
Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025! Maintain U.S. global hegemony

author:Silent entertainment

When the world's tables are filled with all kinds of delicacies, have you ever thought that behind these delicacies, there is a silent change?

Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025! Maintain U.S. global hegemony

In the midst of this transformation, the once vast golden wheat fields and green rice paddies are quietly being replaced by towering industrial chimneys and icy factories.

In the midst of globalization, the bubble of economic prosperity has left many countries indulging in the carnival of industrialization, while ignoring the land beneath their feet, the source of food that feeds countless lives.

According to a new report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, more than 300 million hectares of arable land have been lost to industrialization worldwide in the past decade, an area equivalent to the land area of France and Germany combined.

Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025! Maintain U.S. global hegemony

Behind this data, there are the helpless eyes of countless farmers and the barren land, and they are deeply worried about future food security.

In this "land war", food security seems to be a forgotten corner.

The food price puzzle: the dilemma of farmers and the market

When it comes to food, we have to mention the embarrassing price puzzle.

In recent years, despite the overall positive global economy, food prices have remained low for a long time, as if forgotten in the corners of the market.

Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025! Maintain U.S. global hegemony

Farmers toiled for a year, but in exchange for a meager income, which could not even cover the costs.

As a result, more and more farmers are choosing to abandon farming in favor of other livelihoods, resulting in the abandonment of large amounts of fertile land and a decline in food production.

Worse still, this phenomenon of low prices is not the result of the natural adjustment of the market, but the manipulation of the complex chain of interests behind it.

Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025! Maintain U.S. global hegemony

In the international grain market, a small number of giant enterprises have grasped the pricing power, and by manipulating the relationship between supply and demand in the market, they have lowered grain prices and further squeezed the living space of peasants.

This unfair trade environment exacerbates the problem of food security.

Frequent natural disasters: early warning of food crises under natural and man-made disasters

If industrialization and market manipulation are the "internal worries" of food security, then natural disasters are its unpredictable "external problems".

Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025! Maintain U.S. global hegemony

In recent years, global climate change and extreme weather events have become frequent, posing a huge threat to agricultural production.

From droughts to floods, hailstorms to typhoons, every natural disaster has struck an already fragile food production system.

According to the World Meteorological Organization, the number of natural disasters worldwide in 2024 will hit a record high, with more than 50% of them having a direct impact on agricultural production.

Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025! Maintain U.S. global hegemony

This means that global food production is facing unprecedented challenges.

Against this backdrop, the movements of the United States and other major grain exporters are even more nerves around the world.

U.S. Food Strategy: The Shadow of a Global Food War

When people think of the United States, they tend to think of its great economic and military might, but few people pay attention to its hegemony in the global food market.

Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025! Maintain U.S. global hegemony

Data shows that the United States controls 85% of the world's grain trade, from seeds to finished products, every link is deeply branded as "Made in America".

This dominant position gives the United States an unparalleled voice in the global grain market.

However, it is precisely this dominant position that makes it possible for the United States to launch a "food war" one day in the future.

Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025! Maintain U.S. global hegemony

According to the analysis of some international observers, as the global food supply tension intensifies, the United States may use its dominant position in the grain trade to safeguard its global interests by restricting exports and raising prices.

Such predictions are not unfounded, and there is no shortage of similar cases in history.

Youth Awakening: A New Hope for Food Security

In the face of such a serious food security challenge, young people, as the backbone of society, must stand up and take responsibility for food security.

Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025! Maintain U.S. global hegemony

We should not only pay attention to the table in front of us, but also look at the granary of the future; It is necessary not only to understand the dynamics of the grain market, but also to pay attention to every link of agricultural production.

Among the young people, a number of pioneers concerned about food security have emerged.

Some of them are committed to promoting modern agricultural technologies to improve the efficiency of food production; some devote themselves to rural education and train a new generation of farmers; Others have called on the whole society to pay attention to food security issues through social media and other channels.

Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025! Maintain U.S. global hegemony

Where is food security headed?

However, in the process of exploring the path of food security, we also face many controversies and reflections.

Some people believe that it is necessary to increase investment in agriculture, improve the treatment of peasants, and stimulate their enthusiasm for growing grain; Others advocate that international cooperation should be strengthened to jointly address the global food crisis. Others believe that it is necessary to improve grain output and quality through scientific and technological means to fundamentally solve the problem of grain shortage.

Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025! Maintain U.S. global hegemony

There are differences in these perspectives, but no matter how they are argued, we cannot ignore the fact that food security is a global issue that requires joint efforts and cooperation on a global scale.

Youth will play an increasingly important role in this process.


Food security is not only the bottom line of the country, but also the lifeline of everyone.

Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025! Maintain U.S. global hegemony

In this era of globalization, we live together under the same blue sky and share the precious resources given by Mother Earth.

In the face of the challenges and opportunities of food security, we cannot sit idly by, let alone shirk our responsibilities.

Start closing the net! The United States will launch a food war in 2025! Maintain U.S. global hegemony

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