
In 1949, how did Fu Dongju try his best to promote "no war in Beiping"? What happened to her?

author:Tenacious Peacock P2

In that turbulent era, an unusual woman wrote a wonderful chapter on the stage of history. She is Fu Zuoyi's daughter Fu Dongju, a hidden underground party member. In her father's "lair", she used her wisdom and courage to influence the former Kuomintang general, and finally contributed to the extraordinary feat of the peaceful liberation of Beiping. However, in this ups and downs of struggle, what kind of fate did Fu Dongju experience? What happened to her? And how is the story behind all of this going to be amazing?

In 1949, how did Fu Dongju try his best to promote "no war in Beiping"? What happened to her?

1. Feelings of family and country: Fu Zuoyi's choice

When the cold spring of 1949 shrouded Beiping City, a heavy cloud also shrouded Fu Zuoyi's heart. This "general manager" who has tried his best to turn the tide and protect the rule of the Kuomintang on several occasions is now in an unprecedented dilemma.

In the final analysis, Fu Zuoyi's struggle stems from his pure heart for the country and the nation. Born in 1895, the year of the signing of the Sino-Japanese Treaty of Shimonoseki, he witnessed the humiliation of the great powers humiliating China from an early age. Therefore, when he joined the pen at the age of 15, it was his original long-cherished wish to help stabilize the country and restore the motherland.

In 1949, how did Fu Dongju try his best to promote "no war in Beiping"? What happened to her?

Since then, Fu Zuoyi has been making great progress. The Northern Expedition and the Central Plains War made him gradually emerge, from serving as the commander of the 35th Army to serving as the chairman of the Suiyuan Provincial Government, he almost became a member of the party under Yan Xishan. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he also participated in major operations such as the Battle of Pingxingguan and the Battle of Xinkou, and made great achievements.

However, while he sacrificed his life for the country, the corruption and incompetence of the Kuomintang regime were increasingly revealed. Chiang Kai-shek and his cronies only knew extravagance and waste, and their arrogance led to the decline of national strength and the misery of the people. In contrast, those Communists, who were regarded as "bandits," took root in the hearts of the people with the image of unity, diligence and thrift.

The Liberation War was about to break out, and Fu Zuoyi was in a dilemma. As a member of the Kuomintang, it was these forces that he had been attacking for many years, which were regarded as "communist bandits"; At the same time, however, he also saw that the defeat of the Kuomintang had already begun, and the people's support was gradually declining. Which side should he turn to?

In 1949, how did Fu Dongju try his best to promote "no war in Beiping"? What happened to her?

II. The Root of the Contradiction: The Confrontation between Chiang Kai-shek and the Communists

Since Chiang Kai-shek launched the famous "April 12" counter-revolutionary coup d'état in 1927, the contradictions between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party have become public, and the two forces have been caught in a protracted struggle in this ancient land.

In Chiang Kai-shek's view, the Communist Party was a "scourge" that had entered the tiger's den. Their ideological concepts are not at all in line with their own "Three People's Principles," let alone their ultimate goal of the "dictatorship of the proletariat." Therefore, from the Nanchang Uprising to the Northern Expedition, from the Long March to the War of Resistance Against Japan, Chiang Kai-shek did not want to completely extinguish the Communist Party.

In 1949, how did Fu Dongju try his best to promote "no war in Beiping"? What happened to her?

The Communists, on the other hand, also had a secret problem with Chiang Kai-shek's ruling clique. In their view, the KMT's corruption, incompetence, and incompetence were the root cause of the country's disintegration. If they are not wiped out, the Chinese people will never turn over and become masters.

It can be seen from this that the two sides are on the same footing, and there is no way to reconcile them. A life-and-death struggle has inevitably been placed in front of the two political forces.

Although during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party worked together to resist foreign insults. But as soon as the civil war broke out, the contradictions between the two sides quickly surfaced. In order to dominate the Central Plains, one side plundered and burned everywhere; On the other hand, in order to seize power, they are also expanding their base areas. The land of China soon became a battlefield of bloody battles between the two sides.

