
Ukraine waved the division of Belarus, and the 10 battalions of NATO responded, and Minsk did not want Putin to send troops and resist the siege from three sides

author:Li Dahua

At the end of June, the situation between Belarus and Ukraine heated up sharply. A large number of Ukrainian troops changed their previous defensive posture and took the initiative to press the Belarusian border. NATO troops, including 6 battalions of US troops, are also responding to the actions of the Ukrainian army in Poland and other places, putting pressure on Belarus with force. For a time, Belarus, which was under pressure, sent almost all elite troops. People can't help but wonder, why are Ukraine and NATO "waving" Belarus at this time?

According to a report on July 1, 14 U.S. M1 Abrams main battle tanks and an M88 armored recovery vehicle have been transported by the U.S. military to a military base in Poland, and the U.S. said that these weapons will one day be able to equip an entire armored brigade.

At the same time, the United States is also airlifting soldiers to Poland, Lithuania and other places, according to the Belarusian side, there are now 10 NATO tactical battalions near the Belarusian border, with a total number of about 20,000 people, of which 6 battalions are US troops.

Ukraine waved the division of Belarus, and the 10 battalions of NATO responded, and Minsk did not want Putin to send troops and resist the siege from three sides

Belarus has long been accustomed to all this. After all, since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the NATO bloc has launched a number of large-scale exercises near the Belarusian-Russian border, and even nuclear exercises such as "Steadfast Noon", NATO fighter jets have carried tactical nuclear weapons and cruised close to the Belarusian-Russian border.

However, Belarus quickly discovered something unusual, as Ukraine, which was very strained, suddenly mobilized a large number of troops and pressed from the south to the Belarusian border. This includes Ukrainian special forces, which are reported by media reports that there is a possibility of infiltration of Belarus by the Ukrainian army, which is preparing to carry out espionage and sabotage activities in Belarus.

This was confirmed by the Belarusian border guards, who claimed to have shot down a Ukrainian drone in the Mozyr area near the border. In addition, the Belarusian border guards also found that the Ukrainian army is moving a large number of weapons near the border, such as American infantry fighting vehicles, heavy long-range artillery, and multiple rocket launchers.

Ukraine waved the division of Belarus, and the 10 battalions of NATO responded, and Minsk did not want Putin to send troops and resist the siege from three sides

These weapons are offensive weapons with great lethality, and if the Ukrainian army takes the initiative to provoke a war near the border line, the consequences will be unimaginable. Regardless of the real motives of the Ukrainian army, Belarus has begun to become nervous and launch a-for-tat military deployment.

Like Ukraine, Belarus also sent special operations forces. In response to the artillery of the Ukrainian army, Belarus also moved out multiple rocket launchers with a range of 200 kilometers. For a time, the situation between Belarus and Ukraine heated up rapidly, and people feared that the Russian-Ukrainian conflict would spill over to Belarus.

Surprisingly, the Ukrainian army chose to start a public opinion war at this time, saying that a large number of Russian soldiers were deployed in Belarus, and this move was to contain Ukraine in another direction. The Belarusian Ministry of Defense pointed out that the Ukrainian army is building defensive positions and fortifications on the surface, but secretly using these fortifications as a cover to build a channel to infiltrate Belarus and prepare to violate the Belarusian border.

Ukraine waved the division of Belarus, and the 10 battalions of NATO responded, and Minsk did not want Putin to send troops and resist the siege from three sides

From the statements of Ukraine and Belarus, we can see that both Ukraine and Belarus believe that the other side poses a threat to themselves. Some people may ask, Ukraine can't even win a war with Russia, so isn't it a good idea to divide troops against Belarus at this time?

In fact, Ukraine has revealed its ambition to "contain" the Russian army in Belarus. You must know that Belarus is Russia's most loyal ally, and Belarusian President Lukashenko is firmly on Russia's side in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Unlike Russia, the position of Belarus is more prominent, and the NATO bloc can encircle Belarus on two sides, plus the Ukrainian army is surrounded on three sides. The Ukrainian government expects that if Belarus is in trouble, Russia will definitely send troops to support.

Ukraine waved the division of Belarus, and the 10 battalions of NATO responded, and Minsk did not want Putin to send troops and resist the siege from three sides

In this way, the Ukrainian army only needs to continue to launch small-scale sabotage operations against Belarus, and it is expected to "contain" a large number of Russian troops near the Ukrainian-Belarusian border and reduce its pressure on the battlefield in eastern Ukraine. To put it simply, the Ukrainian army is trying to "encircle Wei to save Zhao", betting that Putin will end up helping Lukashenko.

After analyzing the situation, the Minsk authorities decided not to add chaos to Putin and used Belarus's own military strength to resist the "three-sided siege". Thanks to Putin's "first move" last year, Belarus currently has the "capital" to deal with NATO and the Ukrainian army.

According to a reference report on July 1, in mid-June last year, Russia had begun to deploy tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of Belarus. As of the end of April this year, Belarus already has dozens of Russian-deployed nuclear warheads. Today, these nuclear weapons are playing a role like "anchoring the sea".

Ukraine waved the division of Belarus, and the 10 battalions of NATO responded, and Minsk did not want Putin to send troops and resist the siege from three sides

The Chief of the General Staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces Muraveyko said that the Belarusian forces have mastered the methods of using tactical nuclear weapons, and Belarus will be ready to use non-strategic nuclear weapons in the event of a threat to the sovereignty and independence of Belarus.

Previously, Russia had already helped Belarus upgrade its Su-25 fighter jet to give it the ability to carry tactical nuclear weapons. Under Belarus's "nuclear deterrence", NATO and Ukraine must carefully consider the option of "using force".