
In 2016, a Taiwanese girl who euthanized 700 dogs gave the last shot to her newlywed self

author:Frank far mountain hJeOV

Taiwan's website exposed a spate of euthanasia incidents in 2016. It is understood that a large number of stray dogs have been brutally treated as a result, and many distressing photos and videos have appeared. These videos and photos made the people lament the preciousness and misery of life, and for a time aroused huge attention and public opinion in the society. An online platform in Taiwan issued a warning that year, publicly displaying a series of images of stray dogs being euthanized. This breaking news shocked and outraged the public, and touched the hearts of people who were deeply concerned about homeless pets and what happened to them. This heart-wrenching piece of news conveys its message with great force. This incident has also attracted widespread attention and discussion from all walks of life, and people have begun to reflect on their ways and attitudes towards stray animals. On Taiwanese social media, the discussion about how to deal with stray dogs has become extremely hot, hoping to find a better solution to improve the situation.

The pictures provided and the stray dogs in the film, although different in appearance, both experienced the fate of euthanasia. However, it was the same person who carried out this cruel act. This is very sad and infuriating.

This is a lovely young girl with a big smile that makes people feel sunny and warm.

Her name is Jian Zhicheng, and she is the head of a top shelter for stray dogs in Taiwan. She is known for rescuing a large number of stray dogs, not only in large numbers, but also for running the shelter well. For this reason, she is affectionately known as "the most beautiful veterinarian sister" and "the most outstanding hospice director".

But do you know that this girl, who is known as the "savior of stray dogs", actually secretly and cruelly caused the "disappearance" of more than 700 stray dogs. Such a reality is really unimaginable. Silently guarding in another capacity, but the truth behind it seems very cold, this woman is actually the murderer who made more than 700 stray dogs silent. But it is not the image of the savior in everyone's hearts, and she seems to be very different from the title of "savior of stray dogs". She was dubbed the "Savior", but what is less known is that she was the terminator of hundreds of stray dogs. Who would have thought that such a cruel truth is hidden behind this.

In 2016, a Taiwanese girl who euthanized 700 dogs gave the last shot to her newlywed self

People are very disturbed and shocked by this strong contrast. As a result, people expressed their dissatisfaction online and blamed the controversial person. They scolded her for being like a snake and scorpion, one thing on the surface and one thing behind the other, cruel and ruthless. Netizens with fierce words called her "ruthless butcher" and "ruthless executioner".

In response to the surging abuse, Jian Zhicheng chose to stand up bravely in response.

She admits that she has had the experience of euthanizing more than 700 stray dogs.

"I know how hard it is, but I want to save them and keep them alive more than anyone else," she says, repeatedly. ”

However, people focus more on facts than on reasons. In fact, hundreds of innocent little animals were tragically killed under Jian Zhicheng's control. It's heart-wrenching.

At this specific point in time, Jian Zhicheng became the focus of social attention, and people were criticizing her, just like a rat crossing the street. Her reputation also plummeted for a while, and she fell into great difficulties. During this period, thousands of people questioned and condemned her reputation, and her social image was in jeopardy, as if people were all condemning, and the attacks on her were overwhelming.

The local government recently issued a new policy, which, unlike the previous one, specifically addresses the problem of stray animals. This new policy has just been released, and it is the right time to get the attention and cooperation of the general public.

Surprisingly, not long after the new policy was introduced, Jian Zhicheng made an unpredictable decision and chose to end his life. What is shocking is that in a short period of time, shortly after the new policy was introduced, Jian Zhicheng took such an action and committed suicide.

Jian Zhicheng, who had just finished his honeymoon, chose to use a drug used to euthanize stray dogs and ended his young life.

What is the new policy? Why did Jian Zhicheng choose to commit suicide after learning about this policy? What exactly is this new policy? Why did Jian Zhicheng choose to end his life after learning about this policy? We need to dig deeper into this.

Was the young girl an angel or a demon, and did she ever carry out the operation to euthanize 700 stray dogs? This is indeed a confusing question. She took action to help these stray dogs, which was undoubtedly an act of kindness. However, the decision to euthanize has also sparked controversy and thinking. Is she a loving guardian or a rescuer with strong decision-making skills? There are still no clear answers to these questions. We need to approach these important issues with reason and compassion to understand and respect every life choice.

