
It's China's turn to blockade the United States! China sends an invitation letter to the world! Only without NASA, the United States broke the defense

author:Silent entertainment

Chang'e-6, our Chinese goddess of space, quietly completed her feat - bringing back a valuable soil sample from the far side of the moon for the first time, weighing 1935.3 grams, which is simply a luxury gift package sent by the moon to the earth!

It's China's turn to blockade the United States! China sends an invitation letter to the world! Only without NASA, the United States broke the defense

Imagine that it was a secret on the far side of the moon that has never been touched in human history, and now, it is in our hands!

This is not my boasting, even the American media CNN, which usually "looks coldly" at our Chinese aerospace industry, can't help but praise it, saying that this batch of lunar soil is "a treasure from afar".

Look, even the planetary science bigwigs of Brown University in the United States are so greedy that they call it a "gold mine", and now, the eyes of scientists around the world are lit up, who doesn't want to dig some treasures in this "virgin land"?

It's China's turn to blockade the United States! China sends an invitation letter to the world! Only without NASA, the United States broke the defense

The U.S.-China Space Game: The Undercurrent Under the Wolf Clause

When it comes to collaboration, though, it's a bit more complicated.

On the U.S. side, although it was itchy in its heart, it set up a "Wolf Clause" by itself, which blocked the road of Sino-US aerospace exchanges.

It's China's turn to blockade the United States! China sends an invitation letter to the world! Only without NASA, the United States broke the defense

This "Wolf Clause" is like a high wall in the aerospace industry, so that scientists from the two countries can only look at each other across the wall and do things in a hurry.

Our Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Ms. Mao Ning, directly opened her mouth and reminded the United States not to forget the rules it has set.

Having said that, although this "Wolf Clause" has added to the blockage of Sino-US cooperation, our Chinese aerospace industry is not idle.

It's China's turn to blockade the United States! China sends an invitation letter to the world! Only without NASA, the United States broke the defense

In recent years, our Tiangong space station, Chang'e lunar exploration, and Mars exploration have been carried out one after another in large projects, and we are simply "model workers" in the aerospace industry.

Now, we have also announced a manned lunar landing plan by 2030, and the speed and efficiency have impressed the whole world.

It's China's turn to blockade the United States! China sends an invitation letter to the world! Only without NASA, the United States broke the defense

The Blue Ocean of Commercial Aerospace: New Opportunities and Challenges for China

Just when the whole world is cheering for the success of Chang'e-6, China has dropped another bombshell - the Hainan commercial space launch site is officially capable of launching!

This is a big deal, which means that China has officially entered the commercial aerospace field, which is a big market with unlimited potential!

It's China's turn to blockade the United States! China sends an invitation letter to the world! Only without NASA, the United States broke the defense

The UAE, Saudi Arabia, these tycoon countries, have money but no technology, and now when they see our launch site, their eyes are green, and they have expressed their desire to cooperate.

At this moment, China's aerospace industry is not only leading in scientific research, but also beginning to show its strength in business.

We must not only engage in scientific research, but also make money, and turn aerospace technology into real money.

It's China's turn to blockade the United States! China sends an invitation letter to the world! Only without NASA, the United States broke the defense

However, having said that, the road of commercial aerospace is not so easy to follow, the competition is fierce, and the risks are high, but we Chinese astronauts have never been afraid of challenges, are we?

The embarrassment of American astronautics: the glory of the former hegemon is no more

On the other hand, on the American side, life in the aerospace industry is not easy.

The "Artemis" program has been delayed again and again, and there have been frequent problems with the round-trip of the International Space Station, and recently the "starliner" has become a laughing stock, because of the failure of the thrusters and the leakage of helium, the astronauts were forced to stay in space for more than half a month.

It's China's turn to blockade the United States! China sends an invitation letter to the world! Only without NASA, the United States broke the defense

NASA was in a hurry, but the problem was still delayed again and again, and the solution was far away.

This can't help but make people sigh, why is the United States, which used to call for wind and rain in the aerospace field, so embarrassed now? Is technology regressing? Or is there something wrong with the management? Or, as we often say: "Feng Shui takes turns", and now it is the turn of China's space station to take center stage?

It's China's turn to blockade the United States! China sends an invitation letter to the world! Only without NASA, the United States broke the defense

The new landscape of global aerospace: cooperation and competition coexist

In fact, both the rise of China and the plight of the United States indicate that the global space field is undergoing a profound change.

The previous situation of one dominance is gone forever, and now the aerospace industry is a group of heroes rising together, and a hundred schools of thought are contending.

It's China's turn to blockade the United States! China sends an invitation letter to the world! Only without NASA, the United States broke the defense

China, the United States, Russia, Europe, India, ...... Every country is trying to develop its own space technology and compete for the commanding heights of space.

But having said that, after all, aerospace technology is a high-tech, high-investment field, and it is difficult for one country to do it alone.

Therefore, the coexistence of cooperation and competition has become the theme of this era.

China has done a good job, working its own scientific research, and at the same time welcoming scientists from all over the world to cooperate.

It's China's turn to blockade the United States! China sends an invitation letter to the world! Only without NASA, the United States broke the defense

As long as you follow the rules, we're all welcome.


Finally, I would like to say that the success of Chang'e-6 is not only a victory for China's aerospace industry, but also an important milestone for all mankind to explore the universe and understand the unknown.

This mysterious land on the far side of the moon is now slowly unfolding its veil to us, how many secrets are hidden inside? How many treasures? We don't know.

It's China's turn to blockade the United States! China sends an invitation letter to the world! Only without NASA, the United States broke the defense

But one thing is certain, and that is that as long as we maintain our curiosity and spirit of exploration of the unknown, one day, we will uncover all the secrets of the Moon and the entire universe.

Of course, this process will not be smooth sailing. There will be competition, there will be challenges, and there will be failures.

But so what? As the saying goes, "Failure is the mother of success".

It's China's turn to blockade the United States! China sends an invitation letter to the world! Only without NASA, the United States broke the defense

Every failure brings us closer to success, and every exploration brings us to a better understanding of the universe.

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