
The acting skills of the actors of "Executive Judge" are online, and the bad evaluation lies in the suspension of the plot and the contradictions are too deliberate

author:Sunrise and sunset


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Speaking of the drama "Trial Diary", it is really disappointing.

Since its premiere on the evening of June 27, the show's ratings have not been as popular as expected.

The acting skills of the actors of "Executive Judge" are online, and the bad evaluation lies in the suspension of the plot and the contradictions are too deliberate

Although there is the blessing of powerful actors Luo Jin and Yang Zishan, the development of the plot is too deliberate, and it is embarrassing to watch.

In this drama, the role of Chu Yun is the daughter of Chu Zhiyuan, deputy mayor of Qinggang City.

The acting skills of the actors of "Executive Judge" are online, and the bad evaluation lies in the suspension of the plot and the contradictions are too deliberate

This kind of setting itself is easy for the audience to misunderstand.

In the play, her arrogant attitude towards Qi Lin is really confusing, I don't know if this is related to her personal growth background? .

The acting skills of the actors of "Executive Judge" are online, and the bad evaluation lies in the suspension of the plot and the contradictions are too deliberate

Let's talk about Luo Jin and Yang Zishan, these two are both senior actors, and it stands to reason that their age and experience should be more able to present an image of unity and cooperation.

The acting skills of the actors of "Executive Judge" are online, and the bad evaluation lies in the suspension of the plot and the contradictions are too deliberate

However, in the play, the forced love scene between Chu Yun and Qi Lin is really embarrassing to watch.

For example, the two suddenly pretended to be a couple and sneaked into the beauty salon, which was too blunt.

The acting skills of the actors of "Executive Judge" are online, and the bad evaluation lies in the suspension of the plot and the contradictions are too deliberate

Also, Qi Lin's reluctant embrace of Chu Yun, as well as his obvious dissatisfaction, all added an unnecessary comedy to the plot.

The acting skills of the actors of "Executive Judge" are online, and the bad evaluation lies in the suspension of the plot and the contradictions are too deliberate

This kind of dialogue, for a character of their age, really seems a little out of place.

The character of Qin Hong, with a strong aura as soon as he appeared, quickly became a key figure in the play.

The acting skills of the actors of "Executive Judge" are online, and the bad evaluation lies in the suspension of the plot and the contradictions are too deliberate

However, the vague emotional line between her and Ma Wenjun, the president of the court, attracted the audience's attention more than the advancement of specific cases.

The acting skills of the actors of "Executive Judge" are online, and the bad evaluation lies in the suspension of the plot and the contradictions are too deliberate

In addition, although Qi Lin and Chu Yun have alumni backgrounds, Chu Yun's initial hostility towards Qi Lin is really too exaggerated.

And Qi Lin, his life experience and sympathy for the bottom of society made him extraordinarily generous when helping Zhang Jianguo's family.

The acting skills of the actors of "Executive Judge" are online, and the bad evaluation lies in the suspension of the plot and the contradictions are too deliberate

Just as he bought fruit and installed new glass windows for the Zhang family at his own expense, this pro-people image, although it shows the judge's pro-people image, also arouses the audience's doubts about the authenticity of such behavior.

The acting skills of the actors of "Executive Judge" are online, and the bad evaluation lies in the suspension of the plot and the contradictions are too deliberate

The character of Zhang Qing, after experiencing emotional ups and downs, her attitude towards her family has also changed from indifference to re-evaluation and striving for independence, which has brought an important turning point to the plot.

The acting skills of the actors of "Executive Judge" are online, and the bad evaluation lies in the suspension of the plot and the contradictions are too deliberate

At the same time, Zhang Qing's depiction of family harmony also brought a sense of warmth to the audience.

However, in comparison, Director Zhou Lei's character description is too exaggerated.

The acting skills of the actors of "Executive Judge" are online, and the bad evaluation lies in the suspension of the plot and the contradictions are too deliberate

His humility and welcome in the face of his superiors, as well as the setting of his other roles in the play, make his image seem a little too sophisticated.