In 2016, a Taiwanese girl who euthanized 700 dogs gave the last shot to her newlywed self

【Determined to be a veterinarian】

"I'm determined to study veterinary medicine!"

At the moment of graduation season, Jian Zhicheng, a senior in high school, had a serious disagreement with his parents about choosing a college major, and the two sides had a heated argument.

Parents hope that Jian Zhicheng will choose to major in finance or management, so that she can have a decent and high-paying job after graduation. But Jian Zhicheng had her own firm idea, and she decided to apply for the veterinary profession, which few people choose.

As a parent of a child, I know the importance of long-term planning for my child. In Jian Zhicheng's choice, her parents expressed obvious disgust and dissatisfaction with her decision. However, despite the objections, the parents try their best to help the child analyze the various situations and weigh the pros and cons to help her find a more suitable path. We place great importance on the long-term impact of our children's education and choices on their future. Although it is difficult to understand the strong attitude towards some of the child's choices, we try to provide as much advice and advice as possible. In this way, parents can understand and not blindly agree with their child's idea of choosing the future, respect her independence, and allow her to grow up from different perspectives. There is a deliberate consideration behind Kan's decision, and although her parents disagree with her, they still support and encourage her.

They patiently said to their daughter: "Son, you have not really experienced the hardships of life, and you do not know the cruelty of social competition. The major you choose may be very hard and tiring after graduation, and it may even be difficult to maintain your own life. As parents, we hope that you will consider a major such as finance or management, which will make it easier to find a job after graduation and have a better salary. ”

However, despite her parents' persuasion, Jian Zhicheng's determination remained the same: "I want to become a veterinarian, and this is my lifelong dream. Even if I may face the situation of not being able to find a job and having a meager income in the future, I will still go on with determination and will never regret it. She said bluntly and resolutely, with the same heart: "It is my dream to become a veterinarian, I don't care what others think, no matter how difficult life is, I will not give up." Jian Zhicheng's attitude is very clear: "I want to be a veterinarian, this is my goal in life." Even though I may face unemployment and economic pressure in the future, I will not regret my choice. In short, her persistence and determination in her dreams are admirable, and she firmly believes that she made the right choice.

In 2016, a Taiwanese girl who euthanized 700 dogs gave the last shot to her newlywed self

Since childhood, Jian Zhicheng has a strong interest and love for small animals.

Other children like to go to the amusement park to play and run to their heart's content, but Jian Zhicheng is inseparable from the little animals.

Whenever she meets puppies and kittens in the community, Jian Zhicheng will share the food prepared in her hand with them. Whenever she sees a sick or sick animal, she will always have tears in her eyes because of the pain. At that time, although she was young, she was able to provide assistance to animals in need with pure love. This kind of tenderness and compassion is deeply moving.

Every time she sees homeless animals, Jian Zhicheng has the urge to take them home, but her parents always dissuade her, saying that they are dirty, may be sick, and do not recommend adoption. She has always wanted to take care of these small animals, but she has always encountered opposition from her family. However, she didn't give up looking for ways to help these little animals in need.

However, Jian Zhicheng was puzzled, why can't he keep animals? Although they can be cleaned, even sick can be treated.

As time went by, Jian Zhicheng gradually grew up, and a great dream sprouted in her heart: she longed to become a veterinarian, to rescue those helpless furry children, and to give those small animals wandering on the street a warm home.

In order to realize her dream, although Jian Zhicheng was strongly opposed by her parents, she still insisted on choosing the veterinary profession. After five years of hard work, she finally became an excellent veterinarian.

In 2016, a Taiwanese girl who euthanized 700 dogs gave the last shot to her newlywed self

At the end of the graduation season, Jian Zhicheng received a job offer called a high-end pet hospital, offering a considerable salary and an enviable benefits package. The hospital favored her and extended an olive branch to her on favorable terms. Jian Zhicheng got this job opportunity after graduating from university, and the salary was very good.

