
Can you pick up a grenade thrown by the enemy and throw it back? The veteran tells you the truth

author:Clever rabbit master

Can you pick up a grenade thrown by the enemy and throw it back? The veteran tells you the truth

In the brutal picture of war, we are often attracted by the images of heroic and fearless soldiers in film and television works. Not only are they able to navigate through the hail of bullets, but they can also pick up grenades thrown by the enemy and throw them back with precision at the last moment, causing heavy casualties to the enemy. This kind of drama is undoubtedly exciting, but is it really feasible on a real battlefield? What kind of military logic and actual combat considerations are hidden behind this? Let's follow a seasoned veteran to explore this topic.

1. Grenades: "Little Devils" on the Battlefield

The grenade, this seemingly inconspicuous weapon, is an out-and-out "little devil" on the battlefield. It is small in size, light in weight, easy to carry and use, and has a wide killing range and great power. Whether used to attack enemy forces or destroy enemy fortifications and equipment, grenades can exert their unique power. However, it is precisely because of its great lethality and instability that grenades also pose great risks on the battlefield.

Can you pick up a grenade thrown by the enemy and throw it back? The veteran tells you the truth

2. Picking up enemy grenades: brave or stupid?

On the battlefield, when a grenade flies out of the enemy's hands and whizzes towards their position, soldiers are usually faced with two options: quickly find shelter to dodge, or try to pick up the grenade and throw it back. For the first option, it is undoubtedly the instinctive reaction of most soldiers, as dodging minimizes the risk of self-harm. However, for those soldiers with a strong sense of responsibility and courage, they may choose the second way - to pick up the grenade and throw it back.

But is this seemingly heroic act really feasible? From the point of view of military logic and actual combat considerations, there are many risks and uncertainties in this kind of behavior.

First of all, the time factor is an issue that cannot be ignored. On the battlefield, time is of the essence. The time between a grenade being thrown and detonation tends to be very short, usually only a few seconds. In this short period of time, soldiers need to make quick judgments and act accordingly. However, picking up a grenade and throwing it back requires a certain amount of skill and training, as well as factors such as the grenade's landing point, angle, and velocity. Accomplishing these operations in such a short period of time is a huge challenge for most soldiers.

Can you pick up a grenade thrown by the enemy and throw it back? The veteran tells you the truth

Secondly, the technical difficulty is also an important issue. Picking up enemy grenades and throwing them back requires a certain amount of skill and training. Soldiers need to accurately judge the landing point, angle and speed of the grenade, and complete the pick-up and throwing action in a very short time. This technique is extremely demanding and difficult for ordinary soldiers to achieve. Even some seasoned veterans may not be able to do so in a short period of time.

Finally, security risks cannot be ignored. The grenade may deform or be damaged by impact after landing, causing the fuse to be unstable or detonate prematurely. In addition, the explosion of a grenade is so powerful that even if a soldier successfully picks it up and throws it back, he may cause injury to himself or his comrades due to improper handling. This risk is something that no soldier can afford to bear.

3. Experiences and lessons learned from veterans

On a real battlefield, many veterans have experienced similar situations at one time or another. They used their own experience to tell us that it is not advisable to pick up an enemy grenade and throw it back. This requires not only a high level of skill and training, but also a great deal of safety risk. On the battlefield, a soldier's priority is to keep himself and his comrades safe, rather than risking a grenade to pick up and throw a grenade.

Can you pick up a grenade thrown by the enemy and throw it back? The veteran tells you the truth

So, how should we react to the grenades thrown by the enemy? Based on the experience and advice of veterans, we can take the following measures:

Evade quickly: When you spot an enemy throwing grenades, you should quickly find shelter to ensure the safety of yourself and your comrades.

Use protective gear: On the battlefield, soldiers should wear protective equipment such as helmets, body armor, etc., to reduce the damage caused to themselves when a grenade explodes.

Take advantage of their surroundings: On the battlefield, soldiers should make the most of their surroundings for defense and counterattacks. For example, obstacles such as terrain and buildings can be used to block the explosive power of a grenade; Or use smoke, flashbangs, and other equipment to interfere with the enemy's vision and judgment.

Strengthen training and preparation: In peacetime training, soldiers should strengthen their knowledge and understanding of weapons such as grenades, and master their use methods and coping strategies. At the same time, we should also strengthen physical training and psychological training to improve our ability to cope with the battlefield and our psychological quality.

Fourth, the actual case analysis

In order to explore this topic in more depth, we can combine some practical cases to analyze.

Can you pick up a grenade thrown by the enemy and throw it back? The veteran tells you the truth

During a border clashes, a soldier tried to pick up a grenade thrown by an enemy soldier and throw it back. However, due to the tight time and technical difficulty, the soldier was unable to successfully complete the maneuver, and the grenade exploded after landing, causing casualties to the soldier and his comrades. This case shows us that picking up an enemy grenade on the battlefield and throwing it back is not advisable because it requires not only a high level of skill and training, but also a great risk to safety.

On the contrary, in the modern battlefield, with the continuous development and upgrading of weapons and equipment, soldiers have more ways to deal with grenades thrown by enemy troops. For example, some advanced defense systems can automatically detect and intercept incoming grenades; Or use drones and other equipment for reconnaissance and early warning, detect the throwing of enemy grenades in advance and take corresponding protective measures. These advanced equipment and technologies provide soldiers with safer and more effective means of protection and counterattack.

Can you pick up a grenade thrown by the enemy and throw it back? The veteran tells you the truth