
Mountains and rains are coming, and the US soldiers are pointing their swords at the Taiwan Strait in two ways, and the island is storing ammunition, and the people on the island are panicking

author:Brother Jing looks at the world

The United States is becoming more and more anxious and hopes to take a multi-pronged approach to contain China's rise in one fell swoop. First, the United States held a joint military exercise in the East China Sea, according to a recent report by Japan's NHK TV station, the United States, Japan and South Korea conducted the first "Freedom Blade" military exercise in the East China Sea, and this time, the United States dispatched

The USS Theodore Roosevelt took part in the exercise, and MH60 helicopters and FA18 fighter jets took off and landed. South Korean and Japanese warplanes and patrol aircraft took part in the exercises. Unlike previous military exercises, this is the first joint exercise between the United States, Japan and South Korea around the East China Sea. South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff Command said the drill focused on seven areas, including repelling missile attacks from the sea and countering cyber attacks.

Mountains and rains are coming, and the US soldiers are pointing their swords at the Taiwan Strait in two ways, and the island is storing ammunition, and the people on the island are panicking

The East China Sea faces the coast of Chinese mainland, and a number of important port cities are distributed along the coast of the East China Sea, where the United States, Japan and South Korea exercise, of course, aimed at deterring China, once a war in the Taiwan Strait starts. The United States, Japan, and South Korea may move forward from the East China Sea to deter Chinese mainland, and the PLA has to remain vigilant.

In the second way, the United States simulated attacking landing ships during the RIMPAC military exercise. A few days ago, the United States held a military exercise in Hawaii, with more than 20,000 people from 29 countries participating in the exercise, and dozens of warships dispatched. Experts say the move reflects the U.S. intention to intervene in Taiwan. Earlier, the U.S. Indo-Pacific Commander said that drones and other equipment would be deployed to turn the Taiwan Strait into an infernal hell. The intention of the United States to interfere in China's internal affairs by force is becoming stronger and stronger.

Mountains and rains are coming, and the US soldiers are pointing their swords at the Taiwan Strait in two ways, and the island is storing ammunition, and the people on the island are panicking

In addition, according to Taiwan media reports, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the 2025 fiscal year diplomatic appropriations bill with 212 votes in favor and 200 votes against on the 28th, requiring at least $500 million in military aid to Taiwan to strengthen Taiwan's "deterrence". The plan calls for the U.S. Secretary of State, in coordination with the U.S. Secretary of Defense, to prioritize the supply of defense weapons and services to Taiwan.

The United States is ready to intervene in the situation in China's Taiwan, while there is a lot of noise on the island, and people are panicking. According to Taiwan media reports, the reserve headquarters of Miaoli County, Taiwan, issued an official document to all palaces and temples in Miaoli County and Gongmiao in Tongluo Township, "requesting Gongmiao to assist in signing an agreement on the support of ammunition pre-cantonment points" to prepare ammunition pre-cantonment points, which are expected to be transported to open space from the Xinshe branch before the war and conflict from June 1.

According to the Miaoli County Reserve Command, considering the needs of wartime, civilian resources should be used to improve logistics support. After receiving the official document, the parties differed in their opinions, and the residents were worried about whether war would break out, and if the ammunition was hoarded, it might cause an explosion, and so on, and who would be responsible for the accident.

Mountains and rains are coming, and the US soldiers are pointing their swords at the Taiwan Strait in two ways, and the island is storing ammunition, and the people on the island are panicking

Since Lai Ching-te came to power, cross-strait relations have not eased, but have become more tense; Lai Ching-te has talked a lot about the fact that the two sides of the strait are not subordinate to each other, claiming that Taiwan has so-called "sovereignty" and "strategic self-defense rights," and trying to create an atmosphere of war by confusing the public and putting Taiwan in a dangerous situation. The mainland has repeatedly reminded the Taiwan authorities not to engage in separatism and not to tie Taiwan to the US chariot, but Lai Qingde has ignored the mainland's goodwill and repeatedly sought the support of the United States and Japan. Now, the United States is again giving money and pointing its troops at the Taiwan Strait in two ways, and the situation has become tense.

However, the mainland maintains its strategic determination and has the ability to liberate Taiwan and contain foreign interference. On the one hand, the PLA Shandong aircraft carrier went out of Philippine waters and appeared in the waters 400 kilometers of Manila to deter the United States and the Philippines. On the other hand, Chinese mainland can cut off Taiwan's external passage at any time through the tactics of encircling Taiwan, so that Taiwan will not fight and cause chaos, and the vast number of Taiwan compatriots will not follow Lai Qingde and his ilk, but will respond to the slogan of peaceful development and promote cross-strait reunification.

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