
What kind of luck is this, it's really no one, the fan accidentally crashed into the team with Hui!

author:Mushroom heads

Speaking of luck, there is really no one! Mr. Dong's fans, as well as a certain anchor, originally planned to go to a popular attraction in Chongqing to check in, but guess what? They accidentally crashed into a convoy traveling with Hui because they went the wrong way! This is simply a realistic version of "meeting love around the corner"!

What kind of luck is this, it's really no one, the fan accidentally crashed into the team with Hui!

These friends were very happy along the way, and guessed whether there would be Mr. Dong in the team as they walked. After all, Mr. Dong is a big star in their hearts! While guessing, they followed the convoy in the direction of Wulong, and the excitement in their hearts was indescribable.

What kind of luck is this, it's really no one, the fan accidentally crashed into the team with Hui!

Just after paying the toll booth and getting ready to set off again, a miracle happened! They actually saw Mr. Dong's car! At that moment, these friends were about to jump with excitement! What a fate, I was able to meet my idol on the streets of Chongqing!

The audience in the live broadcast room was also boiling, and four or five thousand people followed the team walking with Hui all the way, as if they were also in this adventure. Everyone left messages one after another, expressing their envy for the luck of these friends, and at the same time cheering for the appearance of Teacher Dong.

What kind of luck is this, it's really no one, the fan accidentally crashed into the team with Hui!

What's funny is that some viewers joked: "I'm afraid Yuhui's trumpet is in your live broadcast room!" "Haha, that's laughable. However, this also shows that everyone's love and attention to Mr. Dong is really ubiquitous!

This chance encounter not only excited these friends, but also made the audience in the live broadcast room feel full of surprise and joy. After all, it's rare to be able to meet your idol in real life.

What kind of luck is this, it's really no one, the fan accidentally crashed into the team with Hui!

But then again, it also reminds us that sometimes a little luck and fate is needed on the road to pursuing dreams and idols. Just like these friends, although they went the wrong way at first, they eventually met their idols unexpectedly. Therefore, everyone should also maintain an optimistic attitude in life, maybe the next corner, you can meet your own "adventure"!

What kind of luck is this, it's really no one, the fan accidentally crashed into the team with Hui!

Finally, we also have to talk about the wit of these fans and anchors. If you go the wrong way and meet idols, it's not just luck, but also their keen observation and judgment at work. Therefore, everyone should also pay more attention in life, maybe the next "adventure" is waiting for you by your side!

What kind of luck is this, it's really no one, the fan accidentally crashed into the team with Hui!

Okay, okay, that's all for today's sharing! If you also think this "Star Chasing Adventure" is very exciting, don't forget to like it and share it with your friends! Let's look forward to the next "adventure" together!

(The author has opened the whole network to protect rights, and the first article refuses to carry plagiarism, and violators will be investigated!) )

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