
What should you do if the leader is angry at you?

author:Lao Wang said business

In the workplace, you will more or less encounter situations where your boss is angry with you. How do you respond to the anger of your leaders?

What should you do if the leader is angry at you?

Lao Wang believes that if you want to solve the problem, you must first find the cause of the problem. For example, when the leader is angry with you, you must first understand the reason why the leader is angry. Typically, there are three main reasons why leaders get angry:

1. Excessive leadership pressure.

As the manager of the company, the leader shoulders great responsibility and pressure. They need to be responsible for the development of the company or team, the work of employees, and the relationship with customers. When a company faces difficulties or problems, leaders need to be under tremendous pressure. In this case, the leader may get angry at the employee because of the emotional out-of-control.

For example, Xiao Zhang is the director of operations of a start-up company that has recently faced serious funding problems. In order to solve this problem, Xiao Zhang had to run around looking for investors. However, despite his efforts, he still failed to find the right investor. This made Xiao Zhang feel very anxious and depressed. One day, he was in a meeting and suddenly got angry at an employee because of an error in the report he had submitted. Actually, this mistake was not very serious, but due to the excessive pressure of Xiao Zhang at the time, he was unable to deal with the problem calmly.

2. Poor communication with leaders leads to anger and employees complain.

What should you do if the leader is angry at you?

Communication is very important in the workplace. However, there are times when communication between leaders and employees can be problematic due to various reasons. In this case, the leader may get angry because he misunderstands the employee's words and actions.

For example, Xiao Li is the manager of a sales company, and he has a very capable salesman, Xiao Wang. One day, Xiao Li found that Xiao Wang's performance had suddenly declined for two consecutive months, so he found Xiao Wang to ask the reason. However, due to a misunderstanding between the two in communication, Xiao Li mistakenly thought that Xiao Wang was lazy and caused his performance to decline. This made Xiao Li very angry and severely criticized Xiao Wang on the spot. In fact, the reason for Xiao Wang's declining performance is because he has recently encountered some personal problems, which have affected his work status. If the two of them are able to communicate adequately, this problem can be avoided.

3. The leader's expectations for you are too high, which leads to hatred of iron and steel, and finally evolves into anger.

Leaders tend to have high expectations of their employees, and they expect them to perform well at their jobs and create value for the company. However, employees' abilities are limited and may not be able to meet the expectations of their leaders at times. In this case, the leader may get angry with the employee because of the disappointment.

For example, Xiao Liu is a designer in a design company, and her boss has very high expectations for her. Whenever there is a new project, the leader will ask Xiao Liu to provide a high-quality design plan. However, once, Xiao Liu encountered some problems in the design process, which led to the final design plan being unsatisfactory. The leader was very disappointed by this, believing that Xiao Liu had not fulfilled his duties. So, at a meeting, the leader criticized Xiao Liu mercilessly. In fact, Xiao Liu has done her best, but due to the complexity of the project itself and the constraints of other factors, she cannot fully meet the expectations of the leadership.

What should you do if the leader is angry at you?

When you figure out why, you can solve the problem. So, how to solve the problem of the leader getting angry with you? Lao Wang gives you 3 suggestions for reference:

1. Academic Positional Thinking.

When you encounter a leader who is angry, the first thing to do is to empathize. Try to understand the pressures and expectations of leaders from the leader's perspective, so that you can more easily accept their criticism and learn and grow from it. At the same time, empathy can also help you better communicate with your leaders and reduce misunderstandings.

For example, Xiaohua is a product manager at an Internet company, and his leader is very strict with him. Once, Xiaohua made a mistake on a project, which caused the project to be blocked. The leader was very angry about this and scolded Xiaohua on the spot. However, Xiao Hua was not discouraged by this, and he chose to empathize and understand the pressure and expectations of the leader. He took the initiative to admit his mistakes to his leaders and promised to work harder in the future. This attitude was appreciated by the leader, and the relationship between the two became more harmonious.

2. Communicate and feedback in a timely manner.

In the workplace, timely communication and feedback are very important. When you find that the leader is emotionally unstable, you should take the initiative to communicate with the leader and understand the leader's concerns and expectations. At the same time, you should also give timely feedback on your work and let the leader know your efforts and results. This reduces the occurrence of misunderstandings and contradictions.

What should you do if the leader is angry at you?

For example, Xiao Chen is an account manager at an advertising agency, and his leader is a person with a fiery personality. At one point, Xiao Chen had some minor problems communicating with a client, which caused the contract to be signed a few days late. When the leader learned about this, he was very angry and thought that Xiao Chen had not fulfilled his responsibilities. However, Xiao Chen did not back down because of this, he took the initiative to find the leader to explain the situation and promised to solve the problem as soon as possible. In the following days, Xiao Chen continued to report the progress of the work to the leadership, and finally successfully completed the signing of the contract. This attitude of timely communication and feedback made the leaders look at Xiao Chen with admiration.

3. Adjust your mindset and stay calm.

When faced with criticism and accusations from leaders, you must learn to adjust your mindset and stay calm. Don't be influenced by negative emotions, but learn from them and improve your abilities. At the same time, you should also maintain an optimistic attitude and believe that you have the ability to overcome difficulties and win the approval of your leaders.

For example, Kobayashi is a planner at a public relations company, and her leader is a very picky person. Once, Kobayashi had some problems with an event planning plan, which led to poor results. The leader was very angry about this, thinking that Xiaolin did not have the heart to do this plan. However, Kobayashi was not discouraged by this, she adjusted her mentality and remained calm. She carefully analyzed the problems in the activity and asked the leaders for advice on how to improve. In the time that followed, Kobayashi continued to improve his professional ability, and finally won the recognition and trust of the leadership.

Write at the end

In the face of the anger of the leader, you should not feel scared or evasive, but should deeply understand the reasons behind it and solve the problem through effective communication, emotional management and other methods. This is the best way to resolve conflicts in the workplace. If you take confrontation, someone will definitely leave in the end, and perhaps, the person who will be left is you; Because the leader of the leader will believe in your leader.