do not tell others important information such as bank card passwords, only in this way can the occurrence of telecommunication fraud be effectively prevented and curbed.

The emergence of the "new four evils" in society has affected the lives of ordinary people

Of course, the relevant departments of the state should also intensify their efforts to crack down on telecommunications fraud, establish and improve corresponding laws and regulations, severely punish telecommunications fraud criminals, and form a joint force to jointly maintain a good network environment and social order.

Second, do a good job of food safety, and the people are healthy and everyone is happy

Food safety has always been a hot topic that people are very concerned about, and behind the food safety problems, it is often inextricably linked with the violations of laws and regulations of some illegal businesses and production enterprises.

The emergence of the "new four evils" in society has affected the lives of ordinary people

In order to pursue huge profits, they may use toxic and harmful illegal additives in all aspects of food production and processing, and may also change the production date on expired food to deceive consumers, which poses a serious threat to people's health.

Moreover, once there is a food safety accident, it may affect the safety and stability of many people and even the whole society, which undoubtedly puts forward higher requirements for our food safety management.

The emergence of the "new four evils" in society has affected the lives of ordinary people

In this process, we should not only strengthen the supervision of food production enterprises, for some violations of laws and regulations, we must severely punish them, but also strengthen the publicity and education of food safety, improve consumers' awareness of food safety, so that they can learn how to distinguish food, understand the relevant knowledge of food safety, and enhance their self-protection ability.

At the same time, we also need to establish a complete food traceability system, so that consumers can understand the production and processing of food, as well as the detection of various quality indicators by scanning the QR code on the food.

The emergence of the "new four evils" in society has affected the lives of ordinary people

In this way, it is difficult for illegal businesses to escape the punishment of the law, and it can also effectively protect the "safety of the tip of the tongue" of the people, so that everyone can eat at ease and eat healthy while eating delicious food.

3. Protect the environment and protect the blue sky and clear water

If food safety issues challenge people's lives at the micro level, then environmental issues challenge the sustainable development of the whole society at the macro level.

The emergence of the "new four evils" in society has affected the lives of ordinary people

In the past, in order to pursue rapid economic growth, we seem to have understood the word "development" too one-sidedly, blindly exploiting resources, blindly expanding industrial output value, and neglecting the protection and governance of the ecological environment, which has brought great damage to our ecological environment.

The emergence of the "new four evils" in society has affected the lives of ordinary people

The thick smog in the atmosphere and the black wastewater bubbling in the rivers are all "report cards" of our environmental problems, and they also sound the alarm bell for us, telling us how to treat the ecological environment correctly, and how to find a balance between "development" and "protection".

Today's country has also realized this and began to vigorously promote the construction of ecological civilization, requiring all localities to run the concept of green development into all aspects of economic and social development, and also to increase the governance of environmental problems.

The emergence of the "new four evils" in society has affected the lives of ordinary people

So that people can live in a beautiful home. In this process, each of us must have environmental awareness, start from ourselves, and actively participate in environmental protection actions.

Whether it is to save water, save electricity, or classify garbage, plant trees, as long as it is beneficial to the environment, we must do it without hesitation, and also use our own actions to influence the people around us, so that more people realize the seriousness of environmental problems, so as to form a joint force to jointly protect our home.

The emergence of the "new four evils" in society has affected the lives of ordinary people

IV. Strengthen information protections and severely punish information leaks

In today's era of big data, information has become a very valuable resource and an indispensable part of our daily lives. Whether it is an individual's ID number, bank card password, or the company's business secrets, this information should be properly protected and never allowed to be illegally obtained or leaked by others.

The emergence of the "new four evils" in society has affected the lives of ordinary people

In fact, information leakage is not uncommon, and sometimes, our personal information will be leaked to others without knowing it, bringing huge hidden dangers to the safety of our lives and property. Therefore, we should not only strengthen the protection of personal information, but also arouse all sectors of society to attach great importance to information security, and we should not take it lightly.

The emergence of the "new four evils" in society has affected the lives of ordinary people

The state is also aware of the urgency of information security issues, and has issued a series of laws and regulations such as the Cybersecurity Law and the Personal Information Protection Law, requiring all relevant departments, enterprises and institutions to strengthen the management and protection of information security, and to strictly investigate and punish information leakage.

The emergence of the "new four evils" in society has affected the lives of ordinary people

Only through the protection and severe punishment of the law can we effectively curb the occurrence of information leakage incidents and also provide a strong guarantee for people's information security.


The "four evils" are not a problem that we face alone, but a challenge that requires the joint participation and efforts of the whole society. Whether it is telecom fraud, food safety issues, environmental pollution, or information leakage, it is inseparable from the attention and support of each of us, and we also need to start from ourselves and use practical actions to deal with various challenges.

Only in this way can we create a better tomorrow together, so that our lives are full of sunshine and happy smiles everywhere.

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