In 1949, how did Fu Dongju try his best to promote "no war in Beiping"? What happened to her?

Seeing that the Chinese nation, which was gathered together, was once again in dire straits, Fu Zuoyi, as a soldier who loved the motherland, naturally could not turn a blind eye to this. But what put him in a dilemma was whether he should support Chiang Kai-shek or defect to the Communist Party, and he was not sure for a while.

Although Chiang Kai-shek had a heavy army, his rule was already in name only, and the regime was shaky. In contrast, the appeal of the Communist Party is no longer the same as that of the people. However, joining this power that he once regarded as a "disaster" for his own selfishness is indeed quite unfamiliar and unfamiliar to Fu Zuoyi.

In the face of these two dilemmas, Fu Zuoyi once fell into a deep ideological dilemma. How should he choose to strike a balance between "country" and "home"? This became a difficult problem in front of him.

In 1949, how did Fu Dongju try his best to promote "no war in Beiping"? What happened to her?

3. The reason for the turnaround: the role of an "undercover" daughter

Just when Fu Zuoyi was in a dilemma, a seemingly ordinary woman quietly walked into his life, and this woman was his biological daughter Fu Dongju. And she is the key person who really made the peaceful liberation of Peking possible.

It turned out that as early as 1941, Fu Dongju had joined the secret revolutionary organization of the Communist Party. At that time, she came to Chongqing with her mother for refuge and was arranged to study at Chongqing Nankai Middle School. There, she began to participate in secret reading clubs, and gradually accepted the baptism of Marxism.

In 1949, how did Fu Dongju try his best to promote "no war in Beiping"? What happened to her?

After graduating from high school, Fu Dongju was admitted to the Southwest Associated University and officially became an underground party member. During her time at school, she actively participated in the activities of the party organization and gradually cultivated a firm revolutionary belief. After graduating, she went to Tianjin to work and married Zhou Yizhi, a member of the Communist Party.

In November 1948, after many years, Fu Dongju and his father Fu Zuoyi reunited in Beiping. As a battle-hardened and important "commander-in-chief", Fu Zuoyi naturally didn't know that his daughter had already joined the Communist Party, which he regarded as an enemy. And Fu Dongju also hid his identity and lurked beside his father.

From then on, Fu Dongju began to publicize the Communist Party's ideas to his father, told about the sufferings of the people under the rule of the Kuomintang, and counted the various achievements of the Communist Party in the construction of base areas. At first, Fu Zuoyi, who adhered to the ideology of the Kuomintang, scoffed at this. But as time went on, his daughter's persuasion began to plant seeds in his heart.

In 1949, how did Fu Dongju try his best to promote "no war in Beiping"? What happened to her?

More crucially, Fu Dongju discovered his father's growing dissatisfaction with Chiang Kai-shek's regime in time. She immediately seized this opportunity to trumpet the idea of "peaceful liberation" of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and urged her father not to be fooled by the obstinate Chiang Party.

One person's power is limited, but when one person is combined with a powerful organizational force, it can have a dramatic impact. It was Fu Dongju who conveyed the intention of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to Fu Zuoyi, so that this veteran, who originally had a grudge against the Communist Party, gradually began to waver in his loyalty to the Kuomintang.

4. The dawn of peace: Fu Dongju's mediation led to the peaceful liberation of Beiping

In 1949, how did Fu Dongju try his best to promote "no war in Beiping"? What happened to her?

As the War of Liberation continued to heat up in 1948 and the People's Liberation Army continued to win victories in various battlefields, it was only a matter of time before the Kuomintang was overthrown. Beiping, the former land of Beijing, has also become a place where both sides must fight.

In order to prevent Beiping City from being ravaged by war, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China repeatedly sent messages to Fu Zuoyi for peaceful liberation, hoping that he would raise the flag and surrender. In the face of this appeal, although Fu Zuoyi wavered, he still had concerns. The point is that he cannot be sure of the sincerity of the CCP.

