
It's a big deal! After pulling kerosene, don't wash the can, and then pull the cooking oil? The media exposed the fall of grain and oil reserves in Huifuzhong

author:A crow that drinks water

As you know, as the world's second largest economy, China's supply security of grain and oil has always been a very important issue. Unexpectedly, a heinous incident actually occurred in Huifu Zhong, a grain and oil transit storage enterprise, which aroused widespread attention from public opinion.

It's a big deal! After pulling kerosene, don't wash the can, and then pull the cooking oil? The media exposed the fall of grain and oil reserves in Huifuzhong

Do you still remember the incident that happened some time ago when refrigerated tankers hauled coal? At that time, it caused a lot of controversy and attention. Unexpectedly, there is another heinous incident now, which actually happened in Huifu Grain Storage, a transit storage enterprise for grain and oilseeds!

According to media reports, after transporting coal, Huifuzhong Grain Storage was directly used to load edible oil without even cleaning the cinders! Isn't this a joke about the customer's food safety?!

It's a big deal! After pulling kerosene, don't wash the can, and then pull the cooking oil? The media exposed the fall of grain and oil reserves in Huifuzhong

As we all know, grain and oil are important commodities that have a bearing on the national economy and people's livelihood. As a company responsible for transit and warehousing, it is really surprising that such a problem will occur.

Judging from the report, this incident can be said to be a "shocking joke". First of all, after hauling the coal, the grain storage in Huifuzhong was not even cleaned properly by the tanker, and it was directly used to load cooking oil. This not only violates basic food hygiene standards, but also completely ignores the safety needs of consumers.

It's a big deal! After pulling kerosene, don't wash the can, and then pull the cooking oil? The media exposed the fall of grain and oil reserves in Huifuzhong

Secondly, after this incident was exposed, Huifuzhong Grain Storage has been trying to cover it up to the outside world and try to evade responsibility. It wasn't until he was completely exposed by the media that he had to admit his mistake. This behavior is even more infuriating.

What is even more infuriating is that the incident is reportedly not an isolated case. In the past, there were many similar problems in the business operation of Huifu China Grain Storage. However, they have been concealing and failing to report it, completely ignoring food safety and consumer rights.

It's a big deal! After pulling kerosene, don't wash the can, and then pull the cooking oil? The media exposed the fall of grain and oil reserves in Huifuzhong

We all know that the grain and oil industry is related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and it is also related to the daily life of thousands of households. As a company responsible for transit and warehousing, it is really surprising that such a problem will occur.

You must know that once there is a food safety problem, it will not only cause a storm of public opinion, but also seriously damage the reputation and trust of the enterprise. In my opinion, I am afraid that the grain storage in Huifu will suffer this time.

It's a big deal! After pulling kerosene, don't wash the can, and then pull the cooking oil? The media exposed the fall of grain and oil reserves in Huifuzhong

Overall, the incident has exposed serious problems in the mainland's grain and oil industry in terms of regulation and corporate responsibility. As an important industry related to the national economy and people's livelihood, relevant departments and enterprises must attach great importance to it and effectively safeguard the interests of consumers. Otherwise, once there is a problem, it will be strongly condemned by public opinion and severely punished by the regulatory authorities.

I believe that through the exposure of this incident, relevant departments and enterprises will definitely attach great importance to it, effectively strengthen management, and ensure the safe operation of the grain and oil industry. Only in this way can we truly safeguard the interests of the state and the people.

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