The parents were very happy, they thought it would be good for their daughter to get a good job after studying veterinary medicine. Unexpectedly, she not only successfully got a job, but also entered a pet hospital to work. To their surprise, Jian Zhicheng chose the Xinwu Animal Protection Education Park in Taoyuan City, a remote and economically poor shelter for stray animals. They didn't expect her to make such a decision, but she still resolutely rejected her previous offer and chose this unusual place. Although the working conditions are relatively difficult, she firmly believes that this is a cause she can give herself to.

Jian Zhicheng remembers her original intention, she knows that those pet cats and dogs that grow up under people's care are important, but what is more heart-wrenching are those stray hairy children. They survive on the streets, can only rummage through garbage cans for food, and when they are sick, they can only wait helplessly for death. For them, they need her love and help even more.

In this way, Jian Zhicheng was full of the purest love for the furry children, and after a three-hour drive, he arrived at the Animal Protection Education Park in Xinwu, Taoyuan City.

In 2016, a Taiwanese girl who euthanized 700 dogs gave the last shot to her newlywed self

Arriving at this place, Jian Zhicheng began to understand that the situation of the animals in the park was even more difficult than she had imagined. They didn't have an easy time.

The combination of dilapidated shelters, cramped cages, rudimentary facilities, and a severe shortage of veterinarians and staff has resulted in poor care for the shelter's small animals. Such a situation makes it difficult for them to enjoy the care and love they deserve.

When Jian Zhicheng first entered the cage, she was shocked by the stray dogs barking at her. However, she quickly regained her composure and adjusted her emotions. Then, she mustered up her energy and prepared to face the next challenge. Although the dogs barked constantly, she was not intimidated and bravely faced them.

Jian Zhicheng said to herself that no matter how difficult the environment was, as long as she and her friends in the garden worked together, they would definitely make the lives of these little ones a little better.

In 2016, a Taiwanese girl who euthanized 700 dogs gave the last shot to her newlywed self

Xiaoli looks forward to a better future, and she has a wish to work in the shelter of stray dogs. She expects to be able to bathe the dogs, feed them, arrange free time and provide medical care. She hopes that with her careful care, the dogs will be clean and healthy. Then, she will find those kind adopters and ask them to take these adorable dogs and let them have a happy home. She believes that this is what she wants to do in the future.

However, the harsh reality hit her hard.

On the day Jian Zhicheng first arrived at the garden, she encountered a scene that made her heart ache: the staff in the park were euthanizing a group of stray dogs, and she witnessed this shocking scene with her own eyes, and there were dozens of dogs present at that time. During the whole process, her heart was very touched. In this garden, this unbearable scene became so unacceptable that dozens of poor dogs were forced to accept such a decision. She felt the fragility and powerlessness of life, and at the same time questioned the way the garden was managed. This experience had a great impact on her, and she felt regret and grief for those lives lost. While the whole process is heart-wrenching, it is also an opportunity to get more people to pay attention to and participate in the cause of animal protection. Jian Zhicheng hopes to make her own contribution to the protection of stray animals.

Jian Chengzhi fell into despair, confused and unacceptable.

Isn't the Animal Protection Education Park dedicated to protecting all stray animals?

Isn't it the duty of the veterinarians and staff in the park to protect and care for the adorable animals?

Alas, how did they become such ruthless murderers and let the cute furry children die! I really don't understand what this is all about.

In 2016, a Taiwanese girl who euthanized 700 dogs gave the last shot to her newlywed self

Emotionally, Jian Zhicheng went to the director to ask about it, and the director told her that according to the rules that have always been in place in all local shelters, if the stray dog is not adopted within the 12-day period of the shelter, it must be euthanized.

