
The day before the college entrance examination, his father died of illness, and the boy went to the examination room after cremating his body, how did he do in the exam?


Father who was diagnosed suddenly:

In Anzhou District, Mianyang, Sichuan, there is such a boy named Chen Liang, whose story is distressing and admirable. If fate is a naughty child, then it must have thrown the hardest bones to Chen Liang.

The day before the college entrance examination, his father died of illness, and the boy went to the examination room after cremating his body, how did he do in the exam?

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However, this thin-looking boy used his own hands to gnaw these bones clean, little by little.

Chen Liang's home, said to be home, is actually a small house with leaky air on all sides. There was nothing of value in the house, and the only thing of value was probably the certificates hanging on the walls.

The day before the college entrance examination, his father died of illness, and the boy went to the examination room after cremating his body, how did he do in the exam?

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These certificates were obtained by Chen Liang with sweat. His father often said, "Our family is poor, but our family has a baby bump!" "

The day before the college entrance examination, his father died of illness, and the boy went to the examination room after cremating his body, how did he do in the exam?

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Speaking of Chen Liang's father, he is a capable master. On the construction site, he was always the one who worked hardest. Colleagues all said: "Lao Chen, you slow down, don't exhaust yourself." But he always replied with a smile: "I'm not tired, I'm not tired, my family is still waiting for me to earn money for him to go to school!" "

The day before the college entrance examination, his father died of illness, and the boy went to the examination room after cremating his body, how did he do in the exam?

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Unfortunately, at the critical moment when Chen Liang was preparing for the college entrance examination, his father was diagnosed with advanced esophageal cancer. The doctor said that it may be caused by eating leftovers all year round.

The day before the college entrance examination, his father died of illness, and the boy went to the examination room after cremating his body, how did he do in the exam?

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It turned out that in order to let his son eat better, he always kept the fresh ones for his son, but he dealt with them himself.

Life is always unforgiving:

When he learned the news, Chen Liang's homeroom teacher, Mr. Zeng Hongjun, almost didn't stand firm. He said, "Chen Liang, if you need help, you must say it." But Chen Liang just shook his head and said, "Teacher, I'm fine." I have to take care of my dad and study hard. "

The day before the college entrance examination, his father died of illness, and the boy went to the examination room after cremating his body, how did he do in the exam?

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In this way, Chen Liang began his "two-sided life". I studied hard at school during the day and went home at night to take care of my sick father. His classmates are making the final push for the college entrance examination, and he has to go back and forth between the hospital and school.

The day before the college entrance examination, his father died of illness, and the boy went to the examination room after cremating his body, how did he do in the exam?

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Send my father away before going to the exam:

Fate seemed to think that this was not torture enough, and the day before the college entrance examination, Chen Liang's father closed his eyes forever. At that moment, Chen Liang felt that the whole world had collapsed.

The day before the college entrance examination, his father died of illness, and the boy went to the examination room after cremating his body, how did he do in the exam?

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But he knew that he couldn't fall, because there was still a big test of life waiting for him.

The next day, when the other candidates walked into the examination room accompanied by their parents, Chen Liang walked into the examination room silently alone, carrying his schoolbag. No one knows how he spent the two days of the exam.

The day before the college entrance examination, his father died of illness, and the boy went to the examination room after cremating his body, how did he do in the exam?

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In the end, Chen Liang scored 443 points, just past the second line. His homeroom teacher, Zeng Hongjun, said: "If he plays normally, Chen Liang can do better, at least 30 to 40 points above the undergraduate line." However, for Chen Liang, who has experienced so much, it is already a miracle that he can be admitted to university.

The day before the college entrance examination, his father died of illness, and the boy went to the examination room after cremating his body, how did he do in the exam?

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After the college entrance examination, Chen Liang did not relax like other students. He started his summer job trip. Working 14 hours a day, as a waiter and porter, just to save enough for tuition and living expenses.

The day before the college entrance examination, his father died of illness, and the boy went to the examination room after cremating his body, how did he do in the exam?

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Chen Liang's deeds soon spread, and many well-wishers wanted to fund him. However, this stubborn boy politely refused everyone's kindness. "Thank you for your kindness, but I want to earn money to go to college with my own hands," he said. "

The day before the college entrance examination, his father died of illness, and the boy went to the examination room after cremating his body, how did he do in the exam?

It comes from the national party media information public platform

In the end, Chen Liang chose to major in nursing at Sichuan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He said: "There is a shortage of male nurses in hospitals, and choosing this major can at least ensure that they can support themselves in the future." "

The day before the college entrance examination, his father died of illness, and the boy went to the examination room after cremating his body, how did he do in the exam?

Although life was difficult, Chen Liang was not defeated. In college, he still maintained the habit of studying hard. His teacher said: "Chen Liang is a good student with excellent character and learning, and he studies very hard. "

The day before the college entrance examination, his father died of illness, and the boy went to the examination room after cremating his body, how did he do in the exam?

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Chen Liang's story touched many people. A staff member of the Anzhou District Civil Affairs Bureau in Mianyang City said: "Chen Liang's family has always been a low-income household, with a monthly subsidy of 400 yuan. We will continue to monitor his situation. The Anzhou District Education and Sports Bureau also said that it would help Chen Liang apply for student loans and grants.

The day before the college entrance examination, his father died of illness, and the boy went to the examination room after cremating his body, how did he do in the exam?

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In the face of these concerns, Chen Liang always said shyly: "Thank you for your concern." I will study hard and give back to society with my ability in the future. "


Chen Liang's story is like a flower blooming in the dust. Life gave him a blow to the head, but he used his own hands to hold up a sky of his own.

The day before the college entrance examination, his father died of illness, and the boy went to the examination room after cremating his body, how did he do in the exam?

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Some people say that life is like a glass of boiled water, what you add, it tastes like. Chen Liang chose to add a spoonful of strength, a spoonful of courage, and a lot of hope to it. So, even though his life seems bitter, it still exudes a sweet aroma.

The day before the college entrance examination, his father died of illness, and the boy went to the examination room after cremating his body, how did he do in the exam?

Originated from the Internet

The difficulties in life are only temporary, as long as we do not give up hope and persist in our efforts, we will definitely see the dawn of hope. As Chen Liang said: "I believe that as long as I don't give up, life won't give up on me." "

The day before the college entrance examination, his father died of illness, and the boy went to the examination room after cremating his body, how did he do in the exam?

Originated from the Internet

Let's cheer for this brave boy together! I believe that in the near future, we will see a more excellent Chen Liang, a Chen Liang who has realized his dream. Because he told us with his actions: fate has given you a blow to the head, and you can also hold up a piece of the sky with your hands!

Information sources:

[1] Guangming.com2021-07-10——The whole network is distressed! The day before the college entrance examination, his father, who was dependent on him, died, and he worked 14 hours a day to earn tuition

[2] Red Star News 2021-08-26 - "The only relative died the day before the college entrance examination", the male student was admitted to Sichuan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and he had no part-time job and was ready to start school

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