
Yang Zi is out of breath! As a torchbearer for the Paris Olympics, the moment when he threw his hair up while running was like his first love

author:Thickest branches

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Wow, family! Who would have thought that in a variety show, there would be such an amazing scene! Song Dandan rarely shouted to Yang Zi in the air: "I'm sorry, Yang Zi, I really shouldn't have said that about you at the beginning, I really didn't expect you to be so popular!" This voice can arouse everyone's curiosity.

Back then, Song Dandan and Yang Zi played mother and daughter in the well-known "Family with Children". At that time, Song Dandan once sincerely persuaded Yang Zi, saying that she should not engage in this business when she grew up, and even bluntly said: "Your appearance is enough!" Just such a sentence was deeply imprinted in Yang Zi's heart and became her driving force to move forward.

Yang Zi is out of breath! As a torchbearer for the Paris Olympics, the moment when he threw his hair up while running was like his first love

Yang Zi, a powerful actor who has been in the entertainment industry for many years, has not been easy along the way. She not only has outstanding performances in one film and television work after another, but also has successfully grown from a small actor to a "national girl" loved by many audiences with her unique charm.

This time, Yang Zi served as the Olympic torchbearer, which is not an ordinary significance for her. This is not only a high recognition of her personal achievements, but also a great opportunity to show the world the soft power of Chinese culture.

Yang Zi is out of breath! As a torchbearer for the Paris Olympics, the moment when he threw his hair up while running was like his first love

Yang Zi in front of the camera is wearing a white Olympic sportswear, and her appearance is simply charming! Her long black and shiny hair was tied up high, and she looked particularly fresh and lovely. Those big bright eyes, like twinkling stars, were dazzling, as if people could see the pure and beautiful dreams of her girlhood.

Her youthful and energetic appearance is as beautiful as her first love, and people can't help but ripple in their hearts when they see it. When he ran, the high ponytail flicked and flicked, full of youthful breath. Seeing her like this, it seems that we all return to that period of youth and ignorance.

Yang Zi is out of breath! As a torchbearer for the Paris Olympics, the moment when he threw his hair up while running was like his first love

The appearance of Yang Zi has added a unique and charming oriental charm to the romantic city of Paris. Her smile is like the warm and bright sunshine in spring, which can melt people's hearts. Her slender legs perfectly show the combination of strength and beauty in running, and every step is full of strength and confidence.

Whenever the camera is aimed at her, she always faces it in the most natural and real state, without the slightest pretentiousness and disguise. This innate affinity is where her attractive charm lies, and people can't help but want to get close to her and support her.

Yang Zi is out of breath! As a torchbearer for the Paris Olympics, the moment when he threw his hair up while running was like his first love

The news of Yang Zi's appointment as the torchbearer quickly spread to every corner like a spring breeze. Netizens praised it one after another, and the praise was overwhelming, wave after wave. Some people praise her beauty and vitality, saying that she is like a blooming flower, delicate and moving; Some people lamented her growth and changes, from a young girl to a big star who is now in charge; More people are proud of her, cheering for her, and looking forward to her going farther and higher on the road in the future.

Every time she appears, it has become a precious moment for fans to pay attention to, record and share. This is not only because of everyone's love for her, but also because of the recognition and expectation of her as a youth representative. She is like a banner that leads more young people to pursue their dreams bravely, without fear of difficulties and setbacks.

Yang Zi is out of breath! As a torchbearer for the Paris Olympics, the moment when he threw his hair up while running was like his first love

Looking back on Yang Zi's acting career, she has shown her love and talent for acting since she was a child. Although Song Dandan's words gave her a big blow, she did not give up because of this, but worked harder to prove herself. She is constantly honing her acting skills, trying out a variety of different types of roles, from costume dramas to modern dramas, from comedy to tragedy, and every role is interpreted by her perfectly.

She used her countless sweat and bitter tears, and worked unremittingly to get today's remarkable achievements and supreme honors. Her personal experience is like a touching and inspirational chapter, clearly telling us that as long as we have a burning dream in our hearts and are unswervingly willing to make efforts, then no difficulties and obstacles can stop us from moving forward.

Yang Zi is out of breath! As a torchbearer for the Paris Olympics, the moment when he threw his hair up while running was like his first love

We are convinced that in the long years to come, Yang Zi will inevitably continue to shine and shine on the road of acting that she loves. She will rely on her dedication and love for performance to create more wonderful and amazing works for us. She will use her talent and efforts to constantly refresh our perception and expectations of her.

She will also continue to rely on her overflowing positive energy, just like the warm and pleasant sunshine, to deeply touch, influence and inspire a larger number of people who are struggling to move forward on the road of pursuing their dreams.

Yang Zi is out of breath! As a torchbearer for the Paris Olympics, the moment when he threw his hair up while running was like his first love

The stories she has experienced will be like a shining light, illuminating the hope and possibility of moving forward for those who are confused and overwhelmed in the dark. The perseverance she showed will turn into a powerful and unflinching force for those who are hesitant and undecided.

Let us be full of great anticipation and hope for her to show even more wonderful and breathtaking performances in the future. Let us think in one place, work hard in one place, work together to cheer for her, and cheer and cheer for her every brave breakthrough and remarkable growth.

Yang Zi is out of breath! As a torchbearer for the Paris Olympics, the moment when he threw his hair up while running was like his first love

I sincerely wish that her acting career will be like the dazzling stars in the vast night sky, shining with incomparably dazzling and incomparable light, and will continue to bring us one surprise after another, moving again and again, so that we can harvest endless joy and warmth in her artistic journey.

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