The director worriedly: "Nowadays, there are more and more people who own dogs, and with them more and more stray dogs. Whenever you see a female dog abandoned on the street, it won't be long before a new litter of puppies is born to join the ranks of stray dogs. Our kindergarten has limited funds and cannot afford to shelter so many stray dogs. While we also want caring people to come and adopt, there are always some dogs that are left unattended and unable to find a new family. We can't dump these dogs back on the street, so we can only do what we can to help them suffer as little as possible. Although this way of dealing with it is helpless, it is also the best choice we can do at the moment. ”

There was a contradiction between reality and faith, and Jian Zhicheng did not expect that on the road she originally wanted to rescue stray dogs, there would be both redemption and sacrifice. Jian Zhicheng didn't expect that there was both hope and cruelty on this road of helping stray dogs. What she expected was not the same as what actually happened, it turned out that salvation and harm coexisted. Jian Zhicheng encountered an unexpected dilemma, she thought she was just here to help stray dogs, but she didn't expect to encounter a life-and-death choice. This path brought her both spiritual salvation and some inevitable killing. Jian Zhicheng's experience shows that there is often a conflict between ideals and reality. In the operation to save stray dogs, there is both the solace of life and the cruel choice.

In 2016, a Taiwanese girl who euthanized 700 dogs gave the last shot to her newlywed self

After an ordinary night, Jian Zhicheng stayed at home alone, and couldn't help but fall into a cry of pain. This heart-wrenching scene was seen by her close friends and family, and they were all heartbroken. In order to relieve the pain in her heart, her friends and family comforted her and said that it was better to look and see if there was a chance to work in a pet hospital. In their opinion, doing so can distract her and perhaps reduce the stress she is under. If she works in a pet hospital, at least she can use her profession to save little lives without the pressure of "letting go". Such an offer seemed to be a comfort and relief in the hearts of friends and family, hoping to bring some comfort to Jian Zhicheng.

Despite the night of tears yesterday, Jian Zhicheng's eyes became swollen, but she still came to work on time.

She understands that if she doesn't take action (killing), someone else will do it, but if she doesn't do it, she will lose a rescuer. In other words, her decision will directly lead to the disappearance or existence of a person. So she has to choose to save people as much as possible.

In 2016, a Taiwanese girl who euthanized 700 dogs gave the last shot to her newlywed self

[Strive to change the status quo and become the "most beautiful veterinarian"]

Dogs are people's most loyal friends, but sometimes people's attitude towards dogs can seem too casual. Dogs are people's most trusted companions, but many times, we treat them in a way that is not respectful. Although they are loyal companions, we must not be careless about them either.

In response to the moving problem of dog owners, some people feel that the dog is more troublesome when they are faced with moving, so they choose to give up raising a dog and abandon the dog; Some people also choose to abandon their pet dog when they don't want to spend any more time walking their dog; Some people find that their dogs are sick, and they choose to leave the dog to fend for themselves, considering the high cost of treatment. These behaviors are irresponsible, and dog ownership requires responsibility and obligation. We should pay more attention to and love our pets, after all, pets also need our love and attention.

Due to the overly selfish and casual behavior of humans, the number of street dogs has increased. Due to people's irresponsible and selfish attitudes, there are now a lot of homeless stray dogs in the city. There are a lot more of these stray dogs than before.

In Taiwan, about 100,000 new stray dogs are added every year, and these stray dogs roam the streets. However, there are only 39 shelters in Taiwan, which can only accept about 6,000 stray dogs per year. This means that most stray dogs will face greater challenges in finding shelter. While the current number and capacity of shelters are not enough to meet all needs, the local government and society are actively seeking solutions to help these stray dogs find a better home.

In 2016, a Taiwanese girl who euthanized 700 dogs gave the last shot to her newlywed self

In the shelter, the pressure of 130,000 against 6,000 is unimaginable. Soon after Jian Zhicheng joined the shelter, she deeply realized the existence of this pressure. This made her feel a great responsibility and her work was difficult.

In two months, the park has received more than 1,760 stray dogs. But the distressing thing is that the current funds and resources can only support us to feed 300 dogs. This presents us with a huge challenge.

Therefore, driven by the pressure of reality, the park had to follow the previous rules and regulations. The specific rule is that once a stray dog has been in the shelter for more than 12 days and has not been adopted, it must be euthanized.

Jian Zhicheng was soon given the task of performing euthanasia.

On that day, Jian Zhicheng carefully cleaned the dogs thoroughly and provided them with their favorite snack meal. She then took them out into the garden and let them run and play all afternoon.

