
Demand immediate action! With 11.8 million college students entering the job market, the country has made important decisions on what signals to release

author:Dr. Jiang Commercial Diagnostics

This year, 11.8 million college students have entered the job market, and the competition is so fierce that it "breaks the head"! Do you dare to imagine?

Hello everyone, today let's talk about the employment situation of the class of 2024 graduates, listen to these data, you may be surprised.

Demand immediate action! With 11.8 million college students entering the job market, the country has made important decisions on what signals to release

According to Zhaopin's data, as of now, less than half of undergraduates have received an offer of employment, and master's and doctoral degrees are even worse, with an offer rate of only 33%. Yes, you heard it right, high education is no longer popular. And this is just a notice, not a real "employment". This year, many fresh graduates have encountered the bad thing of breaking their contracts when they join the company.

Let's dig a little deeper into the data. Even if you get an offer of employment, it doesn't mean that you are securely employed. This year, many fresh graduates' employment notices have been ruthlessly broken, which makes everyone full of uncertainty about the future. As a result, the civil service examination, the postgraduate examination, the examination establishment, and even the choice to postpone graduation have become a "safe haven" for many college students to escape from reality.

Demand immediate action! With 11.8 million college students entering the job market, the country has made important decisions on what signals to release

Let's talk about the civil service exam first. This year, the number of civil servants applying for the examination has reached a new high, and the competition is as fierce as that of thousands of troops crossing a single-plank bridge, and the proportion of applicants for many positions has even reached one in a thousand. Looking at the postgraduate entrance examination, the scale of graduate enrollment is constantly expanding, the competition is still fierce, and whether or not they can be admitted has become the last hope for many undergraduates.

The same is true for the examination establishment, and stable positions such as teachers and career editors have become fragrant. However, the difficulty and pressure of these exams also make many young people feel breathless. For some students, postponement becomes the last option. In order to alleviate the pressure of employment, many students choose to continue their studies in school, hoping to find better opportunities in the future.

Demand immediate action! With 11.8 million college students entering the job market, the country has made important decisions on what signals to release

However, there are also opportunities in the crisis. Emerging industries such as the digital economy, green economy, and new infrastructure are rapidly emerging, providing young people with more space for development and career choices. In particular, the rise of some Internet and technology companies has provided new employment directions for fresh graduates.

At the same time, the state is also actively promoting employment policies. Local governments have introduced support measures to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation and expand jobs. The implementation of these policies will undoubtedly have a positive impact on alleviating employment pressure.

In the face of unprecedented employment pressure, college students cannot rely solely on traditional employment channels. If you want to stand out from the competition, you must improve your comprehensive ability and adapt to the changes in the market. The future belongs to those young people who dare to innovate and challenge.

The job market is tough, but it's also promising. Seize the opportunity and move forward bravely!

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