
She is a beauty that has been rare in two hundred years, relying on her beauty to "conquer" countless men, and she is still unmarried at the age of 48

author:Spring breeze of freedom


She is a beauty that has been rare in two hundred years, relying on her beauty to "conquer" countless men, and she is still unmarried at the age of 48

She was praised by Bao Jianfeng as "a beauty once in two hundred years".

Can the three actors fall for it?

And now that she is close to knowing the age of destiny, why is she still single.

Today, let's talk about the "most beautiful school flower in Chinese opera" in the entertainment industry - Zeng Li.


She is a beauty that has been rare in two hundred years, relying on her beauty to "conquer" countless men, and she is still unmarried at the age of 48

Background revealed: A gorgeous turn from Tsing Yi to the screen

She is a beauty that has been rare in two hundred years, relying on her beauty to "conquer" countless men, and she is still unmarried at the age of 48

In 1976, she was born in an ordinary family in Jingzhou, Hubei Province, but she showed a unique artistic talent since she was a child. With the support and cultivation of her parents, she laid a solid foundation in dance and vocal music, and was selected into the "Red Scarf Song and Dance Troupe" because of her outstanding appearance and began rhythmic gymnastics training. This experience not only shaped her elegant temperament, but also laid the groundwork for her future acting career.

She is a beauty that has been rare in two hundred years, relying on her beauty to "conquer" countless men, and she is still unmarried at the age of 48

However, Zeng Li's acting career was not all smooth sailing. At the age of 19, she entered the Hubei Provincial Peking Opera Troupe, but for various reasons she failed to show herself as she wished, and finally chose to resign and embarked on the journey to prepare for the Central Academy of Drama. This decision completely changed her fate. Here, she became classmates with future superstars such as Yuan Quan, Zhang Ziyi, and Liu Ye, and jointly wrote the golden age of Chinese opera.

She is a beauty that has been rare in two hundred years, relying on her beauty to "conquer" countless men, and she is still unmarried at the age of 48

But unlike other classmates, Zeng Li doesn't seem to have much desire to become famous. She enjoys her time on campus even more, immersed in the ocean of knowledge, and occasionally talks about a young love. This desireless attitude makes her particularly unique in the highly competitive entertainment industry, and it also makes her miss a lot of opportunities.

She is a beauty that has been rare in two hundred years, relying on her beauty to "conquer" countless men, and she is still unmarried at the age of 48

Viewpoint interpretation: Beauty and career are not necessarily equations

She is a beauty that has been rare in two hundred years, relying on her beauty to "conquer" countless men, and she is still unmarried at the age of 48

In the eyes of many people, with a beauty like Zeng Li, he should have been popular all over the sky a long time ago. But this is not the case. Zeng Li's acting career, although there is no shortage of masterpieces, has never been popular. Behind this, there are not only reasons for her personal personality, but also complex and changeable factors in the entertainment industry.

She is a beauty that has been rare in two hundred years, relying on her beauty to "conquer" countless men, and she is still unmarried at the age of 48

First of all, Zeng Li's personality makes her seem out of place in the entertainment industry, Vanity Fair. She doesn't desperately take on the drama and hype herself like other actors, but chooses to go with the flow, shoot when there is a scene, and enjoy life when there is no drama. Although this attitude allowed her to maintain her inner peace, it also made her miss a lot of opportunities to be exposed.

She is a beauty that has been rare in two hundred years, relying on her beauty to "conquer" countless men, and she is still unmarried at the age of 48

Secondly, the competition in the entertainment industry is far more fierce than we imagined. In this circle, beauty is just a stepping stone, and what can really gain a firm foothold is strength and works. Although Zeng Li has outstanding appearance, her acting skills have not reached the point of perfection, which also makes her slightly inferior in the competition with other actors.

She is a beauty that has been rare in two hundred years, relying on her beauty to "conquer" countless men, and she is still unmarried at the age of 48

She is not burdened by fame and fortune, is not disturbed by the outside world, and has always maintained her love for life and the pursuit of art. This attitude is perhaps the most attractive thing about her.

She is a beauty that has been rare in two hundred years, relying on her beauty to "conquer" countless men, and she is still unmarried at the age of 48

Emotional entanglement: Three love relationships, but they never came to fruition

She is a beauty that has been rare in two hundred years, relying on her beauty to "conquer" countless men, and she is still unmarried at the age of 48

Emotionally, Zeng Li has also experienced many twists and turns. In college, her relationship with Niu Qingfeng was innocent and beautiful, but she could not escape the curse of breaking up after graduation. After entering the entertainment industry, she had scandals with Fu Dalong, Li Yixiang, and Chen Kun. These three actors are all leaders in terms of appearance and strength, but their relationship has not been successful.

She is a beauty that has been rare in two hundred years, relying on her beauty to "conquer" countless men, and she is still unmarried at the age of 48

For Zeng Li, every relationship is a growth. She once admitted in an interview that her attitude towards feelings is to go with the flow, and she will not force or compromise. This attitude made her more relaxed on the road of feelings.

She is a beauty that has been rare in two hundred years, relying on her beauty to "conquer" countless men, and she is still unmarried at the age of 48

Today, Zeng Li, who is nearly 48 years old, is still single. But for her, marriage is not the whole of life. She has her own career, friends and hobbies, and enjoys the freedom and comfort of a single life. This independent and self-reliant female image has also made her a "goddess" in the hearts of many people.

She is a beauty that has been rare in two hundred years, relying on her beauty to "conquer" countless men, and she is still unmarried at the age of 48


She is a beauty that has been rare in two hundred years, relying on her beauty to "conquer" countless men, and she is still unmarried at the age of 48

Zeng Li, she used her own way to interpret what is true beauty and wisdom. In this complex and changeable entertainment industry, she always maintains her own rhythm and pace, and is not moved by the outside world. Perhaps, it is this kind of persistence and self-esteem that makes her the unforgettable "beauty that comes once in two hundred years".

Who is your "goddess"? Is it an independent woman like Zeng Li who has both beauty and intelligence, or other stars who have left a deep impression on your heart? Come and leave a comment to share your thoughts! Perhaps, your story will become the next legend to talk about.