In the evening, Jian Zhicheng tried his best to stabilize his hands and stabilize his trembling arms. She carefully used drugs to help these small animals move towards euthanasia, and her mood and movements were as difficult as experiencing self-torture. She stared at them and watched them stop screaming and struggling in pain for a few minutes, as if she had witnessed the end of a sad life.

"Twelve Nights", a Taiwanese documentary, vividly shows the deep touching of people's hearts by certain scenes. The emotions and pain conveyed by these scenes are unforgettable.

In 2016, a Taiwanese girl who euthanized 700 dogs gave the last shot to her newlywed self

At that time, the common method of euthanasia was to inject a dose of sedative, followed by a dose of potassium solution or similar drugs such as barbiturates, after the animal had entered a coma. This is an effective way to alleviate the animal's suffering and allow for a smooth transition to another state. This is a relatively common method of euthanasia implementation.

When professionals approached these puppies with cold syringes, some puppies sensed the threat and immediately launched a fierce resistance, whimpering and barking loudly; Some puppies still believe that these personnel are here to treat them, so they squat meekly on the ground and do not move, which makes people feel even more distressed.

After the sedative injection, some dogs will fall asleep immediately, while others will vomit after eating food and water. During the injection, the other dogs who had not been treated, their eyes widened and they were full of horror, and they let out a continuous howl. Such a scene makes them look very uneasy and confused.

For anyone, no matter how strong the psychological quality, such a situation is an ordeal. Especially for Jian Zhicheng, who loves the hairy child deeply, it is an unbearable pain.

In 2016, a Taiwanese girl who euthanized 700 dogs gave the last shot to her newlywed self

In the first day of helping dozens of stray dogs euthanize with her own hands, Jian Zhicheng's mood was very heavy, tears kept flowing, and her heart seemed to be pressed by a huge stone, making her almost unable to breathe. Jian Zhicheng felt extremely painful and powerless, and she felt very sad and reluctant to do so. Every dog is like a family member, which makes her heart ache.

In the years that followed, Jian Zhicheng humanely comforted a large number of stray dogs, totaling more than 700 dogs, and as each dog's life passed away, the burden in her heart became heavier and heavier. It was as if she was carrying a big stone on her back, struggling to move forward.

Because of love, this seemingly weak girl overcame the pain in her heart strongly. She understands that to truly help those homeless dogs, she needs something more than medical skills. This allowed her to persevere in the face of huge psychological pressure.

So, she decided to gather her colleagues in the park to do a comprehensive cleaning of the shelter. Through their efforts, the dilapidated place has been renovated and the environment has become brighter and more welcoming. Not only does this make the animals' lives more comfortable, but it also makes it easier for people to be attracted to the atmosphere and increase their chances of being adopted. The effect of the whole renovation operation is very obvious.

She began to constantly promote the furry children in the park to her relatives and friends, patiently encouraging them to adopt a small animal and provide them with a warm home if they can. She never bothered and hoped that more people would pay attention to these lovely creatures.

In 2016, a Taiwanese girl who euthanized 700 dogs gave the last shot to her newlywed self

The person's ability to do it alone seemed a little thin, so she turned to the help of the Internet. Determined to learn photography skills, she took photos and videos of many adorable furry children in the park and posted them online. This attracted the attention of many dog lovers, and eventually led to more people coming to adopt these adorable furry children.

Through everyone's efforts, especially Jian Zhicheng's efforts, more and more people have begun to pay attention to the Animal Protection Education Park in Xinwu, Taoyuan City. The adoption rate of stray dogs in this kindergarten has gradually increased, attracting more attention from caring people. As a result, Xinwu Animal Protection Education Park has become one of the most popular shelters for stray dogs in Taiwan, and Jian Zhicheng has successfully taken over the position of director. Such an achievement not only demonstrates her influence, but also proves that more people have begun to value and care about animal protection.

However, at a certain point, the higher the praise of Jian Zhicheng by the group on the Internet, the more intense the subsequent criticism became. This reflects people's extreme attitudes in the online environment, sometimes with extreme worship and sometimes with harsh criticism. Jian Zhicheng seems to have been on the cusp of public opinion.

In 2016, a Taiwanese girl who euthanized 700 dogs gave the last shot to her newlywed self

[Jian Zhicheng commits suicide]

Jian Zhicheng observed that some people would regularly come to the park to adopt stray dogs.

This reminded Jian Zhicheng to be vigilant, so she took the initiative to communicate with these people and tentatively asked them about the details of the furry child she had adopted before. Adopting people who claim to treat dogs as family members are unable to give answers fluently makes her feel a little strange.

Jian Zhicheng understood that those people were actually dog dealers, and they didn't really want to adopt these furry children in the adoption garden, but to make money.

In order to prevent a similar situation from happening again, Jian Zhicheng replanned the adoption process. She strengthened the requirements for adoption and made overall improvements and optimizations to the review system.

As a result, these unscrupulous dog traffickers can no longer continue to make huge profits through shelters. After their interests were threatened, they were very emotional and hated Jian Zhicheng extremely. They swore that if they had the chance, they would make Jian Zhicheng pay. Jian Zhicheng became a thorn in their side, and they held a grudge against her. They had tried to make money from the shelter, but that was no longer possible. As a result, they become angry and resentful, determined to give her some color to look at. Angry that they could no longer profit from the shelter, the dog dealers began to hate Jian Zhicheng. They had hoped to use her for profit, but when their dreams were shattered, they were determined to teach her a lesson. In short, the group of dog dealers has a deep grudge against Jian Zhicheng, and they are determined to make her pay.

Soon, they found an opportunity to attack Jian Zhicheng.

These people were familiar with the rules of the shelter for euthanasia, and they repeatedly entered the shelter under the pretext of adoption, and secretly took a large number of photos and videos of Jian Zhicheng euthanizing stray dogs. They put these video materials on the Internet, and took advantage of those netizens who lacked knowledge and were rude, and launched a large-scale online violence against Jian Zhicheng. They don't actually adopt animals, but collect sensitive information with ulterior motives and publish it. In the remarks of unknowing or misleading netizens, Jian Zhicheng's name became the target of public criticism. The actions of these people not only violated the rules of the shelter, but also seriously violated Jian Zhicheng's rights and privacy. The videos and photos posted by these people touched the emotions of many netizens, so they caused a lot of turmoil. They misled many people with false news and false accusations on social media, which brought great distress and harm to Jian Zhicheng. This kind of behavior is not only immoral, but also seriously violates the rights and interests of others. In general, these people use the network to carry out unjustified attacks and slander, causing harm to innocent people. Their actions should be condemned and stopped. Cyberspace is not a place outside the law, and it is not advisable to publish false information and exploit misunderstandings of others to achieve one's own ends. We should respect others and abide by cyber ethics and laws and regulations.

In 2016, a Taiwanese girl who euthanized 700 dogs gave the last shot to her newlywed self

What is the number of stray dogs, this is an unknown number.

It is not clear how much pressure the shelters are under.

The number of stray dogs rescued by Jian Zhicheng remains a mystery to this day.

There was once a girl who treated stray dogs gently in public, but she also committed an unknown cruelty in an unknown corner - she brutally killed more than 700 stray dogs.

That's more than enough to meet the demand.

Those who claimed justice were violently abused at Jian Zhicheng, her personal information was leaked, her family was attacked, and even her work was questioned. These people can convict her with just a keyboard tap. Jian Zhicheng was greatly troubled and hurt because of this.

In 2016, a Taiwanese girl who euthanized 700 dogs gave the last shot to her newlywed self

Jian Zhicheng was subjected to tremendous psychological pressure and torture due to euthanasia to stray dogs. This behavior sparked intense controversy and violence on the internet, which was almost unbearable for her. Luckily, her family and fiancé were always by her side, constantly giving her support and encouragement to get back on her feet. This selfless love and support is her strong backing in difficult times.

Friends often persuaded Jian Zhicheng, telling her to be patient a little longer, and she would get better after spending this time.

Jian Zhicheng made the decision to put everything aside for the time being, held a wedding with her beloved fiancé, and went to enjoy her honeymoon.

Jian Zhicheng's mood improved significantly after her honeymoon. At the same time, the local government has also taken note of the discussion about stray animals on the Internet. As a result, they developed a new policy: prohibiting the euthanasia of stray animals in an effort to achieve the goal of "zero euthanasia". This move is a positive change for Jian Zhicheng and brings hope to more stray animals.

Does "a painless and happy death" sound desirable?

However, if the rules for pet adoption are incomplete, do not make any demands on pet owners, do not reduce the number of stray animals at the most fundamental source, and do not add sufficient funds and resources to shelters, then the so-called "zero euthanasia" is really just empty rhetoric, which sounds good but does not really solve the problem. Therefore, we should further improve the pet adoption regulations, improve the sense of responsibility of pet owners, reduce the number of stray animals from the source, and provide more support and resources to shelters, so as to truly achieve the goal of "zero euthanasia".

In 2016, a Taiwanese girl who euthanized 700 dogs gave the last shot to her newlywed self

In the case of limited resources, if the shelter forcibly accepts stray animals beyond its capacity, this will only continue to deteriorate the environment of the shelter and put more pressure on the survival of the adopted animals. Such a vicious cycle can lead to a gradual decrease in the number of people willing to adopt. Eventually, even these shelters will lose their shelter for stray animals and become their last safe haven. For stray animals, this will mean a more difficult situation as they will have nowhere else to go. Therefore, with limited resources, we need to deal with stray animals more wisely to ensure their safety and welfare.

In that case, these little ones will not be able to live well or be free from death, and their situation will not be like hell? Their living conditions are worrying.

Thinking that the future of those stray animals is so bleak, this makes Jian Zhicheng, who is already deeply troubled by cyberbullying, completely fall into an emotional trough. It made her feel so stressed that it almost crushed her completely.

In 2016, Jian Zhicheng, known as the "most beautiful veterinarian", after euthanizing more than 700 stray dogs, she was unable to face the pressure of reality, and finally chose the same way as the euthanasia drugs she used to use, and ended her life. This sad decision has caused her to attract widespread attention and discussion from all walks of life. Her passing has also sparked a deep reflection on animal protection and mental health. Her story reminds us that even the most loving and dedicated people can feel powerless in the face of great stress. This is not only her personal tragedy, but also a warning to our society.

She used her own life experience to show with practical examples that everything in this world is equal and there is no difference between lives. She uses her life as a testimony to convey such a message.

In 2016, a Taiwanese girl who euthanized 700 dogs gave the last shot to her newlywed self


After the unfortunate death of Jian Zhicheng, Taiwan made legal adjustments and revised the Animal Protection Law. After the revision of the law, the treatment measures for stray animals have been further improved and strengthened. Such changes aim to better protect animal welfare to avoid similar tragedies from happening again.

Jian Zhicheng, when she was alive, she went all out to dedicate herself to homeless animals, and when she died, her spirit still won precious warmth for stray animals. Throughout her life, whether surviving or leaving, she has made a great contribution to stray animals in her own way. In the last moments of her life, she still fought for the last warmth of these animals. Jian Zhicheng devoted herself to animals when she was there, and even after her death, she left behind her deep concern for stray animals. She used her life to interpret the true meaning of caring for animals and gave homeless animals the last warmth. Overall, Jian Zhicheng not only actively helped stray animals during her lifetime, but also used her influence and spirit to fight for the precious welfare of these animals after her death. Her kindness and dedication will always be remembered.

The BBC reported on Jian Zhicheng's suicide that Jian Zhicheng chose an inappropriate career at an unsuitable time. Jian Zhicheng's decision did not match the background and conditions of the time, so her choice was considered inappropriate. This choice was perceived by herself and the outside world as a mistake because she made the wrong decision at the wrong time.

For me, whether the time is right or not, whether the job is right or not, if that girl who loves animals is faced with a choice again, she will probably still make the same decision. In my opinion, this is her innermost insistence and choice.

A person who is full of love in her heart, no matter what power she has, even if it is a powerful medicine, she is still the most merciful and admirable angel. Even in the face of mortal danger, her kindness and nobility remained the same, like a light that illuminates her surroundings. She is the incomparable angel.

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