
Former teacher of Peking University: The way out in 20 years is AI, and academic qualifications will become less and less valuable, which has aroused heated discussions

author:Sydney views the world

Recently, the former professor of Peking University boldly predicted in a public speech that it is expected that in another 10 or 20 years, artificial intelligence (AI) will become the mainstream of all walks of life, and the traditional sense of academic qualifications will gradually depreciate, which quickly aroused widespread attention and heated discussions from all walks of life.

The professor thinks that the greatest professors are not people, they are Baidu and Google, no matter how powerful their brain memory is, they are not as strong as the Internet, and there will be doctoral students on the streets behind them.


With the rapid development of science and technology, artificial intelligence technology has penetrated into all aspects of our lives, and even the college entrance examination essay in 2024 is about artificial intelligence. In the past, academic qualifications have always been an important criterion for measuring a person's ability and value, and now that academic qualifications are not valuable, there will be new opportunities, depending on whether they can grasp it.

Netizens have used AI to find that the efficiency has been greatly improved.

She'll give you ideas, just like someone clicked on you, and you read it and then change it, instead of having no clue where to go.

Former teacher of Peking University: The way out in 20 years is AI, and academic qualifications will become less and less valuable, which has aroused heated discussions

You can't calculate the accounts with AI, but the AI can't do fake accounts.

Former teacher of Peking University: The way out in 20 years is AI, and academic qualifications will become less and less valuable, which has aroused heated discussions

Like abroad, blue-collar workers are indeed very popular, my cousin dropped out of school in the second year of junior high school, and learned to lay tiles with the master, and had dinner together last night, he said that his work has been scheduled for October.

Former teacher of Peking University: The way out in 20 years is AI, and academic qualifications will become less and less valuable, which has aroused heated discussions

The professor's prediction reveals a future full of challenges and opportunities for us, but I personally believe that the depreciation of academic qualifications is the result of the disconnection between university education and society, do not put the responsibility on AI and the Internet, society is progressing, technology is developing, and the talents cultivated by education do not meet the needs of social development, so that the knowledge learned in school is not suitable for the needs of work.

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