At this juncture, Fu Dongju once again played a key role. She not only continued to lobby her father, but also secretly mediated for both sides, urging the Kuomintang and the Communist Party to strive for a peaceful solution to the Beiping issue.

In 1949, how did Fu Dongju try his best to promote "no war in Beiping"? What happened to her?

First of all, after Chiang Kai-shek issued a telegram to Fu Zuoyi to "resist to the end", Fu Dongju tried his best to prevent his father from obeying his orders. She patiently persuaded: "This victory is nothing, and it will not make innocent citizens suffer the flames of war?" It can be seen that she takes avoiding the suffering of the people as her first consideration.

Next, after learning of the latest telegram from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, she personally wrote an article to lobby her father. She wrote: "If your army wishes peace, there is no need to retreat, and there is no loss. The CCP wants to liberate Beiping peacefully and not to be an enemy of your army......" can be said to be straight to the core and to the point.

Not only that, Fu Dongju also managed to get the leaders of the two sides to talk directly to dispel each other's misgivings. In this way, under her mediation, the two sides finally reached a bloodless settlement agreement. Fu Zuoyi sent a telegram of "procrastination of the army," and the dawn of the peaceful liberation of Beiping finally appeared in front of the people.

In 1949, how did Fu Dongju try his best to promote "no war in Beiping"? What happened to her?

On January 22, 1949, Fu Dongju personally participated in the drafting of the "Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Beiping" and made specific arrangements for the peace rotor. Everything is ready for the beginning of the new year when the bell of peace will ring in this ancient capital.

5. Ending and Destiny: The Ruthless Transmutation of Fate

In 1949, how did Fu Dongju try his best to promote "no war in Beiping"? What happened to her?

Although the prelude to the peaceful liberation of Beiping opened, Fu Dongju's fate was about to reach a dramatic turning point.

Throughout the spring of 1949, there was a scene of peace and prosperity in the city of Beiping. The common people are looking forward to a new life and welcome the arrival of the People's Liberation Army. And Fu Zuoyi and Fu Dongju, who are heroes, have been ceremoniously received and washed away.

In this jubilant atmosphere, Fu Zuoyi was appointed mayor of Beiping, and Fu Dongju was entrusted with the important task of serving as the director of the Beiping Women's Federation. The father and daughter inspected the troops and inspected the people's livelihood, showing the style of a general.

In 1949, how did Fu Dongju try his best to promote "no war in Beiping"? What happened to her?

However, at this moment, a news that shocked the whole city also began to spread in Beiping City - Fu Dongju was actually an underground party member!

It turned out that with the liberation of Beiping, the underground organization of the Communist Party of China in Beiping was also gradually exposed. As one of them, Fu Dongju's details were quickly discovered. For a while, the whole city was in an uproar and was in shock.

This news soon reached Fu Zuoyi's ears. At first, he couldn't believe that his biological daughter was actually a "bandit spy". But as more evidence surfaced, the truth was ironclad. Seeing that he had been deceived by his daughter for many years, Fu Zuoyi was naturally disappointed and angry.

In 1949, how did Fu Dongju try his best to promote "no war in Beiping"? What happened to her?

In his opinion, Fu Dongju not only betrayed the Kuomintang, but also pushed himself into the abyss from which he could never recover. Therefore, a rupture between father and daughter inevitably occurred. In this way, the once intimate father-daughter relationship fell apart in a tense atmosphere.

And an even more cruel fate awaits Fu Dongju. Soon after, she was arrested and imprisoned on charges of "spies". Since then, the female director who once called for wind and rain has been completely imprisoned, and her fate has plummeted.

Fu Dongju, who fell into prison, is undoubtedly tragic. But she used her practical actions and struggles to prove that an ordinary person can play an extraordinary role in the torrent of history. It was her contribution that finally prevented the city of Beiping from suffering from the catastrophe of war and wrote a legendary chapter in the peaceful liberation of this ancient capital.

In 1949, how did Fu Dongju try his best to promote "no war in Beiping"? What happened to her?