This kind of depiction is really not conducive to creating a distinct and profound character image.

The acting skills of the actors of "Executive Judge" are online, and the bad evaluation lies in the suspension of the plot and the contradictions are too deliberate

On the whole, although the actors of the drama "Trial Diary" performed well, the coherence and logic of the plot really need to be further strengthened.

The acting skills of the actors of "Executive Judge" are online, and the bad evaluation lies in the suspension of the plot and the contradictions are too deliberate

This will better engage and keep your audience interested.

Speaking of the second half of the show, it is really getting more and more exciting.

The relationship between the characters and the entanglement of the plot seem to be closer.

The acting skills of the actors of "Executive Judge" are online, and the bad evaluation lies in the suspension of the plot and the contradictions are too deliberate

For example, Mei Xiaoge found that Li Baoping inadvertently led the rain to him in an unexpected rain, which suggests that the character Zhou Lei in the play may have a more complex personality level.

The acting skills of the actors of "Executive Judge" are online, and the bad evaluation lies in the suspension of the plot and the contradictions are too deliberate

As the plot deepens, Zhou Lei's image gradually becomes clearer, showing his thoughtful and outstanding leadership skills.

The multi-faceted nature of Zhou Lei's role is really vividly demonstrated in his interaction with his superiors.

The acting skills of the actors of "Executive Judge" are online, and the bad evaluation lies in the suspension of the plot and the contradictions are too deliberate

He can also show a serious and tolerant leadership style in front of his subordinates, which makes him an elusive but charismatic character.

The acting skills of the actors of "Executive Judge" are online, and the bad evaluation lies in the suspension of the plot and the contradictions are too deliberate

You can see that after he successfully reconciled the contradictions between Qi Lin and Chu Yun, he also significantly improved the efficiency of the Executive Board.

This is really a reflection of his leadership charisma.

The acting skills of the actors of "Executive Judge" are online, and the bad evaluation lies in the suspension of the plot and the contradictions are too deliberate

Let's talk about the relationship between Mu Zifeng and Cui Caiyan.

This line shows Mu Zifeng's ambivalence in marriage decisions.

The real inclination in his heart was actually the past relationship with Chu Yun.

The acting skills of the actors of "Executive Judge" are online, and the bad evaluation lies in the suspension of the plot and the contradictions are too deliberate

This not only increases the complexity of the plot, but also enriches the inner world of the characters.

And the character of Chen Qilun is even more sinister.

The acting skills of the actors of "Executive Judge" are online, and the bad evaluation lies in the suspension of the plot and the contradictions are too deliberate

He really did whatever it took to pursue super profits for the Chenguang Plaza project.

His actions are a testament to the ruthlessness of business operations and the complexity of human nature in power play.

The acting skills of the actors of "Executive Judge" are online, and the bad evaluation lies in the suspension of the plot and the contradictions are too deliberate

Finally, let's talk about the story of Liu Zeguang and his son Liu Chuan.

This pair really explores the importance of family education and the father-child relationship.

The acting skills of the actors of "Executive Judge" are online, and the bad evaluation lies in the suspension of the plot and the contradictions are too deliberate

Liu Chuan's extreme behavior, as well as his eventual change and apology to the victims, led to family reconciliation and a degree of redemption.

The drama "Trial Diary" really reveals the multifaceted nature and the unpredictability of life through these complex character relationships and plot design.

The acting skills of the actors of "Executive Judge" are online, and the bad evaluation lies in the suspension of the plot and the contradictions are too deliberate

At the same time, the play's in-depth analysis of power, family, and personal choices avoids the practice of directly providing life lessons or philosophical revelations.

Rather, through the display of specific events, the audience has a deeper reflection on the complexities of real life.

The acting skills of the actors of "Executive Judge" are online, and the bad evaluation lies in the suspension of the plot and the contradictions are too